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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


I made lemon syrup cake Well basically it was the edmunds madeira cake with a lemon syrup added instead of icing sugar or icing. Simple but nice. Next I will make the sultana tea cake everyone keeps talking about. ;)

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-08-07 19:56:00

bumping bump

karen165 - 2005-08-09 12:19:00

bumping it had slipped to 96.....

neldav - 2005-08-12 12:13:00

OK here's a recipe to bump it up again... ..done in the microwave. Chocolate Chip Bars: 125g butter, 3/4 cup brown sugar, 1 egg, 1 tbsp milk, 1 tsp vanilla, 1 1/2 cups plain flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/8 tsp salt, 1/2 cup choc chips. Cream butter and sugar. Add egg, milk and vanilla and beat until blended. Stir in flour, baking powder, salt and choc chips. Spread into microwaveable slice tray and cook on High until firm to the touch (4 1/2 minutes in mine, could be less in newer microwaves). Cool and cut into bars. Very fast and one of my children's favourites.

oldbaldgoat - 2005-08-12 12:46:00

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barter34 - 2005-08-13 11:58:00

FAntastic Ive just baked. Am so pleased to read that so many still do. Ive made about 90 biscuits today. Choc chips, sultana biscuits and coconut biscuits. Have frozen most of them Just darg some oue to put in hubbys lunch when he goes fihing with the boys. I just DONT buy biscuits.

popeye333 - 2005-08-13 13:41:00

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liz_54 - 2005-08-13 15:31:00

Yummy Jelly cake.... Awesome thread guys - keep it up! This is a recipe my sister-in-law gave me - it's a very simple variant of cheesecake but I find it not so rich therefore I can eat more (is that a good thing?!).
JELLY CAKE: 1 pkt vanilla wine bikkies 150g melted butter 1/4c water 2t gelatine 1 can condensed milk, juice of 2 lemons. break up bikkies & combine with butter, press into tin & refridgerate till cool - microwave water/gelatine until melted then stir in other ingreds, pour into base & cool in fridge. Make up pkt of jelly with 1 1/4c water, let cool then pour over top. Refridgerate until set.

uhangel - 2005-08-13 18:55:00

Problem with Schnitzel every time I try to crumb & cook beef schnitzel the coating always falls off and what is remaining is a soggy mess!!! I generally coat it in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs and then fry it in an electric frypan in a dash of oil. Can anyone advise me what I might be doing wrong? My husband loves schnitzel but always moans when he sees my attempts!!!

uhangel - 2005-08-13 19:23:00

Crispy Schnitzel Lots and lostsof butter in the pan and a tiny bit of oil to stop the butter from burning, have the pan hot but not smoking hot and don't over crowd the pan and only turn once, keep cooked pieces in the oven at about 150c until all cooked and ready to serve

crails - 2005-08-13 20:09:00

uhangel Try putting it in the fridge (after crumbing) for a couple of hours before cooking.

smileeah - 2005-08-13 23:15:00

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anya2 - 2005-08-13 23:48:00

re 859 always rest your crumbed meat before cooking
it is best if possible to refridgerate for about 1 hour before cooking to get the crumbs to set

kob - 2005-08-14 08:01:00

Wow - look at what I have missed I havn't seen this thread for a few days & looks like I've missed so much.
Can anyone point me in the direction of the Bl**dy yummy choc cake ~ my girls would just love this ~ thanks

cfa - 2005-08-14 09:05:00

reply to 864 The Bl@#dy good choc cake is at the beginning of this thread, on the first page if memory serves...

lennyb1 - 2005-08-14 10:07:00

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lisa202 - 2005-08-14 21:18:00

just to repeat my baking day my bake day
was a success with making Ma Higgens cookies with choc chips and macademia nuts added. They spread out just right and nice and big! Better than shop bought cookies any day. AND I made hokey pokey biscuits with added in walnuts and chopped dates. So nice and crunchy and yummy. Something satisfying about looking at the full biccy tins.

bubby1 - 2005-08-14 22:43:00

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jags_3000_nz - 2005-08-14 22:59:00

Freezing biscuits I usually roll the uncooked mix into "chubs" (like the luncheon sausage ones) using gladwrap & then freeze them. When you need some it's just a matter of leaving to thaw about an hour (just softens a little) then you can slice and bake! I usually make x2 or x3 batches of most any types of biscuits, cook one & freeze the remainder. I have about five - six varieties in the freezer to call upon as needed. Great for those unexpected visitors.

goodstuff3 - 2005-08-14 23:19:00

hey, heres Lisa's site address:

paulsone - 2005-08-15 08:23:00

Rocky Mello 2 1/2 crushed weetbix - 3/4 c sugar - 1 c cocnut - 1 c flour - 1 tsp BP - 2 tbsp cocoa -60z melted butter - Mix dry ingreds. together & press into greased tin. Cook 180'C 15 min then cool. Marshmello- 2 Dsp gelatine - 1 c boiling water - 2 c sugar - Dissolve gelatine in water, add sugar. Beat till fluffy...takes a little time, be patient. Spread over base. You may like to sprinkle toasted coconut over top if wished.

wheelz - 2005-08-15 12:06:00

BUMP bump.

lb1 - 2005-08-15 22:06:00

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herika - 2005-08-16 08:37:00

Apricot and Ginger Bran Biscuits YUM 125g butter, ½ c brown sugar,1 egg
1 c plain flour,pinch salt,1 TBS grnd ginger,1 tsp baking powder,
1 c Bran Flakes,1 c Wholemeal Flour, ½ c finely chopped dried apricots.
Preheat oven to 190ºC. Cream butter and sugar 2gether. Beat in egg. Mix in remaining ingredients. Roll into small balls, about 2cm in diameter, & place on greased or baking paper lined trays. Press down with a fork. Bake for 12-15 mins. Cool on a wire rack. Store in an airtight container.

whitetrash32 - 2005-08-16 22:12:00

IMPOSSIBLE PIE (custard coconut pie) ½ c flour, 4 eggs lightly beaten, 1 c caster sugar, 2 tsp vanilla ess, 1 c (90g) coconut, 125 butter melted, 2 c milk. Grease pie dish (24cm). Sift flour into bowl, stir in sugar, coconut, eggs, essence, butter & milk. Pour into pie dish, bake 180c about 45 mins or until lightly browned & set. Serve with fruit or cream,cold or hot. If u like custardy things this is for u, not to boot very easy & delicious.

lb1 - 2005-08-17 19:54:00

Apricot Clafouti – dessert 425g tin apricot halves drained, ½ c milk, 4 eggs, ½ c white sugar, 250g cottage cheese(low fat), 1 c flour. Place apricot halves on base of 20cm flan dish. Combine remaining ingrd’s in food processor/blender – blend till smooth, pour batter over apricots. Bake 180c 30mins or until golden. Dust with icing sug, serve hot with juice from apricots & ice-cream. (note don’t panic when it raises heaps, it sinks down again). Very easy and yummy.

lb1 - 2005-08-17 19:57:00

Ambrosia – great dessert 300ml cream beaten till thickened add: 1 tub fresh n fruity strawberry & peach flavour or similar (fold in), 1 packet marshmallows ( ½ melted in microwave on defrost – watch out can overflow, the rest cut up), chopped grapes remove seeds, chopped strawberries or peaches. Mix all together & Chill. This is appreciated by young & old.

lb1 - 2005-08-17 20:00:00

Crockpot – Banana Tea Bread (nice as dessert) 1 ¾ c flour, 75g butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbs honey, 2 tsp b.pwd, 2 eggs beaten, ¼ tsp b.soda, 1 c mashed bananas (2 large approx). Pre-heat crockpot on high for 20mins. Line bottom of 20cm cake tin/soufflé dish. Sift dry ingrd’s into bowl, Melt Butter & honey in saucepan. Make well in center of dry ingrd’s & pour in; melted butter mixture, eggs & bananas. Stir until batter is well mixed. Pour into cake tin, cover tightly with foil. Place cake tin on preserving jar ring in crockpot. Pour in 1 ½ c boiling water around it & cover with lid. Bake high 2 ½ - 3 ½ hours. Very nice while still warm with a dollop of cream.

lb1 - 2005-08-17 20:03:00

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grumpybum1 - 2005-08-17 21:50:00

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grumpybum1 - 2005-08-17 21:53:00

Highly recommended I've just made the Individual chocolate mousse puddings (number 783 in this thread) & also the butterscotch fingers (no. 23).
The chocolate puddings are to die for, can't recommend them highly enough - I used dark chocolate & also used 3T flour & 1T cocoa instead of the 1/4c flour.
The butterscotch fingers ended up more like a coffee cake, but that was because I mistakenly put the 3 eggs I laid out for the mousse puddings into it, instead of the one the recipe called for! Ooops. Still, it's pretty nice coffee cake, & I'll try the recipe again, properly next time.

lennyb1 - 2005-08-20 09:47:00

... Those recipes are on pages 1 & 16 of this thread, for easier cutting & pasting...

lennyb1 - 2005-08-20 09:49:00

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barloo - 2005-08-20 10:12:00

Have just C&P the choc mousse- recipe-does the paper liner peel off easily or do you serve in it?

marywea - 2005-08-20 10:14:00

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barloo - 2005-08-20 10:15:00

Forgot to ask.. How many mousse did you get, presuming you used those big muffin cases? Did they rise much.
ROLLING PASTRY-juliewen says to roll it between 2 sheets of baking paper.

marywea - 2005-08-20 10:18:00

RE: mousse puddings I thought that 1/4 cup was equal to 3 T flour anyway. And I guess you wanted a more bitter choc taste, hence the extra cocoa and dark choc. I might try that way for a change.

And Marywea... It makes 6 std sized muffins and I have successfully removed the paper liners before serving, although you have to do it slowly and carefully. don't worry if the puds split a bit though as they will still taste devine.

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-08-20 11:07:00

If you want to serve the puddings in their cases you could use those nice silver metalic cases a more stylish look.

Last time I made them I served each one with a dollop of chantilly cream and a mini-chocolate fish... everyone loved them.

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-08-20 11:09:00

Dark dark choc mousse Yes, I do like the bittersweet chocolate taste (that and I didn't have any milk choc). I've just double-checked in my Joy of Cooking - a 1/4 cup is definitely 4 tablespoons. Should I then only be using 3T in the recipe? I also like the silver metallic cup idea.

lennyb1 - 2005-08-20 13:40:00

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r.w.h - 2005-08-20 16:32:00

problems with schnitzel ... Always make sure the meat is dry before dusting in flour, egg, crumbs etc. If it's not dry, then you're creating steam when it cooks. This is why the crust comes away.
Hope that helps.

lizab - 2005-08-22 12:15:00

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webby12 - 2005-08-22 15:05:00

Great! Wow!! I thought I baked a bit! you all put me to shame!!!!!I love having nice things for my kids too. I've been using the old freezer a bit, just freeze uncooked then whizz a few bikkies into oven for afternoon tea as bus pulls up!!Very martha stewart!!Thanks bams1 I'm off to try Crispy Cracknels!! :)

jude691 - 2005-08-22 17:20:00

i made the bloody good choc cake from here and cheese biscuits from here as well and added so smoked paprika to them they are devine....

greg.n.michelle - 2005-08-23 08:55:00

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webby12 - 2005-08-23 22:36:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-08-24 13:30:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-08-25 09:26:00

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tessie2 - 2005-08-25 11:28:00

Just a bump to keep us fresh.

twinkley1 - 2005-08-25 14:40:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-08-25 15:08:00
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