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Ive just done the weeks baking, what did you bake


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gordy8252 - 2005-03-02 14:03:00

I made a banana cake and used the recipe posted here for Caramel Fudge Icing. Man, I was licking the pot out after I'd poured the icing over the cake. It was so yummy.

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-03-02 20:06:00

If you want it... Caramel Fudge icing:
3/4 cup brown sugar (firmly packed), 1/2 cup milk, 4 Tbsp butter. Bring to the boil and simmer like you do with fudge until it thickens (about 15 mins). Then beat with a wooden spoon until it thickens to the icing consistency and pour over the cake. It sets more as it is put over the cold cake. SOO YUMMY! I can't remember who's recipe it was here, but thanks.

a_kiwi_grl - 2005-03-02 20:09:00

Wanaka Gingernuts These are great and make around 2 dozen yummy biscuits. 100g butter, 225g sugar, 1 egg, 1T Golden Syrup, 250 g flour, 1 t baking soda, 3 t ground ginger.
Preheat oven to 170 C. Cream butter and sugar, add egg and syrup. Beat again then add sifted dry ingredients. Roll into balls and place on baking paper. Do not flatten! Bake for 20-30 mins until golden. Cool on a rack. Hope you enjoy them!

nickyd - 2005-03-03 14:08:00

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rimmersmeg101 - 2005-03-04 15:30:00

bump glad to see this thread is still alive and kicking...

karen165 - 2005-03-05 18:44:00

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rimmersmeg101 - 2005-03-07 22:13:00

Cheese and Olive Bites These are so morish..& EASY!!
Into whiz:
1 cup flour
100 grams cold cubed butter
*Process until fine breadcrumbs

150 grams grated Tasty cheese
60 grams grated Parmesan cheese
½ teaspoon dried Chilli flakes
*Pulse briefly

¼ cup black olives, stoned and chopped
1 egg yolk
1 tablespoon water
Pulse until mix forms large clumps which sticks together when pressed with fingers. Add a little more water if necessary. Roll out onto a floured surface into 2 logs. Wrap logs in glad wrap – place in fridge for 1 hour, as it is easier to slice. Cut into slices when required and bake at 180*C, approx 10 minutes until golden (can freeze logs).

campmum - 2005-03-09 16:27:00

I haven't contributed to this thread, thanks to bams1 for starting it.

nana3 - 2005-03-09 23:19:00

cough cough cough cough......getting ready to light the candles for our birthday........ cough cough above

kob - 2005-03-10 07:46:00

JEEZ KOB started it i just stuck my nose in !!! And here i am to add another fab recipe i got from my mum in Aussie not sure if it has already been added but is soooo yummy i had to share - choc oatmeal cookies - 150g butter , 1 c brown sugar, 1 egg , 2 t vanilla ess , 1 c plain flour , 1 t BP, pinch salt, 2 1/3 c rolled oats , 1 c choc chips or chunks. Cream butter and sugar add egg , vanilla then dry ingre , mix well roll into bals flatten with a fork and bake till golden at 180*c.Have just done the weeks baking as its raining- made these bikkies, bran muffins , banana muffins ( with choc icing and 100's&1000s)and a banana cake , will keep the kids happy for a few days !!

bams1 - 2005-03-11 13:06:00

Best Eva Muffin Recipe We use this for all our sweet muffins, If doing chocolate ones replace 1 C flour for 1 C cocoa.
3 C Flour, 1 C suagr, 1 TBS BP
Mix well. 100gm melted Butter
dump onto of flour dont mix. 3 eggs beaten and milk to mix. Stir gently until just combined.
Add berries with a cream cheese center or bananas with a caramel center, carrots cinnamon & walnuts
what eva u like.
It's easy to remember as it is all 1 or 3 for the ingredients.
oh cook at 180

slayer10 - 2005-03-11 20:16:00

this thread is awesome! I can say i'm not one to bake..but reading up on these threads have inspired me. I must admit I have started to make more often..this morning I made double choc chip muffins. Sunday's I am getting into the habit of baking for the week..that's if i'm not too busy. But thanks for the recipes, they're awesome! :o)

pvilz - 2005-03-12 18:56:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-03-16 13:22:00

Made Ma Higgins Type Cookies For afternoon treat, can't let this thread dissapear before its Birthday

summerlover - 2005-03-17 16:57:00

I made the Cookie Time Cookies off this board And they are the yummiest thing out!!!, my kids said they are better than the real thing!, mind you I put more chocolate in They have now been hidden.

mumstu - 2005-03-18 08:13:00

Hidden Where? Maybe, In your tummy? I wonder!!

summerlover - 2005-03-18 08:52:00

Not my Tummy summerlover I am being good.. In the back of the pantry ssshhhh dont tell!!!!, trouble is hubby has found out where so need to find new hiding place????

mumstu - 2005-03-19 14:18:00

Just had brilliant idea!!! Going to hide the cookies in the freezer in a container with "frozen vegetable soup" on one will look in there...oooh I feel sneaky

mumstu - 2005-03-19 14:19:00

My favourite hiding place mumstu.. haven't been found out yet!

player_smurf - 2005-03-19 15:10:00

happy baking to me happy baking to me happy baking to me ,hAppy baking to me, Happy Baking to me..........Happy Birthday everyone we are 1 year old today

kob - 2005-03-21 06:39:00

Congrats on your Birthday this is a great thread thanks for starting it I have made many of the lovely recipes. Please keep it going.
As is fitting for a Birthday Party here’s one for today, Caramello Chocolate Crackles 85g Kremelta, 100g Caramello Chocolate, 3 cups Coco Pops, melt kremelta & Chocolate together , add Coco Pops, spoon into paper cups refridgerate till set. Enjoy!!

summerlover - 2005-03-21 08:55:00

its not my birthday its the threads 1st birthday today

kob - 2005-03-21 10:25:00

Happy Birthday Baking Thread! To celebrate I made the classics: Banana Cake and Chocolate Chippie Biscuits. Cheers {lifts slice of cake} here's to another delicious year!

zellas - 2005-03-21 10:28:00

Hip Hip hooray! hip hip hooray!!!hip hip hooray!!!!! & many mooorre..thank you to all for great input in this awesome thread! :0)

campmum - 2005-03-21 13:36:00

Thank you kob for starting this wonderful thread. Most of my baking is now from here.

pauls66 - 2005-03-21 14:38:00

Just love this thread! Thanks to Kob for starting it and to all the contributors for sharing their tried and true gems. The hardest part is working out what to bake next ...

smiley_cherub - 2005-03-23 05:42:00

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elly1972 - 2005-03-23 07:59:00

thanks Kelly im a virgo so it wasnt mine it was the baking threads 1st birthday hows it all going?

kob - 2005-03-23 09:20:00

Going nuts-hubby's 40th bbq I've just made snow balls, continental slice,and a pineapple christmas cake for hubby's party on saturday. About 60 coming and i'm doing all the food. Salads etc + desserts.I must be mad!!!

pauls66 - 2005-03-23 11:13:00

Forgot cake question. I have got an old baby photo copied to put on the cake. Will I have to put tin foil or glad wrap under the photo??? I'm using the brandy christmas cake icing from the edmonds book.

pauls66 - 2005-03-23 11:17:00

What an absolutely AWESOME thread!!!! Well done to those who have contributed...have copied a few recipes to try as baking and I aren't very often a happening thing..but when I do its look out!! lol Like many seems home made baking never lasts long in any household!!

Keep up the good work...will post a pikelet recipe later for you makes heaps!!! Nice for a weekend morning tea or similar. :)

weeonex2 - 2005-03-23 12:30:00

pauls66 if you have had it done professionally on rice paper you wont have to put anything under nieth but if its just normal printer paper i suggest you laminate it ,that might keep it together longer other wise it may go soggy.....hope this is some help

kob - 2005-03-23 18:26:00

Hi kob Its a proper photo. I got a copy done in a kodak image machine.

pauls66 - 2005-03-23 21:43:00

Pikelet recipe. 2.5 cups flour, 2 tblsp baking powder, 2 cups of milk, 2 eggs, 4 tblsp sugar, 1/2 tsp vanilla essence and a tblsp of golden syrup. Mix all together and cook as normal. Makes HEAPS!! :)

weeonex2 - 2005-03-23 21:55:00

Pauls how long have you got before you need to use it cause if you can take it into New World and get them to put it onto rice paper i think it costs about$6-8 but will look better and last longer all they do is scan the picture and print it out on rice paper....otherwise try the laminating this will at least keep the photo nice hopefully for the day you need it and you can cut around the shape of the photo then and place how ever you need

kob - 2005-03-24 06:20:00

pauls you will need to contact the bakery depsrtment of your local new world or similar store and ask about cake transfers and whether they do the photo transfers

kob - 2005-03-24 06:27:00

Thanks kob I think I have left it too late. Only decided to get photo yesterday. Party this Sat.

pauls66 - 2005-03-24 08:12:00

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knightime - 2005-03-26 10:58:00

Belgium Biscuits Can someone please post a recipe for belgium biscuits, they are my favourite and i would like to try and make my own. Thanx heaps in advance.

whiskey13 - 2005-03-26 12:52:00

Guess all the chefs have gone on strike.... given that it has been Easter and all...we are probably all chocolated out or sugared out

Bump to keep this at the top where it belongs. :)

weeonex2 - 2005-03-28 20:43:00

or baking flat out in cafes over the easter weeken so that people that are lucky enough to not be working in the food industry had something to buy while they were away LOL......thats where ive been

kob - 2005-03-29 06:54:00

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wimwom - 2005-03-29 09:27:00

My mum's Banana Cake 250gr Butter 350gr sugar 4 eggs 3 or 4 mashed bananas 2 tsp Baking Soda 4 tbsp Boiling Milk 2 tsp Baking powder 450gr Flour
Cream butter & sugar, add eggs, mashed bananas, then soda dissolved in milk. Add flour and baking powder. Bake in greased roasting dish (mines about 350mm x 300mm x 80mm deep) at 180c for 35-40 minutes. Allow to cool right down.

zevion - 2005-03-29 23:55:00

My mum's mock cream Mum uses mock cream in the middle of it and dusts the top of the cake with icing sugar.
Mock cream - 200gr butter 200gr sugar 2/3 cup boiling water
In a small deep bowl (or if you're using a Sunbeam mixer use that bowl) add the boiling water to the sugar and stir until it’s a syrup. Add warm butter and beat until it resembles thick cream. Using an ordinary electric beater this takes 10-15 minutes or more but it only takes about ten minutes using a sunbeam beater. If mixture curdles just keep on beating - another minute or so and it'll turn to cream. Slice the banana cake into two halves and place the mock cream in the middle. Allow to set overnight. This makes the best banana cake I've ever tried.

zevion - 2005-03-29 23:56:00

Spanish Chicken 1 chopped onion 2 sticks chopped celery (optional) 1 crushed garlic segment 1x450gr tin pineapple pieces 1 ½ tsp curry powder Brown all in oil.
Add 2 cups chicken stock (2tsp powder to 2 cups water) 1 cup pineapple juice (leftovers from the tin)1 small tin kernel corn,1 cup cream,1 cup milk
Bring to boil, thicken with 1 pkt Maggi chicken soup, 1 tbsp cornflour, salt, pepper, soya sauce (about 1-2 tsp) lastly add 1 cooked chicken (remove meat from bones). Remove from heat & serve. YUM!!

zevion - 2005-03-30 00:00:00

Made some Afghans On the weekend but didn't have any cornflakes so used some light n tasty breakfast cereal and they turned out yummy.

susieq9 - 2005-03-30 15:13:00

Thanks Wimwom I made the Belgian Biscuits last night and absolutely love them. Took some to work(Cookie Time)and they disappeared in no time. Makes a change from our standard cookies.

whiskey13 - 2005-03-30 16:53:00

Have something in common with all the home bakers in this thread.I,too enjoy doing my own baking.I have a family of nine, so all my recipes are tripled or quadrupled. My cakes are all roasting dish size, unfortunately they don't last any longer than a conventional sized cake. I make a choc-chippie recipe that makes 120+. These freeze really well and can be eaten almost straight from the freezer. I quite often bake muffins before the kids get up, so they can take freshly made muffins in their school lunches. Their favourites are banana choc-chip muffins amd apple muffins.
I am going to try some of the great recipes found on this thread,and may put in some of my own if interested. bams1, I have your bloody good choc cake recipe, have made it for years, mine is slightly different though.
I have had orders to make this cake for different events, it is soooo popular. I also make another
rich choc cake, made in a LARGE ring tin, really scrumptious, and soooooeasy to make. Anyone interested in recipes, let me know. Bon appetit.

maxie11 - 2005-04-03 07:19:00

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gordy8252 - 2005-04-03 13:36:00
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