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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


Hello all nice to see this thread still alive and kicking - back to school tomorrow - did the weeks baking yesterday made - ginger crunch(roasting tray) double mix of choc chip bics, peanut brownies,spicy fruit bics and a choc banana cake in a roasting dish, the kids have been into it all already ,they are all looking forward to going back to school- but not as much as i am looking forward to it !!!

bams1 - 2005-07-24 12:29:00

Apricot Chews..ref#800 I know this is not what your after but give it a try anyway.
125gms butter
3/4 cup sweetened condenced milk
1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
100gms white Choc. melts
2/3 cup dried apricots
200gms plain sweet biscuits
1/3 cup dessicated coconut

Grease a 19x29cm slice pan; line base & sides with baking paper, bringing paper 3cm above edge of pan. Combine butter, sweetened condenced milk & sugar in a large pan; stir over low heat until butter is melted & sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat. Blend or process Choc Melts, apricots & biscuits until finely chopped. Add to condenced milk mixture; mix well. Spread into prepared pan.Cover; refridgerate for 1 hour; or until firm. Remove slice from pan, peel away paper.Cut into 4cm square; roll into 4cm logs. Toss in coconut; return to oven tray. Cover; refrigerate until firm.

whiskey13 - 2005-07-24 12:36:00

Cinnamon Teacake I've had this recipe for's one of those old favourites ya just keep going back to..60gms butter, softened
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1/2 cup castor sugar
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 cup self-raising flour
1/3 cup milk
15gms butter, melted, extra
1 tablespoon casoter sugar, extra
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Grease a 20cm sandwich pan, cover base with paper, grease paper. Cream butter & vanilla essence in a small bowl with electric mixer until light & fluffy, add castor sugar, blend for about 10 minutes or until mixture is pale & creamy. Add eggs, beat until well combined. Transfer mixture to a large bowl, fold in sifted flour & milk in 2 batches. Spread mixture into prepared pan, bake in moderate oven for about 30 minutes, or until cake is lightly browned & cooked when tested. Carefully turn cake onto a wire rack, brush with extra butter, sprinkle with conbined extra sugar & cinnamon. Serve warm or cold, with butter if desired. Best made close to serving.

whiskey13 - 2005-07-24 12:43:00

I have had that one for years too whiskey13 but I have made mine in muffin tins, its a good recipe.

joybells2 - 2005-07-24 12:48:00

mm whiskey your apricot one looks good tho - thanks

ksr - 2005-07-24 12:55:00

mmm...joybells2 never thought of making muffins, guess what we're having for afternoon tea!!

whiskey13 - 2005-07-24 13:06:00

Here is a Julie Le Clerc recipe that is a fave of mine. White choc, coconut and peach friands.Heat oven to 180deg, grease muffin pans. Melt 100g butter and 100g white choc melts together. Place Ina mixing bowl with 1 cup dessicated coconut, 1 and a half cups icing sugar, half cup plain flour, 6 egg whites, 1 tsp vanilla essence. Stir until just combined. spoon into pans, top each with a couple of drained canned peach slices. Bake for 25 mins. Stand for 5 mins before turning onto a cooling rack. Makes 10. +++ I actually make mine in mini muffin pans and chop the peach slices up, cos they are very decadent!+++

ksr - 2005-07-24 13:59:00

bump ...

ksr - 2005-07-24 18:27:00

OMG!! This thread is alive and kicking? i havnt been in here for months, i cant believe i can still find it!!

Well done to all that have kept it going.....well done!!

Quick q?
Does anyone think that a new could be started soon coz i cannot find a darn thing on here. My eyes arnt the best anymore and my comp got wasted so lost all saved recipes and links.

Thanx for thinking in advance and once again...................Well Done!!

chch_gal - 2005-07-24 19:02:00

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lisa202 - 2005-07-25 08:20:00

So noone has the apricot slice recipe... BOOHOO

ksr - 2005-07-25 18:29:00

I know this isn't what your after Apricot & giner Slice...250gms pkt gingernut biscuits
100gms butter
1/4 cup condensed milk
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup chopped dried apricots
Lemon icing:- 2 cups icing sugar,
1 tsp butter,1 tsp grated lemon rind, about 1 Tbsp lemon juice

Finely crush gingernuts. Place in a mixing bowl.
Place butter & condensed milk in a saucepan.
Cook over a gentle heat until butter has melted.
Stir brown sugar & apricot into biscuit crumbs.
Add melted ingredients, mixing until well combined.
Press mixture into a 20x30cm sponge roll tin.
Refrigerate until set. To serve, cut into fingers
For lemon Icing:- Sift icing sugar into a small bowl.
Add butter & lemon rind. Mix to a smooth spreadable
paste with the lemon juice.

whiskey13 - 2005-07-25 20:15:00
813's supposed to be... Apricot & Ginger Slice

whiskey13 - 2005-07-25 20:19:00

KSR - don't you hate it when people are that nasty that they won't share a recipe with you. If someone asks me for a recipe, I am flattered they like my baking and happily share it. I have gotten some of my tastiest recipes from asking friends for theirs.

What about making the Chelsea packet apricot slice and add some coconut into the base mixture. Ice with passionfruit icing yum!

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-07-26 12:33:00

CHINAMAN CHEWS (made them for coffee grp & they all wanted the recipe!)
:: Melt 125g butter, add 1 Tbsp golden syrup. Cool slightly, add 1 well beaten egg. Pour into a bowl of: 1 cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 1 cup dried fruit (I use 2/3 apricots/ 1/3 dates), 1 cup coconut, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup chocolate bits (can use 1/2 white and 1/2 milk choc). Combine and press into a slice tin. Don't worry if looks a bit thin as it will rise in oven. I leave it in the tray for a few mins before cutting up and removing so they don't break up (it's chewy).

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-07-26 12:38:00

Hey Lisa..... that sounds like an awesome idea. I will be one that will be eternally grateful!! Cant wait!!
And happy baking everyone!!

chch_gal - 2005-07-26 13:25:00

Thanks kiwi girl Yeah I thought it was weird - If we moved in the same circles and it was world famous I would get it. But we don't - and my Mum has a lot of trouble with certain foods cos of a wonky liver and she ate this with no probs. Oh well! People have been kind enuf to give loads of recipes and it is all good kudos to them:)

ksr - 2005-07-26 19:22:00

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lisa202 - 2005-07-26 19:55:00

please click my link

nekes - 2005-07-26 20:06:00

r u kidding me? ??

ksr - 2005-07-26 20:12:00

ksr, I've found an Alison Holst slice recipe called Coconut Slice and I'm wondering if the Apricot Slice is a modified version of it. AH's pastry base recipe doesn't fit your description (it's just a basic flour, butter and water one), but the filling is raspberry jam and currants or sultanas (apricot jam and dried apricots perhaps??) and the topping is butter, sugar, vanilla, eggs and coconut.

245sam - 2005-07-26 20:56:00

yum sounds good

ksr - 2005-07-26 21:01:00

ksr ..............................-
Do I assume that you'd like me to post the Coconut Slice recipe?? If so, I'll do it asap, hopefully tonight.

245sam - 2005-07-26 21:08:00

i'd love it pls but no stress - I will not have time to bake until weekend:) Cheers

ksr - 2005-07-26 21:25:00

ksr, here 'tis......................-
Base: 1 cup flour, 75g cold butter, about 1/4 cup cold water.
Put the flour and cubed butter in the food processor, then process in bursts, while adding the water in a slow stream. Stop as soon as you can press the dough particles together to make a firm dough.
Refrigerate the dough for 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile mix the
Topping: 175g butter, 1&1/2 cups sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 3 large eggs, 3 cups fine or medium coconut.
soften but do not melt the butter, beat in the sugar, essence and eggs, then stir in the coconut.
Roll out the pastry to fit a 23cm square pan or a sponge roll tin, and spread it with the
Filling: about 1/4 cup raspberry jam, about ½ cup currants or sultanas.
Drop the topping over it in blobs, spreading so most of the surface is covered – the topping will spread during cooking.
Bake at 220°C (fan-bake 210°C) for 10-15 minutes, then turn down to 180°C (fan-bake 170°C) and cook for 15-30 minutes or until the topping has browned evenly, and the centre feels firm.
Serve w

245sam - 2005-07-26 22:00:00

Oops, missed the last bit off - Serve warm, or cool in the tin before cutting into smaller pieces for a slice. Here's an alternative base (maybe) for the Coconut Slice???? I haven’t made the Coconut Slice but I have made a caramel slice using this base:- 3 weetbix, 1 cup each of flour and coconut, 3/4 cup sugar, 1 tsp baking powder, 125g melted butter. I have modified this recipe to exclude coconut by using the same quantity of rolled oats and chopping them in the food processor. Perhaps this would be like the Apricot Slice base if you used 1/2 cup each of coconut and rolled oats or rolled oats instead of weetbix.– Where’s there’s a will I’m sure you’ll find a way to overcome the mean-ness of the one who wouldn’t share ‘her’ recipe. Good luck.

245sam - 2005-07-26 22:09:00

wow! Thanks for that! Sounds like a good idea... I will try at the weekend and let you know, many thanks:)

ksr - 2005-07-26 22:27:00

ready steady cook had a yummy looking no cook gingernut fudge

ksr - 2005-07-27 19:11:00

have just cut & pasted all this thread and i just want to thanks everyone for theor wonderfull contributions on keeping this thread alive...I wonder if trademe give a certificate for a long running thread, I hope we make 2 years but anyway im getting paraniod so im saving the a special thanks to Bams1, Akiwigirl, Campmum,Zellas,Raveltd,RWATCHO-
RN, smiley chereb & whiskey 13 & everyone this has been a great thread and hopefully now ive got them saved i can help out even more by seeing what we have and what we need

kob - 2005-07-28 07:11:00

I made the belgium slice And turned it into just raspberry slice with pink icing and blackberry and choc chip muffins. Kids started grizzling over what they wanted and didnt want in their lunch boxes so has been put in the freezer for Mum and they can have a Mr Pams or Griffins

mumstu - 2005-07-28 08:59:00

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herika - 2005-07-28 11:11:00

Jam Buns A friend made these and I had to have the recipe and now I'll share it here. It's so scrummy!

115g butter
3 beaten eggs
2t baking powder
1c sugar
2 c flour
jam (or marshmallows or choc buttons)

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and beat, then add flour and baking powder. Roll into balls and press fingerholes into the middle of each ball. Place some jam, a marshmallow or choc button into finger hole. Bake 180 for 15 mins.

cautis - 2005-07-28 19:01:00

Baking Paper On the budget advice thread both Julie 28 and myself have said that we use baking paper more than once and I thought it worth a mention here. Took me a year of using it to think of doing this!
Isn't it the best thing since sliced bread!

Tried BREAD CASES for first time-I think they must have been in their heyday when you could get the very thin sandwich bread-green wrapper-because mine are too thick. Am defrosting a slice of sand. and one of toast-will roll them thin and see if that is better.

marywea - 2005-07-31 11:03:00

a_kiwi_grl decided to try your recipe but ... how long do you cook it for ??? No mention of that in the recipe !!

rwatchorn - 2005-07-31 13:07:00

thanks kob there have sure been so great recipes along the way and its always nice to find the thread still here. Im really struggling with baking at the moment (morning sickness) but still "trying" to keep the tins full !! Will add a couple of new recipes shortly.

rwatchorn - 2005-07-31 13:10:00

Coconut Loaf (super easy !) This one also freezes well. Something I make when Im short on ingredients !
1 1/2 cups coconut, 1 1/4 cups flour, 2 tsp BP, 1 cup sugar, 1/2 cup chopped fruit (sultanas, apricots, dates, choc chips etc), 1 cup milk. Mix coconut, flour, BP and sugar. Add fruit, then milk and mix well. Into greased loaf tin - bake approx 1 hr @ 180C.

rwatchorn - 2005-07-31 13:17:00

No bake cookies My kids love making (& eating !) these easy biscuits ..... 2 cups sugar, 3 tab cocoa, 1/2 cup milk, 115g butter, 1/2 tsp vanilla, 2 tab p/butter, 3 cups rolled oats. Heat together sugar, cocoa, milk and butter. Boil for 1 minute. Remove from heat and add vanilla, peanut butter and oats. Mix well. Drop spoonfuls onto waxed paper, allow to cool until firm.

rwatchorn - 2005-07-31 13:20:00

LEMONADE SCONES (dont know if this has been done) 3 cups self raising flour * 1 cup lemonade * 1 cup cream. Mix together real quick and dollop spoonfulls onto cold tray - bake in 220C oven for 10-12 mins. Just made them now - sooo good!

jo-ann1 - 2005-07-31 14:24:00

Baking paper... Found it really easy when you make slices, biscuits etc that need to be rolled out. Just put the mix between 2 pieces of baking paper and roll out. No floury bench yahoo!!!!

mumstu - 2005-07-31 15:23:00

chicken stir fry i would like a yummy chicken stir fry receipe for mondays tea please

rab13 - 2005-07-31 18:57:00

rwatchorn... sorry, try baking at 180*c for about 15-20 mins or until golden.

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-07-31 20:16:00

thanks for that I made it yesterday so guessed at 20 mins and it was lovely. Nice recipe and even the kids like it !!

rwatchorn - 2005-08-01 11:31:00

I just made Donut Muffins HI just wanted to say thanks mumstu for posting this recipe. I just made these and they were great. Here is the recipe if anyone wants to give it a go (very easy).

Donut muffins
2 c flour,1/2 t salt,1/2 t nutmeg,1 c sugar, 3/4 c milk,1 and a half t babking powder,3/4 t cinamon,1/3 c oil,1 egg. Mix all the wet ingredients into the dry. Put in greased muffin tins at 180c for 20 mins then while they are warm mix together 1 t cinamon and 1/2 c sugar. Melt a bit of butter in a pudding dish and dip the top of each muffin in the butter and then the cinimon/sugar mix. the tops go all yummy and crunchy.

sammy01 - 2005-08-01 17:32:00

bumpity bump

karen165 - 2005-08-02 09:04:00

I think... I'm going to have to buy a bigger ringbinder to put all of these wonderful recipes in. My family think it's great all these new and yummy delights coming from the kitchen. Thanks to all who have submitted recipes and long may this thread last.

richelle66 - 2005-08-02 17:05:00

donut muffin I have also made the donut muffins. What a great success. A definite recipe to keep

kennymac - 2005-08-03 18:13:00

re 382 Jam Buns The timne is better at 10 or 12 mins and I have cut the sugar down to 3/4 cup, still lovely.

cautis - 2005-08-07 14:30:00

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herika - 2005-08-07 16:32:00

Jam Buns & Donut Muffins went down well here ! My kids ate both and that is always a good sign. I got lots of comments on the muffins, they have a "cafe style" taste to them so Im told. Thanks for sharing those recipes.

rwatchorn - 2005-08-07 19:33:00

sugar I halve the sugar in most recipes and no-one ever complains. Scarey to see the likes of 2 CUPS in some recipes !!!!!!!

rwatchorn - 2005-08-07 19:36:00
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