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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2013-02-05 16:48:00

Hello Pam.. your garden sounds great.. so good to have wonderful fruits and veges growing..

How are you all from me too.. sending thoughts and best wishes that all is well for everyone.

All ok here.. have made some preserves, garden growing well, currently enjoying white grapes, blackberries, strawberries, alpine strawberries and apples from a tree of unknown variety.. I transplanted it here from another home when I built the house.. they taste good. Another apple tree that's grown from a seed dropped by a bird, or an apple core thrown out, is growing in one of the drive's.. first few fruit ripening now.. slightly flattish green fruit with a red sheen on the upper parts.. will be interesting to see what it is. My Golden Queen Peach has what I estimate to be around 20kg's of fruit.. up from 17 peaches last year.. the tree is strong and healthy.. so good to see.

I saw Ballarat Apples at our local Fresh Market today.. not often they're seen in a green grocery.. they're selling Blackboy Peaches too.. yum!

Started building a new fence today, on the southern boundary, have changed the design from how other fences are built, to having the palings fit horizontally into vertical 'slots' I'm adding to the sides of each post.. will look great, and be fast and easy to construct.. a help when I have shoulder injuries.

Take care everyone.. looking forward to reading how you all are..

juliewn - 2013-02-08 00:57:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-08 10:43:00

It is so nice to see this thread back on page 1, was beginning to think everyone here had migrated - enjoying this beautiful weather, garden looking great, but nothing like the above - hoping all well

rema - 2013-02-09 08:48:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-09 10:56:00

Greetings all.. :-)

Hi Pam.. sounds like you have a busy time ahead with planting your orchard and gardens.. a hugely rewarding time.. enjoy it all..

juliewn - 2013-02-14 23:12:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-15 09:56:00


pickles7 - 2013-02-22 07:15:00

Hi Everyone..

Wow.. lot's of wonderful things happening for you.. exciting Pam.. :-)

Thinking of you all in Christchurch.. Charlie, Shirley, Calista, 2Halls, Sumstyle, Greer, Suzanna, Tixy, Neil, and so many others..

I just went back to find the posts in the thread from those of two years ago.. if others would like to, they begin half way down page 45 at Post number 2226..

Earthangel.. Rae, Ali, Mary,.. everyone.. hope all is well for you all..

A note from a proud Mum :-)..
Jenni this week started studies for a Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences, majoring in Counselling.. she was changed from a preliminary course after two tutors were chatting to her, including about all she's been through.. the conversation must have made an impression on them, as they and three other tutors from her course last year, got together and agreed that Jenni didn't need to do the course she had started, and asked her to go for a meeting this past Monday.. and she started the Bachelor's degree course that afternoon.

At 22 she's young to be doing the degree, as usually students need to be 25, so therefore have some life experience.. however everything that's happened for her, and the way she handles it all, the skills she's built, and her resilience, etc.. all added together for them to decide she has what's needed for the degree.. one of the ways she has turned everything into looking at it all from a positive viewpoint.. as she said today.. 'I look at it all as a blessing now Mum.. I wouldn't be the person I am now without having been through all that.'
Her text message this afternoon:
'It's finally sunk in and I clicked today in my human development class that I'm exactly where I need to be'..
I am so proud of her.. she's been through such a lot, worked hard over many years to come to terms with it all, built skills to deal with anything when past things come up, or she needs to have her lung checked.. and she's creating the future that's partly based on what she's been through.. very cool.. :-)

Take care Everyone..

juliewn - 2013-02-23 00:28:00

Congratulations to Jenni-what a trooper she has been. I hope she enjoys her studies. I have enjoyed reading about the establishment of your garden and orchard-lots of hard work there. Good luck to you and yours.

marywea - 2013-02-23 00:41:00

Hello Mary.. how are you?.. so lovely to see your post.. :-) I've been thinking of you as you'll see in my post above.. thanks for your lovely words.. hugs.. xxx

juliewn - 2013-02-23 01:00:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-23 09:58:00

Waving to you all.
Julie lovely to read about your DD,she is doing so well,and your garden sounds lovely.
At present not doing much at our place here,except maybe transfer our lemon tree when we move again.
We are going to buy our own home,it is all very exciting.
We are looking,but will not happen to after Winter.
I am excited about planting a vege garden and all.
Everything here is not doing that well,does not seem to be growing,except for the Lemon Tree.
I sprayed the roses,that I planted,with rose spray,but still got the black spot.
I will be leaving them here,and starting again.

earthangel4 - 2013-02-23 10:33:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-23 19:59:00

Hi everyone, what a lovely friendly thread so I thought i would join you all. I am so excited I just purchased two poochon puppies but I don't get them until 2 weeks time. One is jet black and one is all white, they are so cute. I had a golden retriever years ago then she had to be put down, it was such a sad day that day and I do miss her company. I have been in the garden today and it was wonderful. I love gardening but the grandchildren take up a lot of my time now. Earthangel, good to see you here, how are you doing? You won't believe this but my daughter who was coeliac is not now coeliac!! No-one can explain why. It seems that after her first child was born the body corrected itself and she doesn't suffer any reaction to gluten at all now. - very strange. We were vary wary when she started on gluten again as we thought even though she wasn't reacting to gluten any longer it may be still damaging her intestines, but no, she was tested and everything is fine. Cooks, thank you for all your wonderful recipes I have enjoyed many of them so keep them a comin' lol, you juliewn. I love the summer weather we are having this year, may it linger a little longer. See you all later

Edited by nanee2jlp at 8:36 pm, Sat 23 Feb

nanee2jlp - 2013-02-23 20:34:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-23 20:43:00
cookessentials wrote:

Hi earthangel, great to hear from you.

Thankyou Cooks,this is one thread I do enjoy,hope you are well. xx

earthangel4 - 2013-02-23 22:26:00

Waving to Melford,
Great to see you in here,I am doing good,still gluten free.
Wonderful news about your DD,glad all is well with her.
Mine is here to stay,but all is good,also having other tests atm.but all good.
Waving to everyone else in here.
It is so hot and muggy here,and I am still wide awake,too hot to sleep.
Dp is asleep,and the wee dog lol.

earthangel4 - 2013-02-23 22:30:00

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cookessentials - 2013-02-26 16:57:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-01 21:56:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-02 00:20:00

Gosh 4th page again, too good to loose.

pickles7 - 2013-03-08 18:52:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-08 20:07:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-08 20:21:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-08 20:24:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-08 20:34:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-08 20:35:00

*I'm so freaked out now*. I had lunch at the Jellyfish, Mapua on Saturday, drove past Siefried and ordered my new letterbox. Fab day!

shop-a-holic - 2013-03-08 22:16:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-08 23:46:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-09 06:32:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-09 06:34:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-09 06:37:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-09 09:01:00

Morning Ellie and Cooks
I did check out the Trading Company :-) I remembered 100 years ago, they were featured in a magazine regarding the teacups and saucers on stakes for the garden. I found lovely spoon herb markers, but didn't buy any, as I had found some in a market in Blenheim were the guy had used old butter knives.

My cousin told me about the building on the corner which is no longer there, and she was very sad to advise it was an aquarium which was razed by fire. She told me only one turtle had survived.

Love the girlie shop up the road further. So much bling to look at; and then quite by accident, drove past a lady's house who's husband made letterboxes from LPG cylinders. For years, I've admired a "Tennis" one in Normandale, so it was a ground breaking find to meet the makers. The waiting list is long (Nov delivery); so I'm busy designing......a chef's one :-)

shop-a-holic - 2013-03-09 09:39:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-09 15:37:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-10 18:44:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-10 21:27:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-10 21:56:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-10 22:08:00

Hi Everyone..

Sounds like you've had a wonderful reunion Pam..

In case you don't know, you live not far from the first Lutheran Church that was built in NZ, by Danish Settlers.. it's at Mauriceville West.. it's interesting to see the cemeteries in the vicinity, and through the Wairarapa and lower Hawkes Bay too,, they tell some of the stories of the families back then..

As part of Denmark became part of Germany, maybe some of your Hubby's relatives were laid to rest there too??

Most Council websites have cemetery records available online, making it easy to check for family member's.

An interesting book is 'Forest Homes - Scandinavian settlements in New Zealand.' there are two photo's of the Mauriceville West Lutheran Church opposite page 53 - the photo pages aren't numbered.. there's one of the books listed on Trademe here:

juliewn - 2013-03-12 01:52:00

My daughter Jenni was in a bus accident in Hamilton - a car went through a red light at speed at the Grey St, Clyde St traffic lights, hitting the side of the bus she was in on her way to work.. she was sitting in the seat right beside the front steps, the car hit there..
On telling Police when they arrived of her history of her left lung collapsing spontaneously - it's what's known as a recurrent spontaneous pneumothorax - a Policewoman put her in a police car, straight to Waikato Hospital, where she was immediately x-rayed and checked.. the Policewoman stayed with Jenni the whole time.. I'm so thankful for her being there for Jenni.
Her left lung is 15% collapsed, she has two broken ribs and another cracked.. in addition to the bruised ribs, whiplash, sprained wrist and injured shoulder... and she's still finding bruises and bumps,

She's in a lot of pain, and on strong pain meds, finding sleep difficult when she turns, etc.... anything like stretching, even walking is painful.. she's been through a lot.. and even with that, she worked the full day after the accident.. has been at classes all week.. they sent her home yesterday - Monday - to rest. Her Degree studies also have a mandatory attendance at classes, so she's just kept on going.

Take good care everyone.

juliewn - 2013-03-12 02:22:00

Hi Julie, so sorry to hear of Jenni's accident. You must like you are a long way away at a time like that. Sounds like she is made of strong stuff though and still determined to carry on. She has courage and I bet she gets that from you. Please have all the cyber hugs you need and take care.
My daughter called from Wellington a few weeks back in a flood of tears. "Mum, I can't walk" I managed to get out of her. Just one of those silly things in her back when she bent over normally and it just went into spasm. Not really sure what she thought I could do from Rotorua right then but I told her to call her supervisor there who is a lovely man. He came straight over and helped her to A & E. He, too stayed all the time and left the room discretely when the doctors came in. What an angel he is. In the mean time I managed to find a Stand By flight and went down to help her. She had her Masters write-up to hand in and another assignment so stress was the order of the day. I also took down some extra pain relief that I knew the doctors wouldn't give her. She was a bit more comfortable the next day. I stayed in a hotel and tripped up and down to Kelburn from town. (think I am a tad unfit for that!!!!) Anyway after a couple of nights down there I got another stand-by and came home. They are worth the effort and I got to meet up with the supervisor and thank him whole-heartedly. I made a huge batch of my nut pies and sent them to him too.
Now I am off to Europe with my Mum for four weeks for family and friends. It's been thirty years for her so we are very excited.We leave on Thursday. What and adventure that will be. Take care everyone.

evorotorua - 2013-03-12 05:58:00

((((hugs)))) to you and Jenni. Don't let her be a hero - she shouldn't have worked the next day - make sure she looks after herself and takes the time to heal. Thats what she pays her ACC Levys for out of her wages. ACC are great at helping genuine people after accidents. Call them if you have any queries as to her entitlements.

toadfish - 2013-03-12 06:23:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-12 07:12:00

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elliehen - 2013-03-12 22:49:00

hope jenni is doing better, so sorry to hear

motorbo - 2013-03-12 23:05:00

juliewn - just wondering how jenni is? hopefully on road to recovery

rema - 2013-03-15 09:16:00

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cookessentials - 2013-03-15 12:05:00

Pam are you going to be open over Easter weekend. My sister decided to go visit friends in Greytown and I thought I would go with her. I would love to come up to your shop and visit you. Look forward to hearing from you.

macwood2 - 2013-03-25 21:44:00

Great to see us back on page one - wishing everyone and a very safe and happy Easter weekend

rema - 2013-03-26 09:21:00
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