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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


bumping for uvbeads

lizab - 2011-03-07 09:30:00

bumping for the night crew....

timetable - 2011-03-07 18:53:00

Are you guys able to assist with the above. Thanks

pixiegirl - 2011-03-08 14:07:00

Bumping for recipes to use when on a budget.. and because it's much nicer to make our own if we can and enjoy the result..

juliewn - 2011-04-15 02:50:00

bumping for pheebs

pixiegirl - 2011-05-12 09:55:00

Awesome thread! Thanks everyone :)

rachbabe - 2011-05-16 00:35:00
pixiegirl wrote:

Are you guys able to assist with the above. Thanks

Cool idea. You just need to get permissions from everyone first.

juli55 - 2011-05-16 15:16:00
jimminette wrote:

RE THE SHOWER SPRAY - I have it from a shower maker that the grime doesn't build up the same if you use body wash rather than soap. It's the fat in the soap that is the grey build up on the shower floor.

Hi everyone.. awesome thread. going to take me forever to read but so excited.

to the quoted post above. we bannished soap from basins and showers years ago and have had next to no shower or basin grime since.I keep a shower puff thingee, made of netting stuff from the $2 shop hanging in the shower. Throw on a dew drops of shower gel or cheapy shampoo and run round the shower while I wait for the conditioner in my hair to do its thing !!Haven't used anything abrasive like jiff in the shower for years and my stainless shower tray still shines like new
If yor finding expensive shower gel a bit out of reach, buy what ever shampoo is on special and use that !! If you use shower puff like I mentioned above, a tiny amount of shower gel will go for miles as it lathers loads.

Edited by julmar at 5:13 pm, Mon 16 May

julmar - 2011-05-16 17:12:00

bump - great thread!

gussiej - 2011-07-29 00:44:00

OMG thank you for bumping this! I have spent so long looking for this thread and couldn't find it, even use the <<<< search function.

cautis - 2011-07-29 08:35:00
juliewn wrote:

Good 'ole Highlander Biscuits.. Cream together 500g butter (or using margarine works well too), and 1 & 1/4 cups sugar (use brown sugar if you want the biscuits to be slightly caramel flavoured). Beat in the contents of one tin of sweetened condensed milk. Add 6 cups flour and 6 tsp baking powder and mix well together - a wooden spoon or your hands is easiest. If you want to make a variety of bikkies, divide the dough into separate bowls, and add extra's to suit. Roll into balls and press down with your fingers or the bottom of a glass that has been dipped lightly into flour, or use teaspoonfuls to make flattish shapes. Place them onto cold oven trays (on baking paper is easiest) and bake at 180°C for about 10-12 minutes or till just beginning to change colour.

Hi everybody,
I have only just discovered this thread and im so amazed im pasting heaps of it to a word document for myself and several friends. The recipes and tips are truley FANTASTIC!!!

But I have a question about the above recipe. How long would these biscuits last in the cookie jar? Would they go off within the week?
Also, is it possible to make the cookie dough, shape the cookies and then freeze, ready to bake another day?
Thanks heaps - really keen to hear your thoughts. And thanks again for the incredible thread.

shellie72 - 2011-07-29 11:27:00

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elliehen - 2011-07-29 12:21:00

I buy the budget hand cleaner at NW for about that price. It is in a one litre sachet and the great thing it has a pourer with a lid, so no spillage.

malcovy - 2011-07-29 12:30:00

Wow! This is an amazing thread!

smiggles15 - 2011-07-29 13:41:00

Thanks for your lovely comments.. add recipes, hints and suggestions too if you'd like to.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-07-30 02:45:00
shellie72 wrote:

Hi everybody,
I have only just discovered this thread and im so amazed im pasting heaps of it to a word document for myself and several friends. The recipes and tips are truley FANTASTIC!!!

But I have a question about the above recipe. How long would these biscuits last in the cookie jar? Would they go off within the week?
Also, is it possible to make the cookie dough, shape the cookies and then freeze, ready to bake another day?
Thanks heaps - really keen to hear your thoughts. And thanks again for the incredible thread.

Hi Shellie.. and thanks :-)

Yes.. the biscuits would keep a week in a cookie jar..
As they have baking powder in them, I'd tend to bake them before freezing - they freeze very well - and don't go completely hard - in fact they've been known to be nibbled on straight from the freezer! :-)

Let us know how you like the biscuits.. cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2011-07-30 02:48:00

Thanks juliewn,
You seem so lovely, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I'll try the biccies after shopping day when I get an extra tin of condensed milk!!

shellie72 - 2011-07-30 10:44:00
elliehen wrote:

New World supermarket has Budget Brand shower gel in a large one-litre dispenser (blue & white) for just over $3.00. If you decant this into a smaller pump bottle for the handbasin, you'll find it is just the same as any expensive brand you buy.

If you wish, you can add a few drops of essential oil, but it doesn't need it - the fragrance is clean and fresh.

For the kids.... I wrap a rubber band around the bottom of the pump so that only half or even a 1/4 of the amount comes out - kids love to just pump away until the cows come home so by doing this their 4 pumps is the same amount as one pump without the rubber band :)

rachbabe - 2011-07-30 11:26:00
shellie72 wrote:

Thanks juliewn,
You seem so lovely, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I'll try the biccies after shopping day when I get an extra tin of condensed milk!!

Thanks Shellie :-)
I use the lite version of the sweetened condensed milk too - hope you like the biscuits..

juliewn - 2011-07-30 18:29:00
rachbabe wrote:

For the kids.... I wrap a rubber band around the bottom of the pump so that only half or even a 1/4 of the amount comes out - kids love to just pump away until the cows come home so by doing this their 4 pumps is the same amount as one pump without the rubber band :)

A great idea.. :-) - the kids probably don't even notice the rubber band is there!
Aren't they a very versatile thing to have in a home - so many uses..

juliewn - 2011-07-30 18:32:00

Hi, i didn't like the daunting prospect of starting at the beginning to look for a recipe for homemade shampoo, so can someone help please. There was a lady on the breakfast show last Friday using baking soda for shampoo, then vinegar for a rinse but how do you mix things?

whiskey13 - 2011-08-09 12:52:00

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simony1 - 2011-08-09 18:47:00

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simony1 - 2011-08-09 18:56:00

What a brilliant idea for a thread. I'm older so have been doing most of this stuff all my life & what I haven't done,I can remember my Mum & Gran doing. Many people these days just don't know this stuff,whereas my generation grew up with Mothers who preserved everything they could.

I have a few things which may help:

Half quantity salt,half quantity baking soda,mix together. Use by putting damp toothbrush into mixture & clean teeth. I can recall using this as a kid.
Cat food.
I used to make this years ago when we had lots of cats.
Liver (lambs fry),mince or cheap cuts of meat. NOTE: Do not always use liver as its not good long term for cats.
Vegetables - spuds,pumpkin etc. etc - use whatever you have.
Take a large pot & put meat & veges in,cover with water. Cook,remove & either put through mincer or food processor. Use ice cream containers or similar to store. I haven't given quantities as it depends on what you use & how many cats you have.

Denise's unkneaded bread
I have no talent for breadmaking but back in the day,even I couldn't muck this one up!
4Cups flour
1/2cup wheatgerm
Dried fruit ( to taste)
Mix these & leave in bowl in warm place.
In another bowl
2-3 dsp honey
3Tbsp yeast (I think we used granulated yeast)
2C warm water
Put this in a warm place till frothy,when both mixtures are warm,mix together,put in warm oven to rise with oven door open. Put in bread tin (we used a cylindrical one but not sure you can get these now) oven on 160- 170C till done.

cronezone - 2011-08-17 18:57:00

Some more:

Oven cleaner
2Tbsp baking soda
1 C water
1Tbsp vinegar.
Boil together,cool slightly,coat on oven with rag,heat to about 160C. Wash off after about 30-40minutes.

Frances's short pastry
This is my Grandmother's recipe
40z butter
1tsp baking powder
1/4 C water
1 beaten egg
1 1/4 C flour
Rub butter into flour using fingertips till like bread crumbs or do it in food processor. Roll out & use.

Scone or luncheon ring
This is one of mine - good for using leftovers & is good served with soup on a cold Winter's day.
Basic scone dough,one quantity.
Grated cheese
Leftover spaghetti bolognaise sauce,tomatoes,onions,mushroom-
s or any vegetables you have on hand.
Roll out scone dough to form rectangle. Spread filling over,sprinkle grated cheese over,retaining a little cheese. Roll carefully as for a Swiss roll & form into a ring,using wet brush on dough so it will join. Brush dough with milk or milk & egg mixture & sprinkle over the rest of grate cheese. Put in hot oven till done, about 20-3- mins.

cronezone - 2011-08-17 19:09:00

Last one
Beesting remedies
Equal portions sunlight soap (softened) & sugar. Apply to sting & leave. Also used as a poultice for splinters,thorns etc.
Beesting remedy
Cut an onion near the root end,apply to stung area.
The cut surface of an onion is also a remedy for chilblains;may need to apply several times for chilblains though,

cronezone - 2011-08-17 19:18:00

Hi Cronezone.. your scone ring sounds delicious.. I hadn't thought of using spaghetti bolognaise - will do in future.. thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-11-22 02:16:00
cronezone wrote:

Cat food.
Liver (lambs fry),mince or cheap cuts of meat.
Vegetables - spuds,pumpkin etc. etc - use whatever you have.

Cats do not thrive on vegetables, unlike dogs they are true carnivores.

lythande1 - 2011-11-22 06:51:00

Anyone wanting to make malt vinegar can follow my next brew here.
Works out to cost approx. 50 cents a litre. I bought the malt from Bin Inn. The malt vinegar at Bin Inn is, $2.80 a litre, I was shocked as I have made all my own vinegars for a few years now.
I do not use it to bottle foods....[acidity is unknown, as yet.] I use it to make pickles and sauces, salad dressings and anything else that is made and eaten fresh.

pickles7 - 2011-11-22 08:52:00

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elliehen - 2012-01-21 17:33:00

Hi Pickles.. thanks for the link.. once my trees are fruiting as they grow, will make some vinegar then.. looking forward to it..

juliewn - 2012-01-22 20:40:00

Ive just found this thread and I think its awesome, so many recipes!!! Ive done so much copying and pasting!! But I know it will be all worth it. Thank you everyone :-)

hammondsocial - 2012-03-04 23:00:00
simony1 wrote:

copied off google

After washing out the baking soda, I rinse my hair with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar (moisturise the scalp.

I knew someone who used this type of thing. her hair always looked dirty and lank.

lythande1 - 2012-03-05 08:21:00

Does anyone have a recipe for Tomato Sauce? We go through quiet a bit each week, between the 4 of us one can doesnt stand a chance lol Thank you in advance :-)

hammondsocial - 2012-03-05 11:38:00

Hi.. here you are:

This tastes fabulous.. my favourite tomato sauce recipe:

6kgs Tomatoes - chopped into several pieces.. I include skins and seeds
4 large onions, chopped.
1.5kg sugar
2 tablespoons plain/common salt
750mls vinegar (use white vinegar if you want the sauce to have a better red colour - I use malt as we prefer the flavour.)
2 tsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp ground mixed spice
1 tsp curry powder

You can add other spices to your taste.

Place all in a large pan and boil 3 hours, stirring often to stop the mix sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Use a mouli to blend the mix together well, or put the mix through a food processor.
Place back in the pan, return to boiling, boil 5 minutes more, then bottle into hot sterilised bottles or jars and place lids on immediately..

juliewn - 2012-03-08 22:28:00
hammondsocial wrote:

Ive just found this thread and I think its awesome, so many recipes!!! Ive done so much copying and pasting!! But I know it will be all worth it. Thank you everyone :-)

Cool that you're enjoying the recipes.. let us know how you go.. :-)

juliewn - 2012-03-08 22:33:00

A quick way to look for a recipe or thread, making it easier to find any thread or posts in a thread that you're looking for..

Have the messageboard on your screen - or a thread open, etc.. (or any internet page).
Either press the F3 button at the top of your keyboard, or on the lower left of your keyboard, hold down the control (Ctrl) key, and at the same time press the letter "F".
A box will pop up, either in the centre of your screen, bottom of your screen, or beneath the word 'Favourites' on the upper left of your screen.
Type a word you're looking for - ie "relish" and click next.. and again.. until you find what you're looking for.. or you've found all the threads or posts on that page with that word in.
Not on that page of the messageboard?
Go to the next page and repeat.. Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2012-03-08 22:33:00
tarshlove wrote:

I read somewhere that if you tape some bay leaves in your pantry it repels moths

Doing this also repels ants from anywhere too. I just put bay leaves along my pantry shelves and have had no problems with moths or ants.

nauru - 2012-03-09 12:54:00
poce wrote:

Cheese sauce for cauliflower, make the same way but instead of milk use the water you cooked it in, top of with a pinch of nutmeg.

Add some milk powder to the cooking water to make your sauce.

nauru - 2012-03-09 12:57:00
nauru wrote:

Doing this also repels ants from anywhere too. I just put bay leaves along my pantry shelves and have had no problems with moths or ants.

I need to try this, I have ants galore!! and nothing seems to work! off to get some bay leaves tomorrow :-)

hammondsocial - 2012-03-10 01:28:00

My favourite Pickled Onions..

Peel onions and place in jars - when making a lot, I do this outside on our BBQ table, on a breezy day, and sit so the wind is going past me from one side of me to the other.. and on...... and it takes all the eye watering stuff away!

In each jar, place 2-4 tsps brown sugar (or honey if you prefer), and 2 or 3, or up to a tsp of whole black peppercorns.
Fill with cold vinegar, place lids on and you're done.
Leave two weeks before using..

Crunchy and just delicious.

I use malt vinegar - you can also use white or spiced vinegar. You can also add some whole cloves or whole chillies for a hotter, spicier result..

Medium to large onions can also be used.. peel and cut into thick rings, place in layers in jars and make as above.
When using them, one circle will fit a slice of bread..

juliewn - 2012-03-19 22:52:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-19 22:57:00


gran333 - 2012-04-25 09:11:00
elliehen wrote:

To make Marmite:

Soak the label off your empty Marmite jar
Glue it onto your new jar of Vegemite

Sit back and wait for no one to notice ;)

Brilliant Ellie! I might try that when the marmite/vegemite war rages again at Christmas.

bedazzledjewels - 2012-04-25 09:17:00

bumping for simple savings thread

kob - 2012-05-13 11:41:00

Wow, how absolutely fantastic. Bumping cause It's a great idea, so many remedies and recipes. Good on you all.

g1bo - 2012-05-14 13:35:00

Cool thread.
bread maker hint.
I have a plastic beer jug, marked with a water proof pen.
easy as to measure flour, and water.

johnmd1 - 2012-05-14 16:16:00
elliehen wrote:

To make Marmite:

Soak the label off your empty Marmite jar
Glue it onto your new jar of Vegemite

Sit back and wait for no one to notice ;)


lindylambchops1 - 2012-05-14 17:46:00

Caramel Slice does anyone have a good recipe for it please, base always seems crumbly tried edmonds book etc no luck, think oven dish size would suite here haha

knit1 - 2012-05-15 20:34:00

Bumping because it took me ages to scroll and find it ! :)

vampiriousmist - 2012-05-20 12:21:00
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