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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


I am starting to use the new function, how ever there are times when I cant think what the thread was called. Thanks foe letting me no and I will check out facebook as well.

tapuwer - 2010-03-17 11:57:00

you can add the thred to your favourites. Just open up the thread (as you would have it to be reading this ha ha) then go to the top of your screen and click on Favourites, then Add to Favourites.

Then every time you want to read this thread go back to Favourites and you will have the link up there to this thread.

raewyn64 - 2010-03-17 20:18:00

re stale scones...Cheese scones are great in the toaster... inclined to get a bit burnt around the edges if you aren't supervising, and VERY hot if they have cheese mixed right through, but almost better than straight out of the oven

ccoffee - 2010-03-23 00:05:00

Another to bump .

snapit - 2010-04-04 10:49:00

If you are low on Vitamin C and Iron, make parsley tea. Just put a sprig of parsely in a cup of boiled water and let it cool. It tastes really nice and sweet...not bitter like when eating it.

moore79 - 2010-04-04 15:23:00

Hi Everyone..

My Daughter made date scones earlier - 3 cups flour, 3 heaped teaspoons baking powder, 1 tsp salt, 1 1/2 cups chopped dates.. all mixed together, then added enough milk to make a firm dough.

She then placed baking paper on a baking tray, then on that she pressed the dough out with her hands into one piece, about 2cm thick, using just a little flour on top of the dough so it wasn't sticky... no flour underneath it.

She didn't cut the dough into pieces - she baked as one piece at 230°C till cooked through.

She then cut the scones as they were needed - resulting in the sides of the scones being soft with slightly crunchy tops and bottoms.

Tasted very good..

juliewn - 2010-07-11 17:40:00

Bumping up for me.

winnie231 - 2010-08-01 20:09:00

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briarferris - 2010-08-09 22:06:00

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tarshlove - 2010-08-26 21:13:00

bump, so that i can keep reading tomorrow! great thread thanks

rakki1 - 2010-09-01 21:45:00

#805....i used to give my asthmatic son parsley water/tea when he had a tight chest and it always worked.
sorry haven't read this thread so not sure if this was mentioned before.

i also put bayleaves in my flour containers, on my bookshelves as well as in my pantry.....keeps away weevils and fishmoths apparently.

our postie dropped a note into our letterbox saying that a bag of whole cloves in the letterbox would keep away to buy some cloves.

tich50 - 2010-09-01 21:57:00

Thanks for that Tich.. bugs get into our letterbox - will definitely add some whole cloves..

I've used whole cloves in my linen cupboard to keep moths away too.. or a pomander works well too - whole cloves pushed into a ripe orange, so they completely cover the orange.. leave in a warm place to dry - takes a while - at least several weeks.

Once completely dried, tie some pretty ribbon around the pomander and hang in a linen cupboard or coat cupboard, etc..

juliewn - 2010-09-02 23:32:00
moore79 wrote:

If you are low on Vitamin C and Iron, make parsley tea. Just put a sprig of parsely in a cup of boiled water and let it cool. It tastes really nice and sweet...not bitter like when eating it.

Also add a little rosemary for a change.

poce - 2010-09-03 05:27:00

Cheese sauce for cauliflower, make the same way but instead of milk use the water you cooked it in, top of with a pinch of nutmeg.

poce - 2010-09-03 05:38:00
nettie14 wrote:

Shower Cleaner I think I read on this post ages ago about a shower cleaner for glass showers but now I can't find it on the thread. Can anyone help me - having trouble keeping our glass shower (two walls glass) nice and sparkly. Have brought the shop spray stuff but not very impressed. Thanks

I'd be interested in this too... can anyone repost or let me know the number... thanks

rakki1 - 2010-09-11 20:42:00

Hi.. just did a search and found these:

Anti-Bac Bathroom Cleaner
1 cup baking soda
2 tablespoons (or more) liquid soap
2 teaspoons tea tree or lavender essential oil
1 teaspoon peppermint or orange essential oil
1 tablespoon white vinegar (optional)
Blending Procedure:
1. Measure the baking soda into a bowl with a tight fitting lid.
2. Add approximately 2 tablespoons of liquid soap (either regular dish washing soap or a natural brand of liquid soap such as liquid Castile soap). Mix well to create a paste-like consistency. If you need more liquid soap to do this, add it a little at a time until the mixture is like a paste — pliable but not soggy.
3. Once you have a consistency you feel like you can work with, add the essential oils and mix well again. The addition of vinegar last helps to boost the cleaning power.
4. To use, scoop out a little of the cleanser and use a sponge or other cleaning tool to gently scrub your tub, shower and sink surfaces. A little goes a long way and the antibacterial effect of tea tree gives you extra peace of mind more on

Citrus Surface Cleaner Citrus Surface Cleaner
1 cup all natural liquid Castile soap
2 cups distilled water
1 teaspoon borax (optional)
2 teaspoon sweet orange essential oil
Blending Procedure:
1. Place all ingredients in a plastic spray bottle and shake well before each use.

All from Beaumonde (993 )

Hope these help :-)

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:01:00

Some more: is where I have got some tips from. I use Baking soda on a damp cloth to clean my shower, It is so much better that most other named brands for afraction of the cost.
Quote alpha02 (57 )

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:08:00

For a good range of white vinegar & baking soda recipes see Use recipes from that site for last 4 months, Friend & I make it up in bulk last 4-6 weeks. Great savings and a cleaner house too.
Quote sunflowers28

Edited by juliewn at 9:15 pm, Sat 11 Sep

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:09:00

I just made my own "cleaners" yesterday. Bottle (old vinegar bottle) of warm water, 1 tsp baking soda, few squirts of liquid soap and tee tree oil (or some other nice smelly thing - but not essential). The place looks great - I'm suprised. Also sprinkled baking soda with crushed rosemary on carpets and vacumed after an hour (used to buy those carpet sprinkles -but so expensive). With all due respect - I'm not PC - just trying to save money - but house has never smelt or looked better. Books say a paste of baking soda and vinegar will clean shower - haven't tried it yet - but give it a go.
Quote viv29

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:10:00

I have been using it for about 6 months, is great! Cuts through grease, can be used on almost all surfaces (avoid leaving it to sit on painted surfaces as the washing soda can start "eating" into the surface)
Cleaning spray
1 ltr water, 200ml vinegar, 40ml dish detergent, 40ml eucalyptus oil (I only use 10-15 mls as find the smell too strong) , 2 desertspns washing soda crystals. Mix together, put is spray bottle and use or add 60ml to bucket water and use for floors. (eucalyptus oil is toxic for cats and dogs! Can make above mix without the oil though)
Quote twinsforus (102

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:10:00

I have purchased three empty spray bottles.
*water with 50 drops of clove oil, I use it to spray over mould, the next day wash away.
*water with 50 drops of lavendar oil, i use it as a spray and wipe. It cleans grime realy well, and is a natural antispectic
*baking soda in an icing sugar shaker with vinegar in a spray bottle for "baked on stuff" (like today, our vinyl chair looked gruppy, I used it on that).
Quote duckmoon (245

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:11:00

Sprinkle baking soda in oven and spray with vinegar. Non toxic!!!
Quote captkirknz (110

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:12:00

To clean the microwave - dissolve some baking soda in a bowl of water (I just fling some in!) - put in microwave and bring to the boil. Leave for around 10 mins to steam and the dirt just wipes straight off.
Quote ems4

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:12:00

I can also tell you that white vinegar is great on weeds. I buy the large homebrand bottles and pour it neat between the cracks of concrete and cobblestones and around edges. Just make sure you don't use it anywhere you might want to grow something in the near future as it really works well. Cheap and non toxic. Ihave been using it for years because I have several animals.

Quote dobilina

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:13:00

i've switched from cleaning my bathroom /shower etc from bought products to this from wendyls site ... - it's lovely and brings everything up so shiny with no chemical smells to choke on ..

Spray cleaner

This is easy to mix up and not only cleans well but fills the air with gorgeous smells. It takes a whole minute to make.

Nearly fill a 1 litre spray bottle with water. Add 1 tsp baking soda, a few drops of liquid soap (preferably Dr Bronner's Castile liquid soap, or use Sunlight) and 10 drops of lavender or tea-tree essential oil. Shake together. If you have wooden bench tops, add about 1 tsp of olive oil and shake the bottle every time you use it to disperse the oil.

You can use other essential oils in the spray cleaner. In the winter I like to use warm oils, like cedarwood, rosemary, clove or even some natural vanilla essence, to give the kitchen a cosy smell. In summer, go for citrus smells like orange, lemon or lime. And if flies are a problem use citronella oil which will help deter them.

Quote winnie15

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:14:00

Fantastic! thanks

rakki1 - 2010-09-11 21:30:00

You're most welcome Rakki.. :-)

Let us know what you think once you've tried any of the recipes..

juliewn - 2010-09-11 21:38:00

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danielle35 - 2010-09-13 21:24:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-14 16:45:00

Hi Danielle..

I've never thought of making liquorice.. will be interested to see how your recipe goes.. my grown-up kids will be interested too I'm thinking! :-)

juliewn - 2010-09-14 22:00:00
tarshlove wrote:

I read somewhere that if you tape some bay leaves in your pantry it repels moths

Yep its the weevils and their resulting offspring it repels.

martine5 - 2010-09-14 22:05:00

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danielle35 - 2010-09-29 07:52:00

Hi Danielle.. sounds very interesting.. might be good for Christmas parcels to post.. thanks for sharing your recipe..

juliewn - 2010-11-21 02:45:00

Great thread juliewn & all. Not being very computer savvy; apart from copying and pasting into Word (it goes all haywire), how do you save this thread to keep so that it doesn't disappear. I'd love to have it for a constant reference. Thankyou.

hazedaze - 2010-11-21 06:09:00

Dog food - I mix cooked meat with cooked brown rice and the frozen mixed veg that are often on special at supermarket i.e. potato, carrot etc.
My dog loves it and it cured his problem with itching. Works out economical as well. Just adapt the quantities to what your dog likes!

frances1266 - 2010-11-21 08:06:00

Recipe for lemon cordial made with citric acid. Lemons are sliced and left to soak overnight first. Lost the recipe. Thanks L

elfim - 2010-11-21 16:29:00

Hi Hazedaze.. this looks like a lot to do, however once you've done it you'll find it easy to do.
Once you've saved a page, go to the next page of the thread, and repeat, till you have all the pages you want saved.. this can be done for any internet page..

Have page one of the thread open (or this works for other internet pages).
At the top left of your screen, click on 'File' then on 'Save As' - a box will pop up.
Make sure 'Desktop' is showing in the top line of the box, beside where it says "Save in".. If 'desktop' isn't showing, click on the down arrow at the top right of the box there, then choose 'desktop' from the list that pops up.

Right click inside the box, then click on 'new' then 'folder,' a new box will appear - type in the name you want to call it, ie. 'Home-made recipes'..
Click away from those words, in the blank part of the box, to set it as a folder.
Click on that folder name, and the name will transfer to the line at the top beside where it says "Save in".. the inside of the box will be blank until you've saved something into that folder.

At the bottom of the box, beside "File Name' type the name you want to call that page - ie.. 'Homemade recipes 1' .. leave the other two lines beneath that as they are, then click on 'Save.'
The box will disappear, saving the page of the thread to the folder you created on your desktop.

When you want to view the page, have it so the desktop is on your screen, and find the folder name you've used.
Click or double-click to open it and there it is..

You can save each page of the thread like that, into the same folder, so you have all the pages together.

I hope this helps.. please.. ask again if anything isn't clear..

You'll probably know this.. in case it's of help, in the next post, I'll include how to find something on a page, either in an internet page or in the saved page, if you're looking for something..

juliewn - 2010-11-22 03:09:00

A quick way to look for a recipe or thread:
Have the messageboard on your screen - or a thread open, etc.. (or any internet page).
Either click the F3 button at the top of your keyboard, or on the lower left of your keyboard, hold down the control (Ctrl) key, and at the same time press the letter "F".
A box will pop up, either in the centre of your screen, or beneath the word 'Favourites' on the upper left of your screen.
Type a word you're looking for - ie "mint" and click next.. and again.. until you find what you're looking for.. or you've found all the threads or posts with that word in.

Not on that page of the messageboard? Go to the next one and repeat.. This makes it easy to find any thread or posts in a thread that you're looking for..

Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2010-11-22 03:12:00
elfim wrote:

Recipe for lemon cordial made with citric acid. Lemons are sliced and left to soak overnight first. Lost the recipe. Thanks L

Hi Elfim.. I haven't made a lemon cordial with leaving sliced lemons overnight like that, however recipes for a lemon cordial have been posted in the threads here..

This is one, from this thread:

Lemon Cordial.
Add juice and rind of 4 lemons to 6 cups sugar and 6 cups boiling water. Stir well and add 50 gms citric acid. Strain and bottle.
My Mum used to make this when we were kids about 40 years ago.Brings back memories.
It's also nice with 1/2 lemon and 1/2 orange. I guess you could use any combination of citrus.
It's the citric acid (available from supermarkets) that stops it going off.
Dilute to taste with water or soda-water..
Posted by Dbab (256 )

If you'd like to see other recipes, in the search area on the left of your screen, type in lemon cordial in the keyword part, then click the little blue down-arrow to change 'last 24 hours' to 'anytime' - then search.. a number of threads will come up..

Edited by juliewn at 3:24 am, Mon 22 Nov

juliewn - 2010-11-22 03:23:00


thought this was worth "bumping" up :)


lx4000 - 2010-12-28 21:57:00

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survivorr - 2010-12-29 23:02:00
juliewn wrote:

Tomato Pasta Sauce: Place in a food processor bowl and whizz together: 2 cans chopped or whole tomatoes in juice (or 500gms to 1kg fresh tomatoes), 1/2 to 1 cup tomato paste, 1/2 cup firmly packed fresh basil leaves, 1/4 cup firmly packed fresh parsley, 2 medium onions and 2-3 cloves garlic. Whizz till blended. To make by hand: Finely chop onions, garlic, basil and parsley, and tomatoes if needed. Mix all ingredients together.. Add a little brown sugar if you want, to your taste, to balance the acidity. Add to well browned mince, stir through and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until the onion is tender. Season to taste, and serve over pasta, or use to make lasagne. Variations: use other herbs to your taste - rosemary, thyme, basil, lemon verbena, chives, garlic chives, etc.. Makes enough for about 400gms - 500gms mince.

Awesome stuff... it always tastes so much better than the bought sauces!

For Pizza...

For Pasta...

nzl99 - 2010-12-30 10:42:00

Hahaha I knew there was a good shower cleaner recipe in here somewhere, and have trawled through all 17 pages to get here, but never mind, lots of great ideas in between. Off to do the business with the scunge now, have a lovely day.

lennyb1 - 2011-01-02 10:57:00

Up to the top for how to make mint sauce.. :-)

juliewn - 2011-01-29 22:31:00

Just wanted to add a recipe or cheap feed for two nights here.
Great for a family of four or five.
I buy 2 pre stuffed roast chooks (on the tray) from Pak"N Save. These are around $14-$16 Roast as usual for dinner with spuds, kumara, pumpkin etc and allow a few extra of the roast veg. Make gravy and allow extra there too. That is dinner one. Store left over chicken, veg and gravy in fridge.
The next day I strip off all the extra meat from the chooks and cut up the left over veg. In a pot I cut up an onion and add a bit of garlic and brown it a little. I add the cut chicken, gravy and roast veg. Also any corn peas etc leftover. I add a chicken stock cube and allow the mix to simmer for 15 mins on low and season as you wish. I line a pie dish with 2 sheets flaky puff pastry and fill with the chicken mix and pop another sheet on top and prick it. Brush with milk and bake until cooked and golden brown. Serve with steamed veg again for next nights dinner. YUM! You will possibly have some left over for lunches the next day too. It make two meals for approx $25 plus lunches.

monkey_room - 2011-01-30 11:42:00

A way of keeping moisture in plant containers and in the garden is ...Using a disposable nappy that has only had urine in it open it up and put the moisture granules into the soil the urea from the urine also is good for the plants and a great way to conserve water and a useful use for a disposable nappy.

tommydog - 2011-01-31 23:20:00

RE THE SHOWER SPRAY - I have it from a shower maker that the grime doesn't build up the same if you use body wash rather than soap. It's the fat in the soap that is the grey build up on the shower floor.

jimminette - 2011-02-02 08:44:00

Hi Jimminette.. I've found the shower gel works better than the soap too.. makes it easier to clean the shower area too..

And.. bumping for Sana.. hope you find lots of recipes and goodies to try here..

juliewn - 2011-03-03 13:57:00

If you can buy it you can make it someone had to make it to be sold in the first place.

dilligaf_dah - 2011-03-03 23:03:00

I use white vinegar for the first time today in a non-food related activity. Bit of mould over ceiling in bathroom - warm water, vinegar and a cloth.
Ceiling is lovely and clean and even a bit shiny.
Off to get some more vinegar at Bin Inn tomorrow to tackle fly spots etc in rest of house. I have heard you can make your own vinegar but I'll leave that for when I'm not working full time.

gbaby1 - 2011-03-06 15:42:00
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