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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


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cookessentials - 2012-08-16 11:53:00

Beautiful very quiet place, the cottages are all in a row across from the beach, the beach is separated into 3 parts chinamans beach a mid bit which is across the road from your cottages and then a big horseshoe back, huskisson is the closest beach / shops as hyams is very small. Berri has a Poole of cafes and shops you will want to have a bit of a drive around the area we stayed in shoalhaven just out from Nowra and had a meal at the butter factory which is modern Australian cuisine very nice and think it had some awards. The beach squeaks its so silicone white, I think it's nicer than noosa by a country mile. Think you will really love it.

auckland_ali - 2012-08-20 00:25:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-20 06:58:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-20 12:12:00

They also had a three course special which had a choice of 3 mains and entrees very nice. I was going to say that our trip down south reminded us of the programme sea change we were very surprised how "forgotten" the place felt totally unspoilt not one sign saying come to our wonderful white silicone beach - the locals like to keep it that way LOCAL lol. Not a cloud in the sky here, our local club does a 3 course roast on a Monday I had cauliflower and blue cheese soup with ciabatta, roast pork caramelised pumpkin, potatoes, broc, carrots and garlic butter with a red wine ju and then individual apple crumble with ice cream on the top, the cost $15 a head there's no way you would bother buying and cooking the same.

auckland_ali - 2012-08-21 13:05:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-21 14:37:00

I have just about got the handle on cooking for 2 when I come back to nz and feed the troops it's 6 min for dinner I peel 3 kgs of Kumera a time a d it just goes!! Back in nz this week but only to pick up kids and take them to tonga - my bucket list is all of us throwing ourselves in the ocean next door to a humpback whale this was my birthday present this year (very cool)

auckland_ali - 2012-08-21 21:22:00

Good Morning all,wanted to come in and say hi.
We have been lucky to have some nice sunny days,have done heaps around the house,the last few days.
Back to work this afternoon.
Cooks not long before you go away woohoo.
You will be missed,how long are you going for?

earthangel4 - 2012-08-22 07:17:00
auckland_ali wrote:

I have just about got the handle on cooking for 2 when I come back to nz and feed the troops it's 6 min for dinner I peel 3 kgs of Kumera a time a d it just goes!! Back in nz this week but only to pick up kids and take them to tonga - my bucket list is all of us throwing ourselves in the ocean next door to a humpback whale this was my birthday present this year (very cool)

Have an amazing time Ali, I want to hear all about it.... think its just been added to my bucket list.

toadfish - 2012-08-22 07:35:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-22 07:59:00

Hows your asthma earthangel? Lovely day today went down to a t shirt, just packing I have a wardrobe in nz and a wardrobe in Sydney but when you go away you want your favourites and need at least 3 togs, my aim was to make a memory for the kids that for mums 50th we went and threw ourselves in the sea with 45 foot humpback whales , I want the kids in years to come to think hey mum was cool!! And at 20 22 and 24 they will absolutely love it. And so will we having such quality time with them all in one place.

auckland_ali - 2012-08-22 23:35:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-23 07:09:00

Good Morning all,
Lovely day here,had a good sleep in,I needed it.
Ali my Asthma has improved since they changed my inhales,I now have 3,and I do feel better,thankyou for asking.
How is your Asthma going?
Cooks can I ask you again,I had it written down,but can not find the paper I wrote it on,what is the name of the stuff you use in winter for colds,it is great stuff,and I have run out.
Thanks cooks,wow 17 days that is awesome,you so deserve it.
Hello to everyone else.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-23 09:10:00

Thanks cooks, one would think an all expenses paid holiday should give major brownie points, at airport on second wine flight delayed makes for a late night, I know I have clean sheets and towels in both places but have ironing to do in nz, this twin life is very fun but busy October we have 2 nights free in Sydney apartment were people are NOT staying lol. Asthma is excellent, was very sick in nz 3 weeks ago took nothing to hav an asthma attack been on abs and prednisone and have the most smell I have had in two years feeling great will keep it up so I have lung capacity for throwing myself into the ocean with the whales. Woo hoo

auckland_ali - 2012-08-23 20:14:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-23 22:04:00
cookessentials wrote:

Was it the Olbas oil you were thinking of? great for clearing up chesty coughs etc. Only six days to fo now!

No they use it for when someone is in shock ect.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-23 23:19:00

Good Morning team,
Wanted to come in and wish cooks all the best on her trip tomorrow.
Cooks you will be missed,but do have a wonderful time hun.
I got my cook book last friday and love it.
I am still in the lead for my juicer,so when you come back,I will be on day 2 of juicing.
To everyone else,I think of you all each day,and hope you are all well.
Motorbo hope you are enjoying your job,and that all is well in Aussie.
I am off to get my hair dyed and cut this morning,have a long drive,as I like her lol

earthangel4 - 2012-08-27 07:20:00

Good morning everyone.
Pamela - I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday. Enjoy all that sunshine!
Hi EA - enjoy your pampering & good luck on the auction.
My news is two-fold. I'm happily moved into my new place in town & am sleeping well there which is a positive sign (I have suffered bouts of insomnia ever since the earthquakes).
On the down-side I broke one of my toes on Wed morning & also have a hairline fracture in my foot so will be hobbling for the next few weeks.
C'est la vie!
Happy Monday all :)

winnie231 - 2012-08-27 08:33:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-27 09:36:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-27 09:43:00
cookessentials wrote:

Morning all. thanks for the good wishes. Have decided to head over the hill this afternoon to save a very early start tomorrow. Got a nice motel booked, so we can relax. Up to Auks with a night at Mum & Dads before jetting off on Wednesday night. Have a kahuna massage ( 1.5 hrs) and an "access bars" session ( 1 hr) booked for both of us this coming Saturday, so we will be thoroughly relaxed for our stay. Must say, I am looking forward to the massage, it is quite different to the usual, so will see what happens! EA I am day 52 of mine, day sixty while we are away so not too difficult, have found a juice bar at Eumundi market, Belmondos ( our favourite coffee haunt) and also where we are staying, so I am pretty well set. EA, the book is fabulous isn't it? Even though I paid more for mine at Poppies book store, it was still well worth it. Hey EA, in the lead up to the juice, try and eat plant based foods so then you wont get the detox symptoms so bad. I must say, I only had a slight headache on day two, but after that, I was as right as rain.

Thanks so much hun,will be thinking of you while you are away,have a safe journey xxxooo

earthangel4 - 2012-08-27 10:19:00
cookessentials wrote:

Rescue remedy EA

No not that one hun,I think it started with A,you have it in your med cabnet lol,I think it is blue and white.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-27 10:20:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-27 10:23:00

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cookessentials - 2012-08-27 10:27:00
cookessentials wrote:

Mmm, I have aconite which is great as soon as you feel unwell ( ie: sore throat) Arsenicum album is for tummy bugs and food poisoning. The rescue remedy is actually made up of various ingredients.
The traditional crisis remedy the most famous of the remedies, but in fact is not 'a remedy' at all. Instead it's a blend of five different remedies:

Rock Rose
Cherry Plum
Star of Bethlehem
This mix was created by Dr Bach to deal with emergencies and crises - the moments when there is no time to make a proper individual selection of remedies. It can be used to help us get through any stressful moments, from last-minute exam nerves to the aftermath of an accident.

The best-known make of the crisis formula is sold under the brand name Rescue Remedy - but every remedy maker has its own version of this formula
Blue and white box is Naturopharm I think. Weleda also do homeopathic remedies.

Aconite is the ones thank you

earthangel4 - 2012-08-27 13:47:00
winnie231 wrote:

Good morning everyone.
Pamela - I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday. Enjoy all that sunshine!
Hi EA - enjoy your pampering & good luck on the auction.
My news is two-fold. I'm happily moved into my new place in town & am sleeping well there which is a positive sign (I have suffered bouts of insomnia ever since the earthquakes).
On the down-side I broke one of my toes on Wed morning & also have a hairline fracture in my foot so will be hobbling for the next few weeks.
C'est la vie!
Happy Monday all :)

Awww Winnie,sorry to hear that,hope your foot and toe heals quick,glad you have moved and settling in well.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-27 15:40:00

Hi everyone.. catching up with the thread, so much happening and haven't been online much.. a quick hello.. have been thinking of you all..

Ouch Rae, that would be painful.. hope it heals quickly for you, and so good you're sleeping well.

Take good care everyone x

juliewn - 2012-08-27 21:16:00

Thanks ladies. Painful yes but more annoying that I'm now living in walking distance of work - and can't walk! Planning on getting on my bike as soon as my toe has settled down a bit more.
Hi Julie, hope alls well with you and the family. I guess you'll be heading into spring gardening mode now?
I'm loving seeing all the bulbs & blossom blooming :)

winnie231 - 2012-08-28 09:38:00

Waving to Julie and all,
Good to see you Julie.
Mmmmm I have a question,I have a lemon tree,that needs spraying,it has curly leaf,also need to spray my roses,can I use an all purpose spray on both.
Also what about copper,heard this is what I use,but do,nt want to have to buy 2 lots of sprays.
thanks all.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-28 10:37:00
winnie231 wrote:

Good morning everyone.
Pamela - I hope you have a lovely relaxing holiday. Enjoy all that sunshine!
Hi EA - enjoy your pampering & good luck on the auction.
My news is two-fold. I'm happily moved into my new place in town & am sleeping well there which is a positive sign (I have suffered bouts of insomnia ever since the earthquakes).
On the down-side I broke one of my toes on Wed morning & also have a hairline fracture in my foot so will be hobbling for the next few weeks.
C'est la vie!
Happy Monday all :)

I won the auction last night hun,am so excited,just waiting on shipping arrangments,so should be here mon/tue woohoo.
Lovely day here in Grey today,have a line full of sheets,towels ect.
Thinking of cooks,wondering how her holiday is going.

earthangel4 - 2012-08-30 10:55:00

hi everyone, just a quick visit to say hi, hope everyone is well!!

motorbo - 2012-08-31 17:49:00

We seem to have disappeared from recipes, just found this, so bumping for page 1

rema - 2012-09-05 17:25:00

Hows the mending winnie?
We are off to Perth tomorrow for the weekend looking forward to seeing a new place.

auckland_ali - 2012-09-05 23:26:00

Hi everyone,
My foot's mending well thanks ali.
Hope you enjoy Perth & get some good weather.
I'm having my house warming on Sat ... and it really is starting to feel like home.
A few gaps furniture-wise where I haven't needed to replace things lost in the earthquale up till now but I'll get there.
I have no garden as such but a gravel & concrete yard so I'm on the hunt for lots of pots & containers at the moment. Then I'll hint to the family for garden vouchers for my birthday and start creating my little container paradise.
It's very warm & sheltered so come summer I plan on having my door open and lovely flowery & herby scents wafting in :)
I hope everyone else is happy & healthy and pop in here to say hi sometime.
Keep smiling xx

winnie231 - 2012-09-06 11:57:00

awww im in perth Ali

auckland_ali wrote:

Hows the mending winnie?
We are off to Perth tomorrow for the weekend looking forward to seeing a new place.

motorbo - 2012-09-06 23:56:00

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elliehen - 2012-09-07 00:00:00

Hi all,
good tip thanks ellie :) I have been there ... I got a very nice pair of fulled lined curtains for $6. Didn't think to look for containers though ... next time!
Spring has certainly sprung!!! Sunny in the morning, rain in the evening, and everything else in between!
Lovely to see all the daffy's & other spring bulbs out in full bloom. I'm walking to work now and enjoying everyone's gardens along the way.

winnie231 - 2012-09-10 08:39:00

Come on girls, don't lets lose this - it is freezing in Rotorua this morning, hows the rest of the country faring??

rema - 2012-09-15 10:41:00

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elliehen - 2012-09-15 11:24:00

Cold and wet here,inside by the fire,not much happening here.
Hope you are all well and happy,I am happy to have a week off work,don,t fancy driving in this weather lol.

earthangel4 - 2012-09-15 12:20:00

Cloudy here and temp has dropped, perth was awesome such a beautiful place, we went inland to look at the wild flowers they also have fields of canola bright yellow amongst the trees, we also came down the coast I have never seen that amount of massive houses. In one place, they do say they have the most millionaires there. Beautiful white sand beaches which we do not associate in auckland as we have black beaches on our west side, amazing sunsets over the water, the temps are quite extreme I think, we has 13 degrees in the morning and it went to 29 and that's winter!! Sounds like it gets unbearably hot in summer, mind you not looking forward to Sydney mid summer. Walked over the harbour bridge last night fantastic walk they really have catered to walkers in Sydney there are some really great restaurants on the other side. Went to the better homes and garden show last week that was fun, won. 2 prizes at the ryobi stand just what I always wanted Lol. Back in nz this week will get my woollies jumpers ready!

auckland_ali - 2012-09-17 12:20:00
auckland_ali wrote:

Cloudy here and temp has dropped, perth was awesome such a beautiful place, we went inland to look at the wild flowers they also have fields of canola bright yellow amongst the trees, we also came down the coast I have never seen that amount of massive houses. In one place, they do say they have the most millionaires there. Beautiful white sand beaches which we do not associate in auckland as we have black beaches on our west side, amazing sunsets over the water, the temps are quite extreme I think, we has 13 degrees in the morning and it went to 29 and that's winter!! Sounds like it gets unbearably hot in summer, mind you not looking forward to Sydney mid summer. Walked over the harbour bridge last night fantastic walk they really have catered to walkers in Sydney there are some really great restaurants on the other side. Went to the better homes and garden show last week that was fun, won. 2 prizes at the ryobi stand just what I always wanted Lol. Back in nz this week will get my woollies jumpers ready!

So gald you had a good time,so wished I was there,my dh is in Singapore atm,on a boat cruise,We both could not afford to go.
DH has had a very upseting year,so I told him to go,he is with 25 others,and emails me everyday.
When he comes home he will be starting a new job,so all is well.
I look forward to the presents he will bring home lol lol.

earthangel4 - 2012-09-17 12:59:00
earthangel4 wrote:

So gald you had a good time,so wished I was there,my dh is in Singapore atm,on a boat cruise,We both could not afford to go. DH has had a very upseting year,so I told him to go,he is with 25 others,and emails me everyday..

You really have a generous spirirt..... I would have been quite miffed lol, but then again I am the traveller in this family.

Things are ticking along nicely in this house, had a bit of a health scare but after a raft of tests it was good to know that I am in great shape, every reading was within the normal range, some on the low end. My Chloresterol and Diabetes test surprised the Doctors as they were right at the low end of normal - which is uncommon for a women of "my age" apparently (don't you love young Dr's - Not).... So I must be doing something right in my lifestyle.

DH's man cave is nearly finished and the temporary "Container Shed" is being removed today, its nice to get the place looking less like a junk yard lol, we seem to move in to this idylicc place and then ruin it lol.
We have had a landscaper come round to help us with the garden design and we are expecting the plans back any day. I have pulled out and dug over the gardens surrounding our house... so am poised ready to do the big plant. We will do that straight away, the rest we will take our time doing bits at a time. Except the Vege patch, would like to get that in soon....
It has always been a rental so the owners kept the gardens minimal as they didn't want huge maintenance and apparently most of there tenants didn't like to garden... so we have the huge task of prettying it up.

So thats me in a nutshell, hope everyone else is keeping well.
Take Care JBx

Edited by toadfish at 6:06 am, Tue 18 Sep

toadfish - 2012-09-18 06:02:00
auckland_ali wrote:

Back in nz this week will get my woollies jumpers ready!

You will need them as its been a bit of a cold snap. I must admit am loving the lighter evenings, seems to stay light till after 6pm now and in a couple of weeks Day light saving.... Yippee.... summer is a coming!

toadfish - 2012-09-18 06:09:00

it gets very very hot here, last weekend was so hot i felt like i was melting and summer isnt here yet, i tend to compare the beaches to my home town - mount maunganui, and they still dont beat the mt!!!

auckland_ali wrote:

Cloudy here and temp has dropped, perth was awesome such a beautiful place, we went inland to look at the wild flowers they also have fields of canola bright yellow amongst the trees, we also came down the coast I have never seen that amount of massive houses. In one place, they do say they have the most millionaires there. Beautiful white sand beaches which we do not associate in auckland as we have black beaches on our west side, amazing sunsets over the water, the temps are quite extreme I think, we has 13 degrees in the morning and it went to 29 and that's winter!! Sounds like it gets unbearably hot in summer, mind you not looking forward to Sydney mid summer. Walked over the harbour bridge last night fantastic walk they really have catered to walkers in Sydney there are some really great restaurants on the other side. Went to the better homes and garden show last week that was fun, won. 2 prizes at the ryobi stand just what I always wanted Lol. Back in nz this week will get my woollies jumpers ready!

motorbo - 2012-09-18 18:09:00

Nice catchup toady, sounds like fun almost a blank canvas, you will be wanting plants in before the heat and dry of summer so they take hold. Lol ,,to the young doctor, but if he's your family one he will not be as old as you in 20 years time and you won't want the same age doctor then. Am looking forward to coming and having a look around your not so new home now!! Earth angel that was lovely of you to let hubby go, I am sure he is having a lovely time but missing you as well. Motorbo the beaches also have nasty big sharks that tend to eat western Australians but did think it was a lovely place very clean and clean cut if you know what I mean.
I can see lightening across the city at the moment they seam quite concerned on the news as there's been hailstones dropped when a storm hits I think it's a big thing, still in short sleeves since this morning mind.

auckland_ali - 2012-09-18 20:51:00

hello All,
Thank you for your kind words.
Dh rang last night,they were in Thiland,riding Elephants lol,wished I was there.
They were having dinner last night with the captain of the ship,they were also going back to Sinapore to pick up 6 more people,then continuing on there journey,theay arrive back in Singapore on Saturday for 3 more days.
Hubby was saying last night,that things are very cheap in Thilland,they did a tour for $25.00,not sure how long for.
I am worried about hubbies swelling ankles due to the heat,I told him to put them in a swimming pool,is there anything else i can tell him?
Toadfish,you are alot like me,I like to get in and get things done.
Motorbo hope you are ok,is things ok at work?
I get the feeling they are not.
Waving to all in herexxxxxoooo

earthangel4 - 2012-09-19 10:11:00

Hi all,
nice to catch up on everyone's news :)
Toady - your country estate sounds like it's coming along nicely. Have you got your chooks yet?
Ali - nice win! I hope they were useful products though I imagine anything from Ryobi would be useful lol.
EA - you truly are an angel! I'm sure your DH knows it too :)
Putting his feet at night could help the swelling. When I was in asia I used to add a little salt & a little sugar to my drinking water to help compensate for all the sweating. This might help him too.
Motorbo - I don't think I'd cope with that heat long term ... Melbourne is more my kind of climate.
All's well in my corner of the world. Had a lovely weekend with Miss 15 in Golden Bay last weekend and now I had Mum arrive yesterday from Chch.
She's house/cat sitting for my Uncle but only 5 mins drive away from me so I'll see plenty of her.
Keep smiling xx

winnie231 - 2012-09-19 15:01:00

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cookessentials - 2012-09-19 20:50:00

i agree Ali, and the signs at the beach saying beware of snakes scared me and made me laugh

winnie, yes i know you have to enjoy the outdoors in spring and autumn instead, close curtains in summer to keep rooms cool and go out early, and live in air con

EA...Hugs shame you couldnt both have had a holiday somewhere closer and cheaper so you could enjoy it ok learning to 'play the game' and im job searching, my workmates are great but the boss is a bully, and he work can be tedious, hoping to hear about a very good job by friday, way better money too fingers crossed...hope the weather is better where you are..oh and feet...keep with up as much as possible and drink heaps of water

motorbo - 2012-09-20 00:13:00
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