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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!



gran333 - 2012-11-22 12:02:00

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elliehen - 2012-11-22 18:17:00

Good Morning all,
Have been lurking in here,wondering how you all are.
We have had some nice weather here,have rain here and there this week.
Heres,s hoping you are all well.

earthangel4 - 2012-11-26 08:11:00


fortytoo - 2012-12-02 20:16:00

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cookessentials - 2012-12-02 20:46:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-02 21:35:00


fortytoo - 2012-12-10 19:51:00

pleased to hear you are better EA and in time for xmas, this year will be very quiet for me, i wont be with my son or my family, due to the incident this year they will be having their family reunion minus 1 ...also my job that i had hoped would be great, is not that great, they failed to tell me it was casual so i will be without an income over xmas, unless i can find a new job fast! suprisingly okay despite everything, teary moments come and go but i think that might be my age LOL...tell me is it ladies? i miss green grass and hills....and the weather is getting very hot now, so nearly one year down and i feel no more settled than when i arrived, but at least for now i have work, which some do not, look forward to reading your stories of xmas preparations!!!

Edited by motorbo at 2:00 am, Tue 11 Dec

motorbo - 2012-12-11 01:54:00

Good morning all,
Lovely day here again today.
Cooks thank you for your kind words.
Motorbo you have been on my mind of late,it worries me that I did this too you,telling you Aussie would be better.
I have booked myself in for a reading in Blenheim,am worried about next year.
I am going on mornings,am worried if I cn not cope,if it will be too heavy for me,but have been told I can do it,and will surprize many people.
I am lucky I have a job,so I should be thankful.
I have been dignosed with Hypoglycemia/andrenal Fatique and ceoliac,am feeling so much better with my eating plan.
Sorry rant over,just needed to talk.
Angel hugs to you all xoxxo
I am spending Xmas on my own this year as well,dp is going to his family,I do not get on with his ex,so choose to stay at home,he is upset about it,but my joice,and it final lol.

earthangel4 - 2012-12-12 11:14:00

oh EA, i will come on and send you a message xmas day, my boss has allowed me to take some work home over the holidays, maybe just maybe he is realising my value? who knows i asked for a contract and a pay rise, time will tell. as to aussie dont worry yourself EA, i know i am where i am meant to be ..HUGS to you...oh what menu will you go with for xmas? i will be home in the morning so im going to make a trifle and take it to my cousins for an early xmas dinner

motorbo - 2012-12-14 00:49:00
motorbo wrote:

oh EA, i will come on and send you a message xmas day, my boss has allowed me to take some work home over the holidays, maybe just maybe he is realising my value? who knows i asked for a contract and a pay rise, time will tell. as to aussie dont worry yourself EA, i know i am where i am meant to be ..HUGS to you...oh what menu will you go with for xmas? i will be home in the morning so im going to make a trifle and take it to my cousins for an early xmas dinner

You are lovely thank you.
I am not sure what I will have,thought maybe all the foods I am not aloud to eat,then go to work with a hangover the next day lol lol.

earthangel4 - 2012-12-14 08:18:00

Hello Everyone :-).. how are you all.. and your Christmas meal's plans going.. often a busy time of year in our kitchens.. good though.. :-)

I've been thinking about how my garden is growing and changing, with all the young tree's beginning to fruit.. and expanding on notes I've made in my garden diary:

7 days ago.. I found the 13 cherries on my Stella Cherry Tree are ripe.. I picked them all, wrapped them in foil and froze them.. ready for my daughter when she's home next; she loves cherries so much she would buy a few cherries instead of lollies with her pocket money when she was young.. now I have a tree growing in her honour..

6 days ago.. I found that the shine of red peeking from beneath a leaf of my dwarf nectarine tree is from one of a cluster of fruit that are there.. when I thought I'd removed all the blossoms..

5 days ago.. We'd had two days of rain - and the 9 Golden Haze Peaches that will ripen soon have suddenly grown large..

4 days ago.. I noticed that my Tahitian Lime tree has 9 small fruit.. exciting to grow my own limes..

3 days ago.. Beneath the leaves of my Tamarillo Tree, I discovered tiny fruit among the flowers..

2 days ago.. My Fig Tree, name unknown, however I've called it Karapiro Fig, as it's grown from a piece sold to me at a road-side stall. It's little more than knee high.. with one large fig.. :-)

1 day ago.. My Feijoa Tree.. it's size filled with tufty red flowers, is often shaking.. because the birds that love it's goodies are here, and each shake means a flower has been pollinated.. and next Autumn there'll be fruit to enjoy...

Today.. I found the 5 nectarine's on my Queen Giant tree are almost ripe, so I picked one.. and ate it.. it was truly delicious.. eyes closed, juicy kinda delicious..

Thanks Mother Nature :-)

juliewn - 2012-12-15 16:47:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-15 20:19:00

sounds perfect...................woul-
d you believe i got the pay rise and thrilled!! means i can plan, come home to visit my son etc ... we have decided (cousin and i) we are going to do eye fillet steaks, and antipasto plate, ive discovered unhulled tahini anf its very nutty and makes a devine hummus,..and ive finally found a good fet cheese here so we will make some yummy foods...gotta say though new zealand food and green scenery....cant beat it the food here is not anywhere as good as nz

earthangel4 wrote:

You are lovely thank you.
I am not sure what I will have,thought maybe all the foods I am not aloud to eat,then go to work with a hangover the next day lol lol.

motorbo - 2012-12-17 02:18:00
motorbo wrote:

sounds perfect...................woul-
d you believe i got the pay rise and thrilled!! means i can plan, come home to visit my son etc ... we have decided (cousin and i) we are going to do eye fillet steaks, and antipasto plate, ive discovered unhulled tahini anf its very nutty and makes a devine hummus,..and ive finally found a good fet cheese here so we will make some yummy foods...gotta say though new zealand food and green scenery....cant beat it the food here is not anywhere as good as nz

hun so good to know you have a pay rise,and a visit to nz sounds lovely.
It could not get any worse for me,my ds was in a car accident over the weekend,he went to sleep at the wheel,has a deep grash at the back of his head an a broken ankle,when I heard my heart broke,but he is alive.
He managed to crawl out of the car and walk on to the road to wave someone down,to know he did this broke my heart.
I just wanted to be there with him.
I have lost one son,I don,t want to lose another.
He is now safe at home with his dp and children.

earthangel4 - 2012-12-17 08:30:00

Oh Earthangel.. thank goodness he's safe.. a huge shock for you all.. and a worry for you.. I hope he heals well.. hugs Earthangel..

Congratulations Motorbo.. very cool to have an increase.. your Christmas goodies sound delicious..

juliewn - 2012-12-18 21:14:00
juliewn wrote:

Oh Earthangel.. thank goodness he's safe.. a huge shock for you all.. and a worry for you.. I hope he heals well.. hugs Earthangel..

Congratulations Motorbo.. very cool to have an increase.. your Christmas goodies sound delicious..

Thank you hun,I got to talk to him on the phone last night,he sound better,his car is a right off,but he can get another car.
Lovely day here hope you all have a lovely Christmas,and a very happy safe new year xoxooxo

earthangel4 - 2012-12-19 08:19:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-19 12:04:00

Merry Christmas to all from me too. It's always a pleasure visiting this board and getting culinary inspiration. The six egg pav recipe I got off here last week went down a treat.

jhan - 2012-12-19 12:15:00

May you all have a wonderful festive season and hopefully a safe 2013, not sure where we would all be be without our 'circle of friends'

rema - 2012-12-20 08:00:00
rema wrote:

May you all have a wonderful festive season and hopefully a safe 2013, not sure where we would all be be without our 'circle of friends'


earthangel4 - 2012-12-20 09:05:00
motorbo wrote:

sounds perfect...................woul-
d you believe i got the pay rise and thrilled!! means i can plan, come home to visit my son etc ... we have decided (cousin and i) we are going to do eye fillet steaks, and antipasto plate, ive discovered unhulled tahini anf its very nutty and makes a devine hummus,..and ive finally found a good fet cheese here so we will make some yummy foods...gotta say though new zealand food and green scenery....cant beat it the food here is not anywhere as good as nz

There has been a change of plans,I am now going over to Hokitika and having Xmas with all of dps family,they want me there,so off I go lol

earthangel4 - 2012-12-20 13:05:00

thank you julie, i really like the work im doing too...even if my boss is the most disorganised bugga lol

oh EA, i am so so pleased to hear he is okay, i can imagine the heartbreak at what he went through but gosh to survive...thank goodness for that!!!

motorbo - 2012-12-20 23:56:00
motorbo wrote:

thank you julie, i really like the work im doing too...even if my boss is the most disorganised bugga lol

oh EA, i am so so pleased to hear he is okay, i can imagine the heartbreak at what he went through but gosh to survive...thank goodness for that!!!

He has an Angel walking beside him,he is my world.
Hope you are ok?,and that you enjoy your Xmas xoxoxoxo

earthangel4 - 2012-12-21 08:35:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-22 18:33:00

Hi all & Merry Christmas xx
EA - I hope ds is well on his way to recovery. You give so much support to your friends here ... know that it's being given right back in your time of need!
Hi Julie - the garden sounds fantastic. All your hard work starting to pay off :)
Motorbo - I know it sounds cliche ... but find someone random you can do something nice for - it helps put your lows and blessings in perspective again. I was feeling down about working through Christmas & not seeing Mum but 5 mins with a special lady I helped recently had me feeling very lucky again xx
Thanks ellie - I'll be happy to go help out in the thread.

As for me & my news - work is going very well. I'm so lucky to have a job that involves working with people on holiday and helping them enjoy our gorgeous country :)
I have a new man in my life - his name is Sparrow (aka Captain Jack Sparrow). He is a beautiful 3 year old black cat with a white beard & boots. All I wanted for Christmas was a cat so anything else from here on out is a bonus!
Miss 15 is back home with me for the summer & I'm loving having her here. She is such an awesome person & I'm sooo proud of her <3

Wherever you are & whoever you're with - I wish you a happy, safe & blessed Christmas.

winnie231 - 2012-12-22 20:20:00

im ok EA, thank you for worrying ..... i am ok,,,sometimes its good to share here i would never offload too much though...winnie funny you should say that because i do...i think you might understand when i say battling everything alone wears you down now and again

on a brighter note...merry xmas all

motorbo - 2012-12-23 03:38:00

Good Morning all,
Thank you for your kind words.
Another beautiful day here,have been busy baking for Xmas day,also have 2 chickens to cook,and take with us.
I am coming home Xmas night,as have work the next day.
I sure hope everyone enjoys there Xmas day,and do drive with care and stay safe xoxooxooxo

earthangel4 - 2012-12-23 11:58:00
winnie231 wrote:

I have a new man in my life - his name is Sparrow (aka Captain Jack Sparrow). He is a beautiful 3 year old black cat with a white beard & boots. All I wanted for Christmas was a cat so anything else from here on out is a bonus!

Sadly my beautiful cat developed serious problems with his urinary tract and had to be put to sleep this morning :-(
Not a great start to Christmas ...
RIP my furry friend.

winnie231 - 2012-12-24 14:24:00
winnie231 wrote:

Sadly my beautiful cat developed serious problems with his urinary tract and had to be put to sleep this morning :-(
Not a great start to Christmas ...
RIP my furry friend.

Awww hun,feel so sad for you,you are in my thoughts.
Angel hugsxoxoxoxo

earthangel4 - 2012-12-24 15:43:00

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charlieb2 - 2012-12-24 20:34:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-24 21:19:00

Thinking of you Rae, hard losing one of our furry friends..

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone.. hope you get lots of time to relax tomorrow..

juliewn - 2012-12-24 22:50:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Just popping in to wish you all a Merry Christmas wherever you may be and whatever you do.

Hope you all have a wonderful day....

Lovely to see you in here,a very merry Christmas to you,and your lovely family.
Stay safe xoxoxoox

earthangel4 - 2012-12-25 10:10:00

Merry Christmas everyone.
Stay safe there are some crazy drivers out there.
We are off to Hokitika shortly,to be with dps family.
My kids are both safe and going to there inlaws.
Love and hugs to you all xoxoxoxo

earthangel4 - 2012-12-25 10:12:00

Happy New Year to you all...and thank you for listening and sharing this year...its been wonderful to be a part of this thread and the people good people that is to 2013 being a brilliant one

motorbo - 2012-12-31 18:30:00

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elliehen - 2012-12-31 18:54:00

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cookessentials - 2013-01-02 08:09:00

For everyone back at work tomorrow: I hope you had a relaxing break and have the type of job you can look forward to each day. Have a prosperous year with family, friends, food and financial in whatever order you need.! I am looking forward to the day to day routine again. Still have another week off but I am lucky that in general my job is interesting (I am an accountant!) and I enjoy it. Not EVERY day but in general it suits my mind. Take care and much aroha to you.

evorotorua - 2013-01-06 18:14:00

Wow, I didn't know I was a thread killer!

evorotorua - 2013-01-16 16:20:00

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elliehen - 2013-01-16 16:30:00

Was wondering where everybody was!!!

rema - 2013-01-17 08:40:00
elliehen wrote:

Everyone is just too laid back and still on holiday ;)

I'm very busy at work with all the people who are on holiday!
Our beautiful Nelson Tasman Region is a magnet for both domestic & international tourists at this time of year.
Loving it :)

Happy summer all.

winnie231 - 2013-01-17 11:23:00

Have been very busy at work also,
Hope you are all enjoying your summer all.

earthangel4 - 2013-01-17 11:40:00

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elliehen - 2013-01-17 12:44:00

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cookessentials - 2013-01-17 15:38:00
cookessentials wrote:

Ha ha...never! i think we are all still in holiday mode.


earthangel4 - 2013-01-17 15:45:00

What a relief!! I thought I was doomed. Glad everyone is still 'chillaxing' as the kids say. Enjoy the time. I am back at work and getting through everything before the end of March. People are funny aren't they, leaving everything to the last minute. I am glad most of them have a good sense of humour and we get through the whole process of life together.

evorotorua - 2013-01-17 17:28:00

Another beautiful day here in Nelson today.
A gentle breeze is blowing ... just enough to make the folks at the Kite Festival happy.

winnie231 - 2013-01-20 14:25:00

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cookessentials - 2013-01-22 17:23:00
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