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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Bumping... Tis is the long weekend... taking no risks

valentino - 2009-05-30 20:04:00

Thanks for bumping the threads Philip.. :-) I hope you're warm there.. cold here tonight! Brrrr!!! Thanks Gini.. away longer than planned, good though.. hope all is well for you there.. take care all.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-05-31 21:24:00

Bumpety bump.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-06-01 23:22:00

upsy daisy. .

ange164 - 2009-06-03 07:30:00

Quick bump x

jenna68 - 2009-06-07 08:52:00

due to the fact some people have been stealing ideas and selling them to make a personal profit until furthur notice i will not be contributing to any threads in a new idea nature ,because i am utterley ticked off with this hole situation I apologize for this but ho hum i never thought i would have to be carefull but it HAS HAPPENED

kob - 2009-06-10 15:40:00

tonight Im attempting a Hay box as a yoghurt maker. I made the mix nice and warm (I'm hoping not so warm as to have killed my culture) and hay boxed it as per instructions. Wish me luck. And Kob, please don't go; your announcement makes me sad, though I understand why you would cease to contribute.

ange164 - 2009-06-10 18:30:00

How do I save all this somewhere Is there a way I can save all this fantastic info without having to go into page by page and copying and pasting? HELP. Too much good stuff here to lose and not enough time to sit and read it all.....

chocco1 - 2009-06-10 21:07:00

Hi Kob.. Like Ange, I hope you'll continue to be a part of the recipe threads.. they just would not be the same without you - your wisdom is truly appreciated by so many of us.. hugs for you.. and warm thoughts.. Julie..

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:03:00

Hi Ange.. a friend makes yoghurt in one of the large old preserving jars - about a 2 litre size - she gets the temperature right, then wraps the jar, with the lid on, in a large beach towel and leaves it overnight.. it comes out great.. I'd think your's will be the same - let us know.. Have you added any flavouring.. she doesn't, however I'd be interested in making yoghurt to add fruit to - passionfruit, etc... thanks for your help..

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:06:00

Hi Chocco.. Have page one of the thread open (or this works for other internet pages). At the top left of your screen, click on 'File' then on 'Save As' - a box will pop up. Make sure 'Desktop' is showing in the top line of the box, beside where it says "Save in".. If 'desktop' isn't showing, click on the down arrow at the right top of the box there, then choose 'desktop' from the list that pops up.

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:49:00

Right click inside the box, then click on 'new' then 'folder,' a new line will appear - type in the name you want to call it, ie. 'Home-made recipes'.. Then click away from those words, in the blank part of the box, to set it as a folder. Click on that folder name, and the name will transfer to the line at the top beside where it says "Save in".. the inside of the box will be blank until you've saved something into that folder.

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:49:00

At the bottom of the box, beside "File Name' type the name you want to call that page - ie.. 'Homemade recipes 1' .. leave the other two lines beneath that as they are, then click on 'Save.' The box will disappear, saving the page of the thread to the folder you created on your desktop.

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:50:00

When you want to view the page, have it so the desktop is on your screen, and find the folder name you've used. Click or double-click to open it and there it is.. You can save each page of the thread like that, into the same folder, so you have all the pages together. I hope this helps.. please.. ask again if anything isn't clear..

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:50:00

ps.. to find a recipe or word on a page, either a page here in the thread, or on any internet page, or in the file you've created, click on F3 at the top of your computer keyboard, or hold down your control key and the letter F. A box pops up, type a word in that you're looking for, and click 'next' - not there? - go to the next page and repeat.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2009-06-11 01:53:00

the Hay Box worked as a yoghurt maker. thanks to another poster's suggestion elsewhere, I bought a $1.20 150g pottle of natural yoghurt as a "starter" (sure slimmers was the smallest one I could get so that's what it was) To my empty jar (500ml size I would've done larger if I'd had one) I put milk powder (enough that it would make 2 C milk), 1 T sugar and 1 teaspoon gelatin. I mixed those with a little boiling water to melt the gelatin, then topped up with warm water, and tipped in the pottle of yoghurt. Then topped up with more water till the jar was full. Microwaved for 2 mins on medium low because it wasn't warm enough then left it in the haybox overnight. This morning I have sweetened natural yoghurt to which I'm going to add vanilla and chopped up pams tropical fruit salad. I could reserve a 1/4 c for the next batch's starter, but when working with bacteria like that, I think I prefer to start with a fresh "starter" from the supermarket at least once a month.

ange164 - 2009-06-11 08:32:00

Having run out of custard powder 3 weeks ago I reasoned that it was mostly cornflour in the box any way. So I boiled up 2 T cornflour with 2 C milk (actually milk powder and water) 1 t vanilla and 1 T sugar. In a seperate bowl I mixed 2 egg yolks with a touch of water and when the cornflour mix was cooked, I poured the egg yolks in while stirring the mix fast. What do you know... Tasty custard my 16 month old and husband gobbled down.

ange164 - 2009-06-11 09:25:00

Thanks for posting the yoghurt info Ange.. I'll make some too.. would be nice to know what goes into it by making it myself and to have it fresh.

juliewn - 2009-06-11 22:57:00

Blondie Custard: I remember my mother making custard with cornflour, milk and a little sugar - she would add 2 egg yolks once the custard was thick and quickly stir those in, then add 1/2 tsp of ground nutmeg and stir that in. She would then beat the 2 egg whites till stiff, then fold those through the custard, making sure little pieces of the egg white are left showing. The custard was a white-ish colour, with the specks from the nutmeg amd the white fluffy bits from the egg whites through the custard. At Christmas, she served it with Christmas Pudding. She called it 'Blondie' - I don't know whether she created the recipe like that, or if it came from elsewhere.

juliewn - 2009-06-11 22:59:00

bumping ... brilliant thread. Like the sounds of that new custard recipe too (mmmmm!)

darlingmole - 2009-06-13 20:37:00

Thanks Darlingmole.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-06-15 04:03:00

Bumping.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-06-18 03:01:00

my turn.... to bump!!
have a great weekend everyone!

guitarman525 - 2009-06-20 01:09:00

Thanks.. :-) and you too... .. :-) ..

juliewn - 2009-06-21 05:29:00

..... ..

juliewn - 2009-06-25 06:35:00

bumping up again

alebix - 2009-06-28 00:55:00

And again for Jamtart.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-06-28 18:27:00

love this thread Pizza Pockets - hubby & kids love them. Make a basic scone dough without sugar. Make it into 6 eaqual portions. Roll each ball out to a thin circle. Spread half with tomato paste or any tomato based pasta sauce, top with diced cooked bacon & grated cheese. Fold the other half over the fillings to form a half circle. Pinch/fold over the edges to seal well. Brush with milk & put a couple of slits in the top. Bake until golden brown. They can be made smaller or larger, have different fillings, great to use up leftovers.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-29 23:55:00

Yum that sounds good.. and just thinking - they'd be good with a sweet filling too.. like sliced apples with spices and sultana's, or a caramel, spice and druit filling.. Served with icecream and some kind of caramelly sauce.. yum!

juliewn - 2009-06-30 03:22:00

Making Creme flowing soap.. Grate or chop up some soap, add to water and heat in an old saucepan until the soap has dissolved. Add some essential oils if you want, then cool before placing in a pump type soap dispenser.. You could also add some oatmeal, oat bran or finely chopped oats, or similar to give a slightly textured creme soap.. If it's thicker or thinner than you'd like, add more water or more grated soap and heat again until you have the right consistency. It will thicken as it cools..

juliewn - 2009-06-30 03:49:00

they are great as dessert :-) hot or cold - with a scoop of icecream on top

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:14:00

for those on the Atkins eating plan make your own Atkins Baking Mix - 1 C soy flour,
2 C soy protein isolate,
2 T baking soda,
1 t salt,
2 T Splenda, Sift all ingredients together.
Use as you would the commercial Atkins Bake Mix. Yield: about 3-1/4 C - 3 carbs per 1/2 cup serving .

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:17:00

Atkins Shake & Bake mix 2 C dried onion
2 t kosher salt
1/2 t pepper blend
1/4 t cayenne pepper
1/4 t red pepper flakes
1/2 t ground sage
1 t dried rosemary
1 T sweet paprika
1 t dried thyme
1/2 t dried basil
2 bay leaves crushed
1 1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese
1/4 C Protein Powder

Pulse dried onion in a food processor or blender for 1 minute.
Add everything except the Parmesan Cheese and pulse for 1 minute. Add the Parmesan and pulse for about 10 seconds. Use as a coating for fried fish, chicken, etc.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:20:00

Brown Sugar 2 T. molasses
1 C. granulated sugar
Blend together using a fork, store in airtight container.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:21:00

Coffee Concentrate Syrup 2 C VERY strong coffee
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
In a small saucepan heat coffee just to simmering. Add remaining ingredients & simmer 8 minutes, stirring until sugar dissolves; cool before using. To Use: Add 2-3 T to a cup of hot water.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:24:00

Flavoured Coffee Creamer 1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 C skim milk
flavourings of choice.
Example flavourings: Chocolate Almond: 1 T cocoa, 1 t almond extract. Vanilla: 2 t vanilla extract. Cappuccino: 1 t almond extract, 1/2 t orange extract.
Strudel: 1 T cinnamon, 1 t vanilla extract, 1 t almond extract.
Chocolate Raspberry: 2 t cocoa powder, 2 T raspberry syrup
Measure all ingredients into a lidded container or jar, seal and shake vigorously. (Store in fridge up to 2 weeks)

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:36:00

Cottage Cheese 1 1/2 gallon sour milk (5.678117699990509 litres)
1/2 C. cream
1 tsp. salt
Heat milk slowly until it is too hot to hold your finger in it, approximately 115ºF.
Drain thoroughly in a cloth bag or strainer. Let stand in bag overnight to drain thoroughly. When dry, crumble cheese curds fine and add the salt.
When serving, add the sweet cream and mix thoroughly. Makes about 3 1/2 cups.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:42:00

Iced Tea Concentrate 10 tea bags
3 C. water
3 C. sugar
Bring all ingredients to a boil in a large pot and boil for 10 minutes. Cool and store in fridge.
To Use: Mix 5 C water & 1 C Syrup. (or to taste)
Serve with lemon slices.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:45:00

Delicious Chai Tea Mix 1 can unsweetened condensed milk (low-fat or nonfat, if desired)
1/2 t ground cardamon
1/4 t ground allspice
1/4 t ground cinnamon
1/4 t ground cloves
1/8 t ground black pepper
Blend all in a jar, shake well. Store in the fridge up to 2 weeks. To use, shake the mix & add 2 - 3 T directly into a cup of very strong, very hot black tea. Yum!

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 09:59:00

Ricotta Cheese 3 quarts milk (2.83 litresa)
1-2 T lemon juice
8oz plain unsweetened yogurt
Place milk and lemon juice in small plastic bucket, cover and allow to sit for 36 hours - in winter outdoors is fine, in warm weather place in low part of refrigerator. After the setting time mix in yogurt and bring mixture to a rolling boil until it clearly cuts. The easiest way to do this is in the microwave so you don't have to worry about burning the bottom which is why I use a plastic bucket - I stick it directly in the microwave. If the mixture doesn't cut after reaching a boil add a little more lemon juice and boil again. Drain off the whey using a large strainer lined with cheese cloth, gauze or similar material. Pull up the corners of the cloth, tie and let the ball of cheese hang for one hour. Refrigerate.
Makes over a pound of good sweet ricotta-type cheese Keeps refrigerated for about 2 days.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 10:28:00

Dehydrating Tomatoes Slice tomatoes into 1/4" slices. Place on dehydrator and dry until crisp. Place dried tomato slices into blender, herb, or coffee grinder and blend until a fine powder. Use powder in a variety of dishes from soups to meatloaf.
Reconstitute: To 1 cup of dried tomato powder, add the following....
Tomato Paste:
1¾ cup water and ½ tsp. sugar.
Tomato Sauce:
3 cups water and ½ tsp. sugar.
Tomato Juice:
3-5 cups water or to desired thickness.
Salt, pepper, to taste.
Tomato Soup:
¾ cup water, ½ cup dry milk.
Season to taste.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 10:35:00

Bulk Hot Chocolate 3 C caster Sugar
8 oz non-fat dry milk
16 oz Instant Chocolate Milk (I use Nestle's)
6 oz. Creamora (or any non-dairy creamer)
Mix well and store in air tight container. Use 3 T per cup of hot water. This is wonderful hot chocolate,

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 11:12:00

Coffee Mixes Cafe' Mocha:2/3 C instant coffee, 1 1/3 C sugar, 1 C non-dairy creamer, 1/4 C nonfat dry milk, 3 T unsweetened cocoa. Mix in food processor or blender to a fine powder. Use 1 to 2 spoonfuls to one mug of hot water (to desired taste)
Swiss Mocha:1 C instant coffee, 1 C sugar, 2 C nonfat dry milk, 4 t cocoa.
Use 2 to 2 1/2 t per cup of boiling water.
Cafe' Vienna:1 C instant coffee, 1 C sugar, 1 1/2 C non-dairy creamer, 1 1/2 C nonfat dry milk, 4 T cocoa, 2 t Cinnamon.
Bavarian Mint Coffee: 1/3 C instant coffee, 1/3 C sugar, 1/3 C non-dairy coffee creamer, 2 T Cocoa, 5 hard peppermint candies, crushed. Use 2 to 2½ t per cup of boiling water. Amaretto Coffee: 3/4 C non-dairy coffee creamer, 1 t almond extract, 1 t ground cinnamon, 3/4 C icing sugar, Combine all ingredients together. Use 2 to 2½ teaspoons per cup of fresh brewed coffee.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 11:22:00

Night Cap Coffee:
2/3 C nondairy powdered coffee creamer, 1/3 C instant coffee, 1/3 C sugar, 1 t ground cardamom (to taste), 1/2 t ground cinnamon Mix in food processor or blender until you have a fine powder. Use one heaping T to 1 C hot water.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 11:22:00

keenkiwi Thanks for giving all those, they sound great!

tumbleweeds2011 - 2009-06-30 13:06:00

bump .

lisa7 - 2009-06-30 13:28:00

I've made the coffee mixes in nice jars & given as Christmas gifts.

keenkiwi - 2009-06-30 13:29:00

They sound delicious.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-07-04 03:00:00

Bumping for Christmas Gift ideas and family Christmas goodies..

juliewn - 2009-07-06 01:49:00

what is non dairy coffee creamer Where do I find that in the supermarket? The coffee mixes sounds like an awesome thing to add to Christmas hampers

jamtart29 - 2009-07-06 13:12:00
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