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My bro says Georgie Porgy is catatonic. (-;

Actually I am getting some strength from making short term plans like "today I will staple the lining in the new raised garden I am making". It proves to me that even though I am powerless to stop these earthquakes, I do have some power to plan and achieve things in my own life. I hate dealing with large organisations, so one of my goals today was to phone the EC to give them the number of my insurance policy, to correct some of the details that had been wrongly recorded, and to sound cool, calm and collected while doing so.

Small steps I know, but the trick is to set myself up to succeed, as success breeds confidence, which leads to other successes. And if I stuff up I give myself time to have a mini tantrum, cry and maybe discuss it with someone, then break down what I need to do into even smaller steps, or promise myself a bigger reward.

I am treating myself like a child who has a star chart recording their progress, but it seems to be working.

By the way - what my wonderful Aussie friend knitted was a shawl (I missed word that out).

calista - 2010-09-17 21:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-17 22:12:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-17 23:22:00

Hi.. thinking of you all there.. Earthangel.. I hope all is well for your family.

Keep safe..

juliewn - 2010-09-18 22:51:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-19 16:38:00

OOooo I want to move in with Cookie!

Charlie I'm only doing voluntary stuff at a school and gave myself an extra week off because the room in which I work is NOT the kind of place to be in during an earthquake . I tried to go back, but I kept obsessing about the bars on the windows, large 2 metre high shelving unit between me and the door and the lack of anything to get under (it's a resouce area, not actually intended as work space so I am surrounded be shelves stacked with paper and card).

I'm going back on Monday, and it should be ok as I am calmer now. I might also take my work onto a different area if I get spooked.

I find listening to my MP3 player helps.

Edited by calista at 7:49 pm, Sun 19 Sep

calista - 2010-09-19 19:47:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-19 20:02:00

Hello all.. :-)

Wow.. that storm has been something Pam.. just saw that power is being restored to some 55,000 homes after the storm damage.. our beautiful country needs some peace and no more natural disaster's, for quite a while.

I hope the quakes in Canterbury have eased.. my thoughts are with you all..

Sun shone here for part of the day.. visited my 94 year old friend, taking some still warm ginger crunch.. helped her by writing the names and details of her family on the back of photos from her childhood for her kids.. the oldest photo - one of her parents, her 5 siblings, aunt, uncle.. and my friend as a toddler.. is from early 1916.. an amazing photo..

Lemon honey just made.. some for her, some for here.. haven't made it for a while.. truly delicious..

Have a good week all..

juliewn - 2010-09-19 21:43:00

ps.. rescue remedy is highly recommended here too.. easy to take, and no side effects..

juliewn - 2010-09-19 21:44:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-19 22:20:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-19 23:13:00
juliewn wrote:

Hi.. thinking of you all there.. Earthangel.. I hope all is well for your family.

Keep safe..

What a lovely caring person you are.
I txt my son and family everyday,we are very close.
They have moved into a new rental,now and are safe.
My heart goes out to everyone having a bad time at the moment

earthangel4 - 2010-09-20 08:57:00

Good morning everyone,
today marks a new chapter for me ... it's my first day of school :)Woohoo!!!
If that wasn't enough for the day - I've just finished an hour long job interview at the Casino. I think it went really well but I won't know for sure till next week.
Watch this space! :)

Feeling a bit emotional today too - it's 2 years since my dear Dad left us. I miss him very much.

As for living with the earthquake aftermath - I still have a bag packed ... 4.6 shake last night didn't make for a great sleep!

Keep smiling all xxx

winnie231 - 2010-09-20 10:57:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-20 11:16:00
winnie231 wrote:

Good morning everyone,
today marks a new chapter for me ... it's my first day of school :)Woohoo!!!
If that wasn't enough for the day - I've just finished an hour long job interview at the Casino. I think it went really well but I won't know for sure till next week.
Watch this space! :)

Feeling a bit emotional today too - it's 2 years since my dear Dad left us. I miss him very much.

As for living with the earthquake aftermath - I still have a bag packed ... 4.6 shake last night didn't make for a great sleep!

Keep smiling all xxx

Hugs to you hun,and you are in my thoughts for the job.
Have a wonderful day at school.
I am so sure you will get the job.

earthangel4 - 2010-09-20 11:27:00

I'm on my way to bed ... but just wanted to pop in and say thanks.
I've had a great day - job interview went very well but I won't know more till next week.
School was excellent but I got a big wake up call! With having the hours only 1-5 ... I was lulled into a false sense of security that it was going to be easy ... WRONG!!! My first assignment is a real doozy!
I have to present a full business plan including all documents pertaining to finance, legal, resorce consents, marketing, budget forcasts, .......... due 22/10 (happy birthday me!) Arrrgh!
Time to kick the grey cells into high gear!!!

winnie231 - 2010-09-20 21:53:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-20 22:15:00

Hi.. best wishes for your course Rae.. hope you have fun with it too..

How is everything there in ChCh for you all.. I hope the shakes are reducing - gone preferably.. though maybe not yet after the huge quake's that have happened..

How is your home Charlie.. I hope the damage has stopped..

Take good care..

juliewn - 2010-09-21 15:14:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-21 16:26:00

Good morning everyone,
it's a beautiful day here in the garden city. No action on the quake drums last night was a welcome relief for all here I'm sure :)
My course is hard ... but I'm loving it!
Not much time for hanging out here in recipes anymore though.
Have a good day, Rae xx

winnie231 - 2010-09-22 08:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-22 09:34:00

WooHoo,Winnie,I can start to relax for the lovely people in chch,encluding my lovely son,his lovely wife is about 15 weeks preg,I am going to be another Gran,they will make it 2 for my beautiful daughter and 3 for my lovely son,

earthangel4 - 2010-09-22 09:44:00

You know it's possible to look like you're coping, but your body betrays the truth. I've had 4 days of medical visits and over 2 very heavy nosebleedsthat went on for 3 and 6 hours, now I'm not even supposed to have a hot shower, let alone the bubble baths I indulge in, even a hot drink is forbidden for 5 days. Damn, going to get that healthy walking going again and maybe a massage to relax me.

calista - 2010-09-22 20:36:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-23 21:59:00

Oh Charlie that's horrible.

I've looked at my roof and need a builder to advise me about the tiles as some look as though the concrete bits around them are damaged. I guess if I add it ti the claim, the assessor can advise me as I keep realising how little I know.

calista - 2010-09-23 23:15:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-24 01:28:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-24 09:33:00

Just to distract you charlieb & calista ... and anyone else who wants to have a look - here's some pics of Mum's new baby. We decided she needed company after the earthquake so she now is the proud owner of Sir Winston Churchill ...

winnie231 - 2010-09-24 10:24:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-24 11:08:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-24 11:58:00

He's a 'baby doll' and just soooo cute!
My pics don't do him justice.
He's learning to play at the moment as he has spent all of his 7mths of life in a cage & never had the chance before to be a real cat!
Jumping up onto Mum's bed was a real challenge but he has now mastered it ... most of the time ... & loves snuggling up with her :)

winnie231 - 2010-09-24 12:24:00

Awww.. not the happiest start in his life by the sounds.. he'll love the TLC now he's with your Mum.. cats make the cuddliest pets.. I love cuddles with our's.

Gosh, saw there was another good sized shake this morning - hope no more damage for you all.. and that they're finished soon..

Did any of you go to the Breakfast for Canterbury this morning, that TV1 had in The Square? Looked like many thousands of people there.. good on TVNZ.

How are your classes going Rae.. hope you're enjoying them..

I saw these.. a little earthquake humour:

Mc Donalds new burger is called McCanterbury.. it has a free shake with it.

What did the big earthquake say to the little earthquake?
Its not your fault.

And a true story- someone who doesn't have any quake damage, has a dent in his car - because his emergency kit fell off a shelf and hit it!

juliewn - 2010-09-24 15:03:00

Hi Julie, he was 'locked up' because he was a pedigree ... and so terrified of the big open space of Mum's house when he arrived at the start of the week!
He's learning very quickly that his new home & new Mum are good things :)
And Mum is definately better off with her new little friend!

School for me is great!!!
I'm loving my course - it's hard, but worthwhile. A nice mix in my class of domestic & international students ... 8 different nationalities.

I'm happy it's the weekend. Off to the Women's Lifestyle Expo tomorrow - the organisers have made it free here because of the earthquake which is a nice gesture.

Off to the mall to brave the crowds at Countdown now - my stomach is rumbling & nothing in sight for tea.

Edited by winnie231 at 5:37 pm, Fri 24 Sep

winnie231 - 2010-09-24 17:37:00

Winnie, Winston is lovely. Honestly the lives some cats live. I'm sure he will be happier now. Is he microchipped? Georgie is being done next week, as I had only vaguely considered having it done before - now I see how important it is. I'm so glad she was too attached to her food bowl to leave home.

I have looked for the owner of a small ginger cat who turned up before the earthquake - to no avail. He had an open and discharging wound on his head and an eye infection and hadn't been neutered. I took him to the vet today and they said they would castrate, treat and release him to my care free (while the owners were sought), but that he might have aids. I paid for a test and left him to be treated. The test was positive and when they examined his wounds they were more serious than it first appeared so he had to be euthanised.

While I didn't really want another cat (and Georgie definitely didn't), I am really upset as he had a great character.

calista - 2010-09-24 20:33:00

Ohh Calista.. how heartbreaking.. thank goodness he had some kind and loving care from you, so he's known that a little.. hugs..

juliewn - 2010-09-24 21:03:00

Hi Rae.. that's great about your course.. and about SWC-cat.. lovely company for your Mum.. who I'm guessing is loving having you nearby, and especially so with the events of late..

My Jenni is studying tourism and travel in Hamilton.. through that and her student village, she's meeting people from many countries and cultures, and loving the experience.. a lovely opportunity to meet more people from across the world..

Enjoy the expo.. :-)

juliewn - 2010-09-24 21:09:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-25 20:08:00

Enough with the shaking already!!!
Those lasts jolts were scarey!

winnie231 - 2010-09-25 20:34:00

I think we're forget what it was like before the aftershocks. Quite a good one here this morning and daughter home from Otago was sitting on our bed saying "I don't like this - I really don't like this" and looking as if she should throw herself under the table while I didn't even think it was worth putting my coffee down. They are more stresfulin the vening than during the day aren't they?

greerg - 2010-09-25 20:50:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-25 21:00:00

elliehen - I'd certainly be interested in it. Thanks!!!

winnie231 - 2010-09-25 21:06:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-25 21:14:00

Evening All

Sorry to hear you guys are still shaking.. I agree enough is enough!!

After a "busy" week I have had a lovely day. Started by riding 25kms out to the Airport & Back... nice and flat...ish. Then after brekkie with the girls from my training group, back home to shower and off to my girls old primary school gala... have been most years since before they started so its a bit of a ritual.... Came home for a wonderful nana nap and chilling out... What a great way to spend a Saturday... truely buggered now though... have a feeling I will sleep like a log!!

Everyone is fit and healthy and doing well... life is good!

toadfish - 2010-09-25 21:35:00

Hi toady - glad to hear everyone is doing well up your way!

The clonking noises you may be hearing in Ak is charlieb's, mine & many other cantabs knees knocking together!!!
The quakes don't look very big on the geonet website but they are quite sharp jolts & definately unpleasant!

winnie231 - 2010-09-25 21:42:00

Thanks elliehen!!!

winnie231 - 2010-09-25 21:43:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-25 21:53:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-26 22:02:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-27 07:12:00

Good morning,
another beautiful day coming up in the garden city.
Yesterday was simply gorgeous!!! Warm and sunny ... just what the doctor ordered to sooth shaken souls :)
Went out to Lone Star last night with Mum, my brother & nephew for a birthday tea for Mum. Thankfully big bro shouted this poor student! It was nice but not outstanding ... I 've no burning desire to rush back in a hurry.
Have a nice day all xx

winnie231 - 2010-09-27 07:23:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-27 09:34:00
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