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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Quite a jolt an hour ago ... and I burst into tears!
We start to relax .... which makes the tension & stress swing all the greater. I want to crawl into a cave and sleep for a week.
But then I see what folks in Kaiapoi are going through & my worries pale in comparison :(

winnie231 - 2010-09-09 19:31:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-09 19:40:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-09 19:45:00

Hi.. good news.. have just received an email from Dot - Smiley_Cherub - she's safe, her home, in central ChCh has some damage, mostly ok though.. thank goodness she's safe..

juliewn - 2010-09-09 23:40:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-10 00:01:00

hang in there people hugs all around, does sound as though it is "settling" at least I sincerely hope so. mr charlieb will be grateful for a day off and I am sure you will love to have him with you as it cant be easy comforting two wee people as well as yourself. life certainly throws things at you especially when things are going "good"!! everyday is a blessing and this time will certainly be told and retold in the future. hugs again everyone

auckland_ali - 2010-09-10 08:59:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-10 09:22:00
winnie231 wrote:

Quite a jolt an hour ago ... and I burst into tears!
We start to relax .... which makes the tension & stress swing all the greater. I want to crawl into a cave and sleep for a week.
But then I see what folks in Kaiapoi are going through & my worries pale in comparison :(

Morning lovely ladies... and big hugs to those in the "Shake" zone.

Just a thought Winnie but are you journaling your adventure... We followed your trip down from Nelson, heard of your "singles" night adventure and the meeting of Mr D... We sent good flat hunting vibes... and then the quake! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!! It really is a novel in the making and something to tell the grandies... Sometimes journalling helps release the emotions.. and WOW what a story! I was thinking if your move to Christchurch was to instigate a change in your life... all I can say is "be careful what you wish for" lol. (You do know I mean that in good spirit... )

Take care lovely ladies and their is a bed up here as well in case you wish to do that road trip you talked about.

Edited by toadfish at 9:37 am, Fri 10 Sep

toadfish - 2010-09-10 09:36:00

i have just posted a new item for sale under home and living - kitchen - other - let people know about it please , I'm just trying to help

its prob against TM rules but i reckon they might let me away with it :)

chef1964 - 2010-09-10 09:38:00

So where are you going to help out chef?

uli - 2010-09-10 11:05:00

I keep expecting a message I posted a few days ago to turn up here but It doesn't. Wish we could have a group hug. Thank-you ChCh people for your postings, the only thread I am following.When you have time or the inclination would you tell us............what are the little/big things you are pleased you did/have BEFORE the quake or wish you had. We have lots of advice on survival packs but I think there may be little things that would have made a difference for you. For a few years I have filled my "Lift" bottles and put them around outside but neglect refreshing them, I do now put the date on. I only have a few. If you had undrinkable water would you have been able to use it for flushing the toilet or were the main sewage pipes broken? Apart from being scary, did fallen chimneys caused damage like coming through the roof? If you have an unused and undamaged one, will you be taking it down to roof level.I plan to renew a sealed jug of water in the fridge but so often we start these things with a hiss and a roar and then lapse. I live in Wgtn! Thinking of you all.

marywea - 2010-09-10 11:23:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-10 12:04:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-10 12:06:00
toadfish wrote:

Morning lovely ladies... and big hugs to those in the "Shake" zone.

Just a thought Winnie but are you journaling your adventure... We followed your trip down from Nelson, heard of your "singles" night adventure and the meeting of Mr D... We sent good flat hunting vibes... and then the quake! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!!! It really is a novel in the making and something to tell the grandies... Sometimes journalling helps release the emotions.. and WOW what a story! I was thinking if your move to Christchurch was to instigate a change in your life... all I can say is "be careful what you wish for" lol. (You do know I mean that in good spirit... )

Take care lovely ladies and their is a bed up here as well in case you wish to do that road trip you talked about.

Love it toady :)

Not quite what I'd bargained on in my Chch adventure but there will be silver linings to the clouds in my sky at the moment that I can't even begin to imagine.
And as you say - a good story for the grandies one day if nothing else!
Just heard the fire brigade are at my place dealing with mine & the neighbour's chimneys so that is a huge relief!!!!
Still not going home quite yet though ... Mum definitely needs me around just now.
Got to meet Mr D for a quick coffee at lunchtime which was lovely. Nice to do something 'normal' like sitting at a cafe & really good to have a bit of time with him as I hadn't seen him since Sunday. He's been a busy boy this week as his boss jumped ship & went to Blenheim and he has had jobs to complete for his own business too.
Alot of people under alot of stress around here - I've had it easy really, in comparison ... and have so much to be thankful for!
Hoping for a good night's sleep tonight & looking forward to when the only movement in my bed is caused by ...!

winnie231 - 2010-09-10 16:28:00

been out today shovelling tonnes and tonnes of silt off peoples property , and i can tell you there is still plenty of work out there for any able bodied person that feels like volunteering some of their time

chef1964 - 2010-09-10 17:25:00

Many Many hugs to all in Christchurch,I feel for you all.

earthangel4 - 2010-09-11 09:30:00

Charlieb many thanks for your reply-that is exactly what I wanted to hear. Minor's lamps could well be included in upcoming birthday gifts. Will be moving my bottles of water to the front of concrete block carport removing them from a vulnerable corner. A great help to me and I will c&p to others. Did your fence survive?

marywea - 2010-09-11 12:08:00

Hi everyone,
Wow, the support everyone in Canterbury has had from the MB's here has been fantastic. Juliewn, emailed me to see if I was alright and it was such a lovely feeling to know several of you asked after me even though I hadn't been around for quite some time. I hope fellow Cantabrians are coping okay and that life is returning to somewhere near normality. Around me (I live in central ChCh) buildings are being pulled down, houses being repaired and shops I used to go to no longer there so I am so thankful that I came out of this ok and can get on with things.. To those poor people who have lost homes and jobs my heart goes out to you ... stay strong and know the rest of Canterbury have you in our thoughts.

smiley_cherub - 2010-09-11 12:35:00

Hi all,
a much better day for me today.
I slept for 5hrs straight which is the most I've had in one go since the earthquake a week ago. That's done me the world of good!
Went to my apartment this morning to check & the dangerous chimneys are no more. Hooray!!!
Mum's still a bit jittery though so I'll stay another night with her & plan on moving home tomorrow. Mr D is in Kaikoura anyway so better to be here than home alone.
It'll be nice to be back in my own space & have some feeling of normality again.
It's going to take a long time for Canterbury to get back on it's feet fully but the resilience of people here is amazing. Kia kaha all :)

winnie231 - 2010-09-11 14:36:00

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cookessentials - 2010-09-11 18:42:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-11 21:53:00
elliehen wrote:

winnie, Kaikoura's had a rock fall and a closure, but I think just the railway line is affected.

Both road (via SH1) and rail access between Chch and Kaikoura is blocked however road access is available for cars via the inland Kaikoura route while heavy traffic is being re-routed via the Lewis Pass - this info' from:-

245sam - 2010-09-11 22:16:00

Morning all,
I talked to Mr D last night - the road is definitely blocked but they were able to go via the inland route. The rugby game didn't go well unfortunately but at least they've had a change of scenery :)
We've been woken by a 4.6 jolt this morning just after 6am ... I can think of many nicer ways to start my day!!!
I got some potentially bad news yesterday afternoon - the civil defence has ordered a structural survey on my apartment.
I'm going to keep thinking positive - that they'll give the building the all clear. My course starts in a week & I need to get on with job hunting. Going back to apartment hunting just can't happen!!!

winnie231 - 2010-09-12 06:47:00

so much for trying to help
TM in there infinite wisdom have removed my ad
cheers TM good work
hey how about removing all the other auctions of people trying to help now eh
i would llike to say a whole heap more but it would undoubtably end with my banning :)

chef1964 - 2010-09-12 11:09:00

ok Tm i take it all back
my ad has been deleted from where it was originally but has been placed in services with some "assistance" from TM themselves

thanks TM but maybe contacting me before deleting my ad would have been a better option in the first instance but big thanls for coming to the party in the end :))

chef1964 - 2010-09-12 13:10:00

I am home!
And it feel's great ... even if it turns out to be temporary!
Life goes on - and I'm not going to let this little 'bump' spoil my adventure :)

winnie231 - 2010-09-12 18:46:00

Way to go Rae.

Well would you believe I have had the best weekend ever.... why..... because for the first time in over 5 weeks I have not been unwell or under the weather. I had the flu/H1N1 vaccine and I think I had one or the other and had enough to fight it off and not get really sick but enough of the bug to be unwell.... Anyway I'm BACK!!

Back to training meant a walk on Friday Morning (about 6.5kms) and an over 20km cycle yesterday... which did require a Nana Nap Saturday afternoon. Then I had a people for dinner... The joy of spring cleaning last weekend meant just a quick spruce this weekend. Then today I shopped with Miss soon to be 18 and we got her a fab sapphire ring... then we joined hubby for a car club run.. well actually we turned up just on lunchtime, had lunch and spent enough time so as not to be rude and left, using the girls needing to study (true) as my excuse.

Just had a lovely simple dinner of homemade soup with vegemite on toast.....

The only cloud on my perfect weekend was the news my that my girlfreinds sole mate had just been diagnosed with secondary cancer.... She is devastated as I am for her... So lets send healing & life quality vibes to him and strength vibes & Love to her.

Edited by toadfish at 7:06 pm, Sun 12 Sep

toadfish - 2010-09-12 19:00:00

Yes - thoughts to your friends - may everything go well.

summersunnz - 2010-09-12 21:23:00

Hi everyone,
I hope you're all having a happy day!
I feel so much better for having slept in my own bed again ... my midnight visitor helped too ;)
Haven't heard anything more about the structural survey here - I guess I'll know more in due course.
Been busy today sending out cv's but unfortunately I'm looking at the hospitality/tourism sector and many places are still shut or dealing with the earthquake aftermath.
The secret has worked for everything else in my life since I embarked on this new adventure so I'm just going to keep focus and believe that the right job & I will connect up!
In the words of a good friend - "I may be mad ... but atleast I choose to be positively mad!" :)

Love & best wishes to your friends toady xxx

winnie231 - 2010-09-13 16:19:00

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fisher - 2010-09-13 17:45:00

Hey hey stranger ... where've you been my friend?
Haven't seen you around this neck of the woods recently!
Hope all's been well - or has the fishing just been that good?? Lol
You got one thing right mate - after the couple of years I've been through - I'm not going to let an earthquake beat me!
I'm a ginga! I've got spunk!!!
And NO - no bats ... just a tasty Bruce Willis look-a-like! Eat your heart out toady!!! Lol!

winnie231 - 2010-09-13 17:54:00

Hi Everyone.. :-)

Am thinking of you all there in Canterbury.. saw that the a/s are still happening.. hope all goes well with your structural check Rae..

Take care all :-)

juliewn - 2010-09-13 20:21:00

Hi Julie & thanks.
I hope spring has sprung up your way.
The daffodils are out here & the Botanic Gardens look fabulous.

winnie231 - 2010-09-14 08:34:00

Hi All,
Winnie am so glad you are back in your home,and so pleased everything is going well for you.
Its a cold dull wet day here,its forcast for all week,we even had thunder here this morning.
I do like Daffodils,there is none in the garden,as its a rented house,we are moving after Christmas as the house is sooooooooo cold,we get no sun as the hills are all around our house.
Sure hope we find a home that will take our little dog.

earthangel4 - 2010-09-14 13:27:00

Charlieb, a while since we have heard from you. With Mr Charlie home you may be busy with repairs-hope it is just that and you have not "collapsed" after being so strong for so long while coping mostly on your own. Hugs to your 2 young ones.

marywea - 2010-09-14 17:09:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-14 21:05:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-15 23:12:00

yes charlie,
I so wished they would stop,thinking of you all.

earthangel4 - 2010-09-16 07:33:00

Gosh.. I saw that there were three large quakes in the night.. thoughts to you all..

juliewn - 2010-09-16 13:48:00

Hi Everyone,
Im a keen cook too.... altho time is very short due to running a business full time, being a Mum and working 6 days a week. I own a skincare company and on weekends work at an upmarket lodge doing facials for rich and famous.
Life is busy busy busy so easy quick meals are fantastic to find.
My husband is an award winning builder and designer and we have 4 kids between us.
Be nice to meet others in the same position and great easy quick tasty meal idea's that will woo my man and family! :-)
So hi to all....

melissaliam - 2010-09-16 14:49:00

Hi Melissa.. and a warm welcome :-)

You sure have a very busy life.. there are lots of threads with all kinds of recipes here in 'Recipes' - the messageboard..

I find searching for something that I want to base a meal around is made easier by using the search function on the left.. I can type in the name of the item - lamb shanks for example, then change the 'last 24 hours' to 'anytime' and search, and all the threads with lamb shanks will come up..

And start a thread and ask if there's a particular recipe you're looking for.. or ask in a thread that's on the same topic.. or if you want meal suggestions for certain food items you have.. there's always someone else that'll be wanting to know too.. Share anything you'd like to as well..

Do you use a crockpot at all so meals cook during the day and you arrive home to dinner ready.. makes things easier when working I've found..

I look forward to seeing you again here in the threads..

juliewn - 2010-09-17 00:52:00

For all the people from Cantabury.. my thoughts are with you all.. the number of the continuing quake's is shocking and I'd think they'd be a huge strain to be living through..

Caring hugs.. and keep safe.. xxxxx

juliewn - 2010-09-17 00:54:00

Yes Juliewn,I am so worried about my son and family,they have just shifted into another rental,I am not sleeping that good worrying about them.
Yes caring hugs to all.xxxx

earthangel4 - 2010-09-17 07:57:00
charlieb2 wrote:

stinky stinky stinky stinky aftershocks......

My thoughts are with you all.xx

earthangel4 - 2010-09-17 07:58:00
juliewn wrote:

Hi Melissa.. and a warm welcome :-)

You sure have a very busy life.. there are lots of threads with all kinds of recipes here in 'Recipes' - the messageboard..

I find searching for something that I want to base a meal around is made easier by using the search function on the left.. I can type in the name of the item - lamb shanks for example, then change the 'last 24 hours' to 'anytime' and search, and all the threads with lamb shanks will come up..

And start a thread and ask if there's a particular recipe you're looking for.. or ask in a thread that's on the same topic.. or if you want meal suggestions for certain food items you have.. there's always someone else that'll be wanting to know too.. Share anything you'd like to as well..

Do you use a crockpot at all so meals cook during the day and you arrive home to dinner ready.. makes things easier when working I've found..

I look forward to seeing you again here in the threads..

Lovely to meet you, thank you x

melissaliam - 2010-09-17 09:46:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-17 12:11:00

Well, so much for the sensitivity of animals to aftershocks. A couple of days ago we had a 4.1 that had me on edge. I glanced over to where Georgie Porgy had nested - on the clean clothes of course, and there she was still curled up fast asleep. I went over to check she was still breathing and she didn't move. Quarter of an hour later she woke up, stretched and ambled over to her food dish.

I wish the laid-back attitude was catching.

I have had some wonderful bubble baths but I *must* stop self-medicating with chocolate.

Best wishes to all Cantabrians and those offering support. I have a cyber-friend from Australia send me a silk/merino she had knitted, in reponse to my posting on anther community that I was so cold. It feels like a hug around my shoulders.

calista - 2010-09-17 12:36:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-09-17 13:43:00
elliehen wrote:

juliewn, what a kind and thoughtful way to greet a new poster. I hope that the way you answer posts is contagious ;)

Sure is..... your on my fav list :-)

melissaliam - 2010-09-17 13:58:00

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elliehen - 2010-09-17 14:00:00
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