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homemade dishwashing liquid recip anyone?? Hi all, am wanting a dishwashing liquid recipe....anyone have onn they would like to share?


kamitchell - 2009-07-06 14:56:00

From Sherylt; over in the household hints thread Post 1994 - dish washing liquid
I make my own and it works really well - although you don't get suds like bought dishwash. The original recipe that I got off the internet was 1/4 cup soap flakes (I use lux), 2 cups hot water, 1/4 cup glycerin, & 1/2 tsp lemon essential oil. Dissolve the soap flakes in hot water and cool to luke warm, stir in glycerin and oil. Mixture thickens as it cools. I found this mixture too thick & gluggy so I use just over half the amount of soap & glycerin - this makes a consistency much closer to commercial dish wash.


ange164 - 2009-07-06 15:03:00

Hi Jamtart.. look for it near the coffee section where milk powder, condensed milk etc is sold - I think it's usually at the top??

juliewn - 2009-07-07 02:30:00

Bath Salts Desert Sands Bath Salt Recipe by Ingredients: * 5 drops yellow food coloring * 2 drops red food coloring * 4 drops musk fragrant or essential oil * 3 drops Jasmine fragrant or essential oil * 3 cups epsom salts * 1 cup baking soda * 2 teaspoons liquid glycerin (skin moisturizer) (optional) Directions: Combine baking soda, epsom salt and glycerin until well blended, add scents stirring until there is no clumps just a fine powder. Divide the mixture evenly into 3 separate bowls. In the first bowl add 3 drops yellow food coloring, in the second add 3 drops red food coloring and in the 3rd bowl add 2 drops yellow with 1 drop red food coloring...stir each bowl until the color is well mixed. Allow the air to dry it for a few hours before placing in a bottle. Once dried, layer the first, then orange then lastly yellow.

lulu239 - 2009-07-07 05:48:00

Thanks Ange just need to get some Glycerine, and then I can make it.

kamitchell - 2009-07-09 17:09:00

Bumping.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-12 21:00:00

Dishwasher rinse aid Fantastic thread guys. I see that white vinegar has been mentioned heaps here, thought I'd add that I use it in my dishwasher in the rinse container. Works well and leaves glasses streak free.

montyspromo - 2009-07-12 21:56:00

Anti itch solution? I have a Dalmatian who suffers from some sort of alergy. We think it's grass which is a pity as we're not about to pave the entire backgarden. Anyway, just wondered if anyone knew what we could rub or spray on the top of her legs near her tummy that might stop her scratching / licking. We've taken her to the vet but I don't fancy her going back there every 4 weeks for the rest of her life for another shot to take the itching away.

montyspromo - 2009-07-12 21:59:00

Hi Montys.. I'll check with my Partner - his dog has the same problem - I know he saw the vet a few times and will find out what he does now.. I'll post back here for you..

juliewn - 2009-07-15 04:47:00

ow oh i know my dog had really itchy skin around his bum area, not worms but my workmate told me to dab some tea tree oil on a cotton ball and dab on and it worked he was always scatching that area on the carpet like he had worms but he would take alot of skin off and once tt oil was applied he came fine

kob - 2009-07-15 08:48:00

bump bump

raewyn64 - 2009-07-15 14:15:00

thanks I'll try that.

montyspromo - 2009-07-16 07:12:00

Hi Monty and Kob.. I'll suggest that to my Partner too Kob.. he hasn't been able to find anything to help.. thanks for your info.. - and nice to see you too Kob.. hope all is well for you.. cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2009-07-17 02:25:00

To use up sweetened condensed milk - no matter how much is left - or use a full can - and make your own creation.. according to what is in your pantry and fridge.. Use 1/2 can sweetened condensed milk (or a full can).. Add some crushed weetbix or other cereals (or a mix of cereals) - enough to make the mix very firm, then add your choice of the following: some cocoa or milo, dried fruit - sultana's, raisins, currants, craisin's, sliced apricots, etc.. chocolate chips or drops, spices - cinnamon or mixed spice, chopped cherries, citrus peel, lots of coconut, some wheatgerm, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chopped nuts, etc..etc.. Mix well then place in spoonsful on a baking paper lined tray and bake at 160°C till just beginning to go golden. Leave to cool on the baking paper - and enjoy..

juliewn - 2009-07-17 02:26:00

And a variation - .. mix the condensed milk with 100 gms butter and heat together slowly till the butter has melted. Add goodies as above to your taste as well as the grated zest of an orange or lemon. Press into a baking paper lined tin and place in the fridge to set for at least 1/2 an hour. Make an icing using the juice of the lemon or orange, plus enough sifted icing sugar to make a good spreadable consistency, and spread over the slice. Sprinkle with coconut or chopped nuts and return to the fridge to set. Cut into small pieces and keep in the fridge - or freeze some. It's truly delicious..

juliewn - 2009-07-17 02:26:00

A creamy rice pudding... in 15 minutes.. yum! I add some sweetened condensed milk to hot rice when we've had dinner - and just feel like *something-else*... Add 1/2 tin or 1 tin (to your taste) of sweetened condensed milk to 3 cups hot rice (microwave 1 cup white rice with 2 cups hot tap water uncovered for 12 minutes on High - or for brown rice zap for 20 minutes on High). Add other goodies if you want - the juice and zest of a lemon is exceptionally good, or use the juice and zest of an orange, or some choccy chips, etc..etc.. stir together and serve.. yum!

juliewn - 2009-07-17 02:57:00

On the itchy pet topic, it can be their food if you use cheap Supermarket brands that can do it.

suie1 - 2009-07-18 22:26:00

Thanks for your post Suie.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-21 01:28:00

Home made yoghurt Not sure if this has been put on yet
6 cups milk at 45-50 degrees celsius
¼ cup commercially made yoghurt of your choice as a starter

Blend ¼ cup of milk with starter, then add to the balance of the milk, stir well =then place mix in sterilised jars.
Place jars in a small chilly bin in which you have hot water placed- ensure hot water is at least ¾ way up jars.
Place a towel over jars, then place a hot water bottle in with your container, but not directly touching the jars within the container wrap in thick towels or a blanket, leaving undisturbed at room temperature away from draughts.
Leave for 7 hours- then remove covers and test. Yoghurt should be set like junket. If you want a more tart flavour leave up to 12 hours. Remove wraps, place containers in fridge and chill for 2 hours before using. If using this yoghurt as a starter for a new batch, then the starter should be used within 3 days, as after this time you could get variable results.

ashanti - 2009-07-21 10:49:00

So proud of myself... Did my first Binn Inn shop today for family of 5, with green grocer and small extras from Home Brand. So far Ive made the soap powder mix (first load in now - time will tell...), the spreadable butter with the butter, oil and water, AND the home made Baileys (priorities people!!!) And I can say to some degree of certainty the Baileys is superb. (*hic*) Question to whover may be able to help - whats the shelf-life of it, with the cream and all??

..smashpalace.. - 2009-07-22 23:14:00

itchy dog My dog had this problem for years.
It was his food. I stopped buying commercial pet food and now make it but if you keep an eye on what the dog is eating it will help.
I find if I dont have time to make his food and give him commercial he itches on the base of his spine near his tail and it takes 3 weeks for this to stop.

frances1266 - 2009-07-23 07:46:00

Thanks for your recipe Ashanti - a friend is coming for the weekend and we're going to make some yoghurt, then the yoghurt cheese that's in another thread on here.. lots of goodies to enjoy.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-25 00:33:00

Hi Frances.. I'll pass that on to my Partner - his dog has had problems needing vet care with itching - thanks for your post..

juliewn - 2009-07-25 00:34:00

Good for you Smashpalace... doesn't it feel great to be in charge of what you are using in your home and your cooking.. and your Bailey's! lol.. I've collected old jars, and some new, over the years, all with lids, or with firmly fitting cork tops, and I have my goodies in those.. I'll be finished building my new kitchen soon - and am already imagining my goodies displayed on curving shelves in my new pantry that I've designed and am building myself - can't wait.. :-)..

juliewn - 2009-07-25 00:41:00

Re the Bailey's.. it does taste very good.. one year, I made a Kid's version for Christmas - the same recipe, minus the whiskey - it actually tasted very similar, and adults were enjoying it too. I made a half recipe that way - and made sure it was used fairly quickly as the whiskey contributes to the keeping qualities of the original recipe. The Kid's thought they were cool having little liqueur glasses, the same as the adults.. and there was much exaggerated sipping to be like the adults.. gorgeous to see.. They loved it, and it's a nice memory.. Maybe time to repeat it this coming Christmas... :-) Have a lovely weekend Everyone.. cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2009-07-25 00:42:00

and.. Bumping for Aganu10.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-25 00:46:00

told everyone in my school fundraising group about this thread tonight now need to bump it up to where they'll find it. We're going to be doing a handy tips book as a fundraiser for our school and will have the kids contribute their families best tip for the book.

We figured that cook books might run into copyright issues.

montyspromo - 2009-07-27 22:44:00

Hi Monty.. you're most welcome to use any of the info I've posted in this thread for the book.. good luck for the fundraiser.. when it's ready, please let us know here - you won't be able to promote the sale of the book under Trademe rules, however I'd be happy to start a thread about the book when it's ready for sale - these types of fund-raising books have proved to be popular sellers among us all in these threads..

juliewn - 2009-07-27 23:58:00

thanks juliewn I'll certainly do that. I hadn't even thought about selling them on trade me (as in listing the books properly) but will certainly consider it. We were planning to print a sample then have everyone place there orders at school before we did the print run but if the book is helpful enough for others then we could certainly print extras to sell out in the community and on here.

montyspromo - 2009-07-28 06:16:00

Hi all, just wondering as i dont have time to go these wonderfull pages today...might be on the cards for the weekend! My baby has nappyrash. Ive been using baking soda but its burnt his wee bottem :( usually works really well. Apart from cornflour can you guys recommend anything for him?

rosielee3 - 2009-07-28 08:10:00

You're most welcome Monty.. good luck with sales. Hi Rosie.. Gently washing the area in warm water, then drying carefully, without rubbing, with a soft towel or piece of muslin, then using zinc cream helped when my Kid's were in nappies.. it's available at pharmacies and health stores.. Also, letting fresh air around the area helps too.. having some time in a sunny spot inside, with Baby lying in the sun there, helps with this.. let us know how you get on.. take care.. Julie

juliewn - 2009-07-29 01:11:00

Thanks Juliewn I took him to doc as i do let it breathe and him crawl around with no nappies for bits od the day...wash with clothes etc. Its a fungal infection he has so doc gave us cream to heal it up! Thanks for your time anyway :)

rosielee3 - 2009-07-29 07:41:00

That's great Rosie.. I'm glad all is well.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-31 02:28:00

DIY Curry Powder... Make your own using some cumin powder, coriander powder, turmeric, and chilli powder to taste.. plus other spices if you want.. cinnamon, allspice, paprika, etc.. I add some of these to my curries when I make them - I place a little oil or butter (I prefer to use the butter as I feel it enhances the spice flavours) - about a tablespoon in total, into a hot pan, add 1 tsp each of ground cumin and ground coriander, 2 tsps turmeric, then a sprinkle of the others - or I just leave it at that. This gives a fabulous flavour..

juliewn - 2009-07-31 02:29:00

ps.. if you prefer the flavoursome spices without the heat, make as above, leaving out the dried chilli powder.. and you'll have lots of flavour without being hot and spicy..

juliewn - 2009-07-31 02:30:00

Bumping.. after being away.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-08-03 23:53:00

Wonderful thread! Dunno if this has been done, but an easy-peasy ready in a mo pastry recipe: 1 cup of flour in a bowl, take approx 75 grams of butter and break into bits. Drop bits into the flour. 'Rub' the butter into the flour (quite litterally, makes the blocks of butter become 'flakes'). Continue until the two are well mixed, then add water bit by bit until you get a good dough texture. Roll out with flour and use as normal. I make pies for dinner with this; I use the leftovers from the night before with spices and extra veg, a bit of cheese, all biffed in together with this pastry on top.

bandushrew - 2009-08-04 08:49:00

todays experiment is freezing a packet of greggs chocolate mousse (with a handful of chocolate chips thrown in), but made with 2 cups of milk not the one cup it says. It was very light and airy when I put it in the freezer; after beating it with the whisk beater in the cake mixer for 5 mins. I anticipate a good cheap frozen dessert much like icecream out of it. Will let you all know. Have put some into home made popsicle makers too to see how that goes. (I'm thinking it Might be a bit soft for the moulds, we'll see.) Additionally because it's airy and made with milk not cream, it would have to be lower fat surely. LOL.

ange164 - 2009-08-04 13:36:00

result = fair. fudgecicles come out stuck to the stick fine, comparatively soft to the bite texture but a bit crystalized. It feels the low fat it is, no lasting creamyness on the tongue. And i think 2 cups of milk diluted the flavor a bit much, there isn't a Strong chocolate flavor, though it's still pleasant. If I were to use 1 to 1.5 cups of milk or some cream would add another dimension to it. If I use 2 Cups of milk again; I'd add a couple tablespoons of cocoa mixed into a paste with hot water first to make it a bit more chocolatey. Over all I think it'll be a winner once I've perfected it. For half the price of icecream.

ange164 - 2009-08-04 15:22:00

That sounds interesting Ange.. and delicious.. gelatine freezes well, and you could dissolve some gelatine in a little of the milk, then add the rest of the ingredients.. freeze.. and the result would be a little like the jelly part of a jelly-tip..

juliewn - 2009-08-05 03:31:00

good idea Ange I like to experiment like that too. Would be very economical. Probably nice in a tart frozen as well. A bit like a Bavarian pie like they sell in the supermarket. A bit of a dilemma with the cream vs low fat though! Who cares Lol

evorotorua - 2009-08-05 06:26:00

any one have any economical, healthy dog food recipes as young Pebbles still red and raw. I've taken her off the cheap supermarket brand ($20 a bag), but the vet stuff is about $70 a bag so I'm hoping to go somewhere in the middle. We're on the $40 a bag Pedigree supermarket stuff at the moment but only been on a day so far so can't tell just yet.

montyspromo - 2009-08-06 17:46:00

Our dog gets a very red rash when he eats ANY dry dog food, he lives on dog roll and fresh meat, and leftover meat and veg.

tumbleweeds2011 - 2009-08-07 20:07:00

monty the warehouse sell a book (in the books not pet section) called "Cooking for Your Dog." I didn't read it as I only have a cat, but if you're in there you may like to check it out - also have "Baking for your Dog" - might be interesting at least.

calista - 2009-08-07 23:57:00

bumping.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-08-11 21:55:00

This message was deleted.

dusty.p - 2009-08-13 21:02:00

Shower Cleaner I think I read on this post ages ago about a shower cleaner for glass showers but now I can't find it on the thread. Can anyone help me - having trouble keeping our glass shower (two walls glass) nice and sparkly. Have brought the shop spray stuff but not very impressed. Thanks

nettie14 - 2009-08-13 21:10:00

laundry liquid A while ago I found and copied a recipe using just washing soda crystals , lux flakes and boiling/hot water - it made about 8-9 2L milk bottles full. We moved house, I thought I put it somewhere safe and now I can't find it. I have found some similar, but would like to go back to the one I used previously.

Also does someone have a good, skin friendly 'recipe' for dry scalp?

Thanks heaps

rupps - 2009-08-14 07:42:00

rupps: using the Soap in your washing machine is not good for it. If you use it; remember to clean your washing machine with half a cup of dishwashing powder in an empty hot wash once a month to keep your machine healthy. now I'll post all of what I collected from Kob in the thread that died. (it can still be found in Votemenot.)

ange164 - 2009-08-14 07:51:00

WASHING SOLUTION First make sure you have empty containers to put it in. I use empty 2 litre milk containers as I make up 30 litres at a time and so use 3 x 10 litre buckets to mix it up in. Dissolve 1 cup of Lux flakes and 1 cup of washing soda (both available at supermarket for about $8-9) in a bucket of boiling water. Then divide the mixture in that bucket so that all 3 buckets have equal amounts of mixture. Top each bucket up to full with cold water and pour the final mixture into your containers. Use about one cup of mixture per full load of washing, gets the washing nice and clean. I have been using this mixture for over 2 years and it is so easy and cheap to make. Btw 30 litres of mixture will last approximately 3-4 months Use about a cup full per load.

ange164 - 2009-08-14 07:52:00
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