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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


x... x

jenna68 - 2009-10-06 14:37:00

Hi Tracey :-) Hi Gibbous.. I just voted for you - your recipe sounds delicious.. thanks for posting the link to it.. good luck.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-10-07 22:28:00


twinsforus - 2009-10-09 16:44:00

I have been reading the last few pages of this wonderful thread( but i never stated at the start) and i've just made laundry powder using a bar of sunlight soap(grated) and lux flakes.Do i need to add borax or is it ok as is. and is it ok to use for cold washes cos i only do cold washes. Thanks for your help.

whiskey13 - 2009-10-11 13:37:00

Sorry that should read that i made it with lux flakes and washing soda.(I've grated the sunlight soap ready for next time)

whiskey13 - 2009-10-11 18:15:00

Yip that recipe (without borax) is fine for cold water! I like to put a cup of it into some hot water to dissolve it first, then throw it into the machine. 1/4 cup of white vinegar in the fabric softener dispenser and you get lovely clean clothes!!!

twinsforus - 2009-10-11 20:51:00

Thank for sharing the recipe Twinsforus.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-10-15 04:03:00

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zorrodog - 2009-10-15 06:42:00
juliewn wrote:

Thank for sharing the recipe Twinsforus.. :-)

Thank you juliewn for starting this thread!!! I have been popping in and out since I first found it 6 mths ago, copying and pasting little bits and pieces.

twinsforus - 2009-10-16 11:27:00

You are both most welcome.. feel free to add any recipes if you'd like to.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-10-18 23:48:00

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satisfire - 2009-10-21 14:04:00

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satisfire - 2009-10-21 14:07:00

Mint sauce, as my father made it.

Chop mint finely, with sugar. Dad did this on the bread board with the carving knife, and was able to get a very fine cut. There were no food processors in the 50's. About 50/50 mint and sugar I think. Put into a jug and pour boiling water on to dissolve the sugar. Add malt vinegar.

This should be used fresh

Edited by olwen at 6:38 pm, Wed 21 Oct

olwen - 2009-10-21 18:27:00
satisfire wrote:

can anyone help me find the homemade spray n wipe recipe?

This one?? (I copied/pasted this from here)
1 ltr water, 200ml vinegar, 40ml dish detergent, 40ml eucalyptus oil, 2 desertspns washing soda crystals. Mix together, put in spray bottle and use or add 60ml to bucket water and use for floors.

I LOVE this mix too. I'll never buy a cleaning product again, making my own is so cheap, smells better and no nasty chemicals around my boys!!!
When I made mine though I only used 15mls of eucalyptus oil.....I find it quite strong smelling and my DH is pretty sensitive to some smells (this being one of them!) It works perfectly well with that amount of oil. I made mine up in a 2 lt bottle.

twinsforus - 2009-10-21 19:53:00

keeping this thread bumped.

praxis2 - 2009-11-10 17:54:00

Thanks for this thread, great for the budget. mine is unusual, can any one tell me how to protect my very new grapes from the birds?
This is the first year the grapes have arrived, and I would like to eat some. Ta you knowledgable people.

penelope - 2009-11-10 20:29:00

Netting is the simplest answer to keep your grapes for yourself! It should be availiable at your rural service center or garden center by the meter. I guess even The Warehouse would sell it.

winnie231 - 2009-11-10 20:35:00

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leigh71 - 2009-11-17 11:56:00

Grate the stuff you want to make starch from very finely, put into cold water, mix thoroughly and strain through a sieve, making sure to press the gratings as much as possible. The starch will settle at the bottom of the container and the water on top can be slowly decanted, so the starch will stay at the bottom.

Starch can be made from grains or potatoes or from subtropical and tropical tubers and corms such as Achira (Queensland arrowroot), taro, yams (the real ones, not the oxalis tubers sold as NZ yams), maniok etc.

uli - 2009-11-17 12:01:00

And some great ideas in here as well, doing it yourself.



valentino - 2009-12-02 16:15:00

A suggestion for serving beautiful homemade gravy that I saw recently.. use a teapot that doesn't have a filter (small holes) between the pot and the spout, heat the pot with hot water, dry quickly and pour your hot gravy into the teapot. Lid on and it's ready to serve.

And.. if you have a great tea-cosy.. use that to help keep the gravy warm.

juliewn - 2010-01-08 00:40:00

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mum2aboy - 2010-01-15 19:21:00
juliewn wrote:

Hummous: Create your own easy recipe: I prefer to cook my own chickpeas as they have a nicer flavour - or you can use the canned ones, drained well. Place a couple of cups of cooked chickpeas in a food processor. Add a clove or two of fresh garlic, 1-2 tsps of tahini ( a sesame seed paste available at supermarkets - it still tastes good if you leave it out) and the juice of one or two lemons. Whizz till smooth - or till slightly chunky if you want. Season to taste. Some people add olive or canola oil to their hummous - we prefer a non-oily fresher taste, and often add the juice of 5-6 lemons. Once as you want it, place in jars with lids - Craigs jam jar size is good. Keep in the fridge and use within a few days. I keep one in the fridge, and place the rest in the freezer. Thaw overnight in the fridge when needed.

We have found a great alternative to this.........using Peanut butter instead of Tahini (which i dont like the taste of). I dont have a whizz, but have successfully with a good bit of shaking, made it in our blender.

jneezma - 2010-01-17 11:04:00

wot can i say but wow!!!
and thankyou!

clcleggers - 2010-01-17 13:15:00
--boss-- wrote:

This will be nothing to you all but I was so proud of myself for thinkin of it, Ive recently returned to work so finding time to keep up with my housework and meals etc has become difficult at times with two preschoolers...... :)

These timesaver ideas may well already be in this thread [I haven't read it all] but I keep two large ziplog bags in the freezer:
One filled with a bulk mixed fruit crumble topping: flour, sugar, butter, oats all whizzed together. In instant a tin or bottle of any fruit, or fresh fruit can be turned into a crumble happily baking in the oven. The mixture stays freeflow, so you just add handfuls as needed.

The other with bulk fresh breadcrumbs [wholemeal and white bread slices, whizzed in kitchen whizz], whizz in fresh parsley and add handfuls of grated cheese. Again this freeze free flow. Instant savoury dish crunchy topping. Eg: Leftover cooked chicken, veges, cheese sauce all into a dish. Or a tin of smoked fish, cheese sauce, frozen peas etc, or mix cooked pasta, vege, bacon, sauce....throw breadcrumb/parsley/cheese mix on top and bake until topping browned and crunchy. Can use sprinkled over fresh fish fillets and bake, stuffed in baked zuchinni, tomato - endless uses.

jaybee2003 - 2010-01-17 13:39:00

Making butter is a waste of time unless you are a dairy farmer.
Cream is too expensive so it';s not economical and our butter is fine, just pure butter and salt so why bother.
I agree with making things from scratch because A)They atste better B)It's cheaper. But if those criteria don't apply then there is no point.

lythande1 - 2010-01-17 18:51:00


rozke - 2010-01-18 11:26:00
shiyo wrote:

. 1 cup water, 1 cup tomato sauce, 1/4 cup soy sauce, 2 tablespoons malt vinegar, 1 cup brown sugar, 2 tablespoons margarine, juice of a lemon. Bring to boil and simmer 5 mins, thicken with cornflour. its yummy....... It does have 2 teaspoons instant coffee in the receipe but I never do that bit. So not sure what it would taste like with it.

Actually the instant coffee gives meat loaf sauce a really nice tang although not coffee-like, so might be worth a try. Maybe a bit less than recipe.

greerg - 2010-01-18 15:43:00


tapuwer - 2010-01-20 09:50:00

Hi everyone, what a fantastic thread, I've been here for hours!
Can anyone tell me if I can just "select" the thread that I want (not the whole page) and then save just the selected thread?
Thanks for any help.

standard - 2010-01-20 11:35:00

Bumperty bump bump bump, don't wanna lose it!

standard - 2010-01-21 21:58:00

Bumping for Alebix..

Hi Standard.. are you meaning to save the posts in the thread, without anything from the surrounding page on your screen??

If so, select by left clicking on the bottom of a post or the thread, and holding down the mouse key, drag till the area you want to copy has changed colour - usually to blue - then release the mouse key - the area will stay blue.

Now, right click, and a little box will pop up.. left click on 'copy' then go to where you want to copy the information to.. right click again, then in the box that pops up, left click on 'paste' and the information will transfer to there.
Save it to where you want to in your computer so it will stay there for you.

If you do want to save the whole page, on the top left of your screen, click on 'File' then in the box that pops up, click on 'Save as' - another box pops up - at the bottom of that, type in the name you want to give the file, and at the top of the box, you can change where you want to save it by clicking on the little blue down arrow that's to the right of the space there.. a list of options will pop up for you to choose from.
Click on 'Save' at the bottom right of the box, and the whole page will have saved to the place you've saved it to. Repeat for each page of a thread if you want to save it all.

I hope this is of help..

juliewn - 2010-01-23 12:07:00

Thank you Julie.. I thought this thread had gone that why I started the other one...

Much appreciated.

alebix - 2010-01-23 12:36:00

Bumping up again

alebix - 2010-01-25 22:23:00


Edited by alebix at 7:59 pm, Mon 1 Feb

alebix - 2010-02-01 19:58:00

Brilliant juliewn thanks for taking the time to type all that up! And for your wonderful hints.

standard - 2010-02-01 21:29:00

Hi Standard :-)
Thanks for your lovely comments.. there's a wealth of info here now from so many.. please feel free to add more if you'd like to.. thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2010-02-03 17:45:00

Make your own Sweetened Condensed Milk! I am right out of those tins of sweetened condensed milk but I remember seeing a site where you could make your own so here goes......Put all the ingredients called for this into your food processor or electric blender & process on med-low for two minutes. 2 tblspns butter, 1/2 cup boiling water, 3/4 cup white sugar, 1 & 1/3rd cup instant dry milk (full or lite). Allow to cool to room temp before using. Stores in the fridge for up to one week. Makes 14 ounces (a tin). Easy peasy & money saving too.

lindylambchops1 - 2010-02-03 19:39:00

I made this Sweetened Condensed Milk earlier today & made some fudge using crushed malt biscuits, have yet to sample but it went together really well.

lindylambchops1 - 2010-02-03 19:40:00

WOWW!!!! For the past hour my eyes have been glued to my computer screen!!! al Juliewn, Thanksss for starting this thread and for everyone else who contributed! I hope to do so as well soon....

:D :D :D

adelante - 2010-02-04 01:25:00


This is what I do: Throughout the week I put all my left over 'bits' of vegetables like the peelings of garlic and onions, the ends of vegetables like courgettes, spring onions, capsicums, even cabbage leaves (and red onions to give the stock a nice dark red wine colour) and put them into a ziplock bag instead of throwing them in the bin. I store the bag in my fridge and simply keep filling it so that by the end of the week I have a big bag of vegetables ready to use for a great stock! And then of course you can add vegatables that you didn't use that week e.g. celery and add herbs for a rich favoured stock.

ALSO, you can store vegetable stock, tomato paste or lemon juice in ice cubes in your freezer so that they last longer and so that the portions to unfreeze is appropriate.

adelante - 2010-02-04 01:40:00


tapuwer - 2010-02-08 22:03:00


tapuwer - 2010-02-14 17:33:00


tapuwer - 2010-03-02 15:28:00


tapuwer - 2010-03-02 21:54:00

tapuwer - why do you keep bumping this thread?
It won't disappear after a week like threads used to ... it's here for a year - or more.
Just type it's title into the search function on the left if you ever need it but can't find it.
By constantly bumping a thread - you may be pushing someone else's thread further down the page who hasn't had an answer yet ...

winnie231 - 2010-03-02 22:06:00


tapuwer - 2010-03-12 18:42:00

Any one have a recipe for home made pantry moth traps?

squeakygirl - 2010-03-17 11:07:00

Because I don't want to go looking for it and am saving alot of the recipes.
I also think it is great for those on a budget and they mite not know about it.
I also do it for friends that I have told so they can find it easy.
And no I did'nt no about them now staying for a year.

tapuwer - 2010-03-17 11:20:00

It is a very useful thread & it's great you are sharing it with your friends.
I hope it didn't sound like I was telling you off ... only wanted to inform you about the changes TM made.
Having the 'extended shelf life' & search function on the page has made life easier around here.

winnie231 - 2010-03-17 11:45:00
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