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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


When we joined trademe all those years ago... Toadfish was my hubbies nickname... If I had known i would be known by it I would have chosen "sparkle" or "twinkle".
Yes we do like hokey pokey... chuck the containers as the sad truth of the matter is we have plennntttyy more where those came from lol.

Hope you are feeling better and hopefully I'll get over your way again soon and catch up with you this time.

I am most definately on the mend, I haven't been to training now in well over a week and I am really concerned how hard it will be as I seem to lose fitness so quickly... the first bike ride is going to be a doozie.

Off for the Auckland Uni open day on Saturday and we have decided as we want to have breakfast out to celebrate Fathers Day... but loathe the crowds on Fathers Day... we are having the "Toadfishes Fathers Day" this Sunday.. so really looking forward to that.

Other than than that very quiet in this house... production over... assignments handed in... netball season finished... Life is slowing down a little, just as well as I was finding it hard to keep up the pace lol.

Take Care lovely ladies.... and gentlemen Jx

Edited by toadfish at 9:31 pm, Thu 26 Aug

toadfish - 2010-08-26 21:30:00

Your post reminded me of my ride (on the motorbike) to work this morning. I was heading over the Newmarket Viaduct, reading the signs about it being closed and generally thinking about father's day. Everyone is bitching about it being closed on that day, and I thought why don't people just go see their dad on another day.

FD means absolutely nada to me this year, my dad is overseas, as is my FIL, and my olds are due back the week after - nice to be retired.
I thought I'd make dad a bacon & egg pie (which he raves about and basically has told me he wants me to make him one), and then maybe do some sticky date muffins (there ya go, food included hehe). Will need to see what sis is coming up with, too, I guess.

unknowndisorder - 2010-08-26 21:50:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-27 00:36:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-27 07:19:00
charlieb2 wrote:

Saying goodnight and happy daffodil day. I see "kevin the TM kiwi" is sporting his best .. and can I just say

Cancer SUCKS!!!

thinking of my lovely friends and their families who have been affected by this NASTY disease

especially you taffsgirl, who is going through the whole spectrum right now

Yes Charlie so very very sad,I had a candle burning for my friend yesterday,it was her birthday,it will be 3 years in jan,I miss her so much.

earthangel4 - 2010-08-27 07:27:00

Hi all,
a reflective day for me ... it's 2 years next month since we lost Dad to cancer.
I've had Mum here at my apartment half the day, being busy squashing boxes, hanging curtains, organising me!!!
Driving me crazy ... just a little bit ... but I think it was very much 'distraction therapy' for her - so I did the 'grin and bear it'! :-)
I know she misses Dad & struggles at times with life on her own ... I hope it will help having me closer.

Looking forward to seeing the recipe Pam ... hope you have a nice weekend & some sunshine with your friends.
I tried out my oven - and my new microplane on the Lemon Yoghurt Cake. The oven could be better but did the job ... the microplane was WONDERFUL!!!!! What a neat 'gadget'!!! So sharp & so easy to use ... how did I live without one??? Thankyou very much!!! You are a lovely friend to have :-)

winnie231 - 2010-08-27 15:45:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-27 17:54:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-27 20:48:00

Thanks Pam.
The dessert sounds lovely - looking forward to the report ... I don't have much of a sweet tooth but enjoy making things for others & usually have a little taste for myself - just to know what things are like.
Give me dessert wine, good cheese & quince paste though ... that's a different story! :)

The microplane is such a joy to use ... all those years of doing things the hard way with an old fashioned grater!!!
If only I had known!!!!!!!
I used it tonight to add a little garlic & ginger to my corn fritter batter - easy as. I wash it immediately after use then back into it's sheath till next time :) Have to say - I'd hate to do my knuckles on it ... that thing is seriously sharp!

Edited by winnie231 at 9:07 pm, Fri 27 Aug

winnie231 - 2010-08-27 21:06:00

That microplane looks like the thing I used to buy at Bunnings for my wood workings ... and of course so much cheaper there than buying it at a cooking shop :)

I am glad to see you are settling in winnie231 - hope you can go back to all your sourdoughing and fermenting soon - Mr. D might like that stuff too :)

Good luck with your new life :)

uli - 2010-08-27 21:28:00

Thanks for your good wishes uli.

Not sure what you're looking at regarding the microplane - but I've never seen anything like what Pam gave me in a Bunnings Store.
It's quite specialised in design for food but I guess in form it somewhat resembles a wood file.
It's a lovely tool to use anyway & makes things much easier with my hand injury.

I have a very limited kitchen to use until the builder is back on the job after a hip replacement so keeping things simple till then.

My mother came back from holiday with a seed sprouting kit & organic mix for me so I now have a micro 'garden' growing in the cupboard. Got to be good for me :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-27 22:08:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-27 22:16:00

Hi Everyone.. just catching up on the thread.. hope those with colds are now well..

Not long home from an evening out in Rotorua - we went to dinner then to the Rotorua Wearable Creations 'n Colour Awards there.. MC - Mistress of Ceremonies: Jackie Clarke - who did a great job with lots of humour included.. she sang twice - one song from 'Aunty Madonna'.. the show was great - creative and a wide range of wearable arts.. the band, a group of Rotorua young men - Ward 16 - was amazing, a versatile group with songs in a number of genre's..

Final show is tonight - Saturday - highly recommended if you're thinking of going..

Have a great weekend Everyone :-)

juliewn - 2010-08-28 01:24:00

Morning all,
Is that a collective sigh of relief I here around the country?
Hooray ... it's the weekend!!!
I know half of you will be rushing around doing all the things you don't have time for during the week ... but don't forget to take time for you.
Breathe, relax, laugh, ... do one thing each day that makes it precious - today will never happen again.

Julie - your evening out sounded lovely. Jackie Clarke is a great entertainer - I can see her doing a top job as MC. I was lucky to meet her once and she had us in stitches!

I'm going to go to the museum today - there is an exhibition on Antarctica at the moment I want to see. It's so nice being close enough to town to be able to walk there!
I have a job to apply for too ...
Keep smiling, Rae

winnie231 - 2010-08-28 07:54:00

Just ignore Pam, takes a special kind of person to try and stir in a friends thread.

Well today doesn't look half bad to look around Uni, can't tell you how proud I am of my Miss 17. Just wasn't something I considered at her age. Yet she seems to be having her cake and eating it to... has a fab social life AND good grades and ambition.... Go Girl is all I can say.

Trying to put a dent in Mount Washmore before I go.... where does it all come from.. I am so looking forward to clothes drying on the line in summer! Felefals for tea tonight... so that should be good. Will get the girls involved in that one. Then tommorrow we are going to the Whitford Escape Cafe
They are known for their big breakfast that people either order between 2... or can't finish... Not for me....I can see eggs benedict with my name on it already!

Have a great day all.

toadfish - 2010-08-28 07:57:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-28 08:21:00

"... Mount Washmore ..." - love it toady!
I'm having the opposite trouble - suddenly it's just me & although I've got things I want washed - the greenie in me balks at doing a half load!

winnie231 - 2010-08-28 08:24:00

Ooh Pam - lucky you getting fresh eggs again!
I'm still trying to find a source of good 'home grown' eggs down here. $5/doz was the norm in the Bay but seems impossible in Chch.

winnie231 - 2010-08-28 08:41:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-28 18:14:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-28 18:53:00

Drum Roll Please.....

We have finally decided....

Miss "soon to be 18" is going to do a B Com - doing a double major of marketing & management.... At Auckland university.

All we need to do now is put the application in and be accepted......we have visualised her going there every day.

For those that know me will know we have been swinging between Auckland university and AUT University.... Feels great to have made a decision, was great to hear all the lecturers talk about there subjects... and if anyone has trouble sleeping... let me tell you all about International Business... maybe because we had just had lunch but I nearly fell asleep in that one lol... and Miss 17 admited to her mind wandering to what she was wearing to tonights "Hippies & Gypsies" Party lol. We will put in an application to AUT as a plan B... also a very good place... but Auckland University has always been a dream for her. So very very proud.

Edited by toadfish at 7:50 pm, Sat 28 Aug

toadfish - 2010-08-28 19:47:00

Morning all,
a bit overcast here today ... don't think it'll rain though.
It'd better not - I'm heading out to the Riccarton Market for a wander!

Not expecting to see Mr D today ... but then, I just never know!
Yesterday morning he appeared on my doorstep with a double shot cappuccino for me!
Someone's given him a copy of "101 ways to my heart"!!!
The man is truly delish!!!

charlieb - thanks for the tip regarding eggs & veg ... I should have just asked you in the first place :) I'll be checking out prices at the market too.
ellie - that method of doing washing brings back memories of my backpacking days!!! Not a silly idea though - I'm just out of the shower & my smalls have been trampled ;)

toady - that's great news for your daughter :)
With the good values she has installed in her, and supportive & encouraging parents - I'm sure she will excel!

Have a great day all :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-29 09:54:00

I should know better than to comment about what the weather's not going to do!!!!
Drove out to Riccarton Racecourse to icy cold wind & rain!!!
I'd say it's definitely been snowing in the Cantabury hills today!
On the plus side I found some nice big free range eggs for $5.50 & bought a soup chook from the lady too for $3! Bargin :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-29 15:37:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-29 16:13:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-29 19:26:00

Hi all,

definitely raining in Chch today.
I'm sitting in bed applying for jobs & can hear the distinctive sounds of tyres on a wet road!
Thank goodness for email & internet!!!

Yesterday was strange charlieb - I left my apartment in sunshine & (felt like) nearly had snow at the racecourse!

I've got Mr D coming for dinner tonight ... beef casserole with mixed mash & fresh greens. Good simple home cooked food :)
I won't say what dessert is ;)

Happy day everyone.

winnie231 - 2010-08-30 08:55:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 10:00:00

... What did I say? What did I say?

winnie231 - 2010-08-30 10:21:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 10:48:00

Thats your mind Pam... I am sure what winnie was saying is she hasn't decided between ..... say Apple Crumble and Sticky date pudding. lol

toadfish - 2010-08-30 11:46:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 12:18:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-30 12:33:00


My lips are sealed!

Anything I do say could be held as evidence against me!

winnie231 - 2010-08-30 12:41:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 12:54:00

Oi - you lot ... BEHAVE! lol

Mr Delish visiting 'saucy' street for dinner ...

It's all perfectly respectable around here ... honestly!!!

winnie231 - 2010-08-30 15:59:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 16:23:00

Hi guys - just a quick note to let you know that the Maggie family are all sad at the moment. Our 18 year old cat Whiskers had to be put down over the weekend. Very traumatic - we've had her longer than we've had the kids! Talk soon.

maggieb2 - 2010-08-30 21:06:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-30 21:10:00

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vintagekitty - 2010-08-30 21:15:00

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elliehen - 2010-08-31 00:39:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-31 06:57:00

Good morning all,
maggie - my heart goes out to you ... just been there myself recently except my old darling Cameo simply disappeared.
I have to hope she didn't suffer. Treasure the memories you have.

It's halfway fine here today ... depends which window I look out!
The roads very wet though so must have rained during the night.
I had a lovely evening with Mr D - dinner was a success and that's all I'm saying on the subject! ;)

Gosh Pam - what an important milestone for you tomorrow!
Time flies when you're having fun :)
You should be very proud of what you've achieved!

Happy day everyone.

winnie231 - 2010-08-31 07:41:00

Maggie,my heart also goes out to you,as we are animal lovers as well.
Have been busy spring cleaning with all this lovely weather we have been having.
Have another busy day today.
Winnie,so glad things are turning out well for you,a job will for sure come along real soon for you.
Have a wonderful day all.

earthangel4 - 2010-08-31 10:16:00

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charlieb2 - 2010-08-31 12:26:00
cookessentials wrote:

Hi Rae, I am glad that you are enjoying the microplane - its the sort of thing every cook should have. They are used by professional chefs and are just wonderful. It would be my most used item in my kitchen, along with my Kitchenaid blender.

umm Pam,not sure what a microplane is.
I am a blonde,lol lol.
I love my Kitchenaid blender,I use it everyday.

earthangel4 - 2010-08-31 13:57:00
earthangel4 wrote:

umm Pam,not sure what a microplane is.
I am a blonde,lol lol.
I love my Kitchenaid blender,I use it everyday.

Here's a link to the microplane the lovely Pam gave me as a housewarming gift. It is a dream to use & makes life much easier with my damaged hand :)

winnie231 - 2010-08-31 15:26:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-31 15:59:00

Thanks so much for that,going to add one to my kitchen.
Will shout myself one for Christmas.

earthangel4 - 2010-08-31 15:59:00

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cookessentials - 2010-08-31 16:25:00

Ohhh... understanding thoughts to you Maggie.. so hard to say goodbye..

Exciting to have your room finished Charlie - what colour/s have you used? Have painting and wallpapering to do here still - we watched the movie made from the Maeve Binchy book, Tara Road yesterday - one home had an amazing soft shade of mint green with white trims - looked very smart in that home.

Congratulations on your First Year Pam - seems not that long ago that you were looking for suggestions for a name in a thread here, and became Cookessentials..

Must call in to your shop and say Hi when next in the Wairarapa - I have a large extended family based in and around Carterton - have been in the area there since arriving from Denmark in 1876. I think I've seen that your shop is in Masterton - where abouts is it there?

Annabel Langbein used one of the microplane's on her new cooking show at the weekend - did any of you see the show - was from her home near Queenstown - right on or close to a lake edge - looked a lovely place.

Take care All..

juliewn - 2010-08-31 23:08:00
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