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cookessentials - 2012-03-06 20:15:00

Hi all,
Have had two days off,so have been busy gardening,we have just put in a lemon tree,next is an orange tree,then I have my bulbs to plant soon,as well as some more roses,lol.
I have to retrain my climbing rose,as it has been pruned wrong,by someone else,not sure to dig it out all buy a new one.
Any ideas would be great.
hope everyone is ok,and Motorbo how are you doing with the job hunting?,have been thinking of you of late.

earthangel4 - 2012-03-07 09:17:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-07 10:40:00
cookessentials wrote:

Hi EA, man, you have been busy...good on you. I love gardening, although at the moment, i never seem to have as much time to do it....cant wait to go rural, that's for sure! There is a place you can buy beautiful roses ( like my favourite David Austens) called Wairere...they are online.

Thank you cooks,have just had a look,I remember going on that site,last year,but had forgotten about it,so off to have another look lol

earthangel4 - 2012-03-07 10:54:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-09 17:03:00

Morning all.
Life has been super busy...I have booked Monday off annual leave so a 3 day weekend here I come..... Yippppeeee. I am pre-empting a melt down and have booked it for a chance to breath.....
Have a great weekend everyone. Take Care

toadfish - 2012-03-10 06:48:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-10 12:05:00

hello ladies, good to see you all in here.....its so very very hot here still and seriously its sunny everyday, i never thought i would long for some rain, a storm, some wind and clouds LOL...its going to hit 40 degrees today and thats when i stay inside, i remind myself im here to do what i need to so i can then come home and find a wee place and have a cat and a garden and enjoy nz again!! anyways the people here are very very nice and the job hunting has been hard work but fingers crossed....i have a 2nd interview monday with the CEO of the shire (like the mayor of the town) to be his PA for 5 months, this would be a great chance to enhance my CV i really want to change direction...with my career and feel this would help me jobwise when i get home. so to food ladies ha ha...lamb is very cheap here compared to nz and tastes nice so we have having a roast tomorrow, im pleasantly suprised to say that dairy foods here are lovely too, the sour cream is more like thick cream - quite different but the normal cream is rich with a thick layer on the top.seafood and fish is very nice but either fresh and very expensive or still pricey and frozen.....they do love NZ mussels! oh good luck with the land Cookes!!!! that would be wonderful fingers r crossed......EA your talking of gardening, my poor brother in law does the lawns and gardens at the motel they the heat they have here !!!! there is a wedding here today....shame its too hot for them to marry in the bbq area which is pretty...they have to go indoors with the air con! well my friends been good to chat...keep well HUGS

motorbo - 2012-03-10 19:20:00

Haven't posted in a while. Dad had a fall in the rest home, and had problems with his blood sugars and cellulitis. Was taken to hospital to recover but kept deteriorating. Long story short, he died yesterday morning.

Don't feel bad for me though - he has had such a struggle with mental health issues in the last 3 years since Mum died that this is a release from the torment for him. Just trying to catch up on sleep in the next couple of days, with the funeral on Saturday.

sumstyle - 2012-03-14 09:01:00

Sumstyle, I hope you have lots of happy memories of your father before your Mother's death when he was his real self.

marywea - 2012-03-14 10:08:00
marywea wrote:

Sumstyle, I hope you have lots of happy memories of your father before your Mother's death when he was his real self.

Thank you marywea

sumstyle - 2012-03-14 10:48:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-14 16:18:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-15 11:50:00
sumstyle wrote:

Haven't posted in a while. Dad had a fall in the rest home, and had problems with his blood sugars and cellulitis. Was taken to hospital to recover but kept deteriorating. Long story short, he died yesterday morning.

Don't feel bad for me though - he has had such a struggle with mental health issues in the last 3 years since Mum died that this is a release from the torment for him. Just trying to catch up on sleep in the next couple of days, with the funeral on Saturday.

Hello hun,Now your dear dad is at rest,with your dear mum.
After a fall,they go into shock,and not long after they die.
Just know you and your sister did your very best for your dear dad,may he rip.
Bless his golden heart

earthangel4 - 2012-03-15 11:56:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-15 13:29:00

hi all.....sumstyle my deepest sympathies .... yes the release for him is good but grief still hurts.....HUGS ....he is at peace now with your mum

motorbo - 2012-03-16 18:50:00

oh forgot to say, i just got back today from Perth, drove myself up alone yesterday for a job interview....what a beautiful city it is!!!! and thank goodness for GPS`s LOL

motorbo - 2012-03-16 18:56:00

Thanks everyone - especially for your help with Dad in previous months earthangel.

sumstyle - 2012-03-17 11:10:00
motorbo wrote:

oh forgot to say, i just got back today from Perth, drove myself up alone yesterday for a job interview....what a beautiful city it is!!!! and thank goodness for GPS`s LOL

I am a bit behind in the times,lol,what is gps?

earthangel4 - 2012-03-17 12:30:00
sumstyle wrote:

Thanks everyone - especially for your help with Dad in previous months earthangel.

No problem,how are you and your sister coping?
We face death everyday,and still very very sad,I am job hunting,hope something comes along real soon,so sick of working afternoons,life is too short not to enjoy.
Happy st Pats day all,we all got dressed up yesterday for the elderly,was so awesome,as I have the weekend off,and will not be there today,so wanted to do it for them yesterday.

earthangel4 - 2012-03-17 12:33:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-17 13:41:00
elliehen wrote:

You can now put a gadget in your car which, when programmed, tells you exactly where to go...although it has been known to do things like tell the driver to turn left into a paddock through a fence!

I guess any computer is only as good as its programme or programmer ;)

Aww thank you,Yes I have heard of them,but had forgotten,yep I am a blonde lol

earthangel4 - 2012-03-17 17:38:00

HI EA, its a small gadget you can place in your car that maps your destinsation for you, so you enter the address and it takes you there, a lady talks to you and you can see the map on the screen

earthangel4 wrote:

I am a bit behind in the times,lol,what is gps?

Edited by motorbo at 9:21 pm, Sat 17 Mar

motorbo - 2012-03-17 21:14:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-18 21:24:00

maps are good too....but a map wouldnt have got me there on my own - i had no where to pull over on the freeway!!! lol

motorbo - 2012-03-18 21:49:00

Thank you motorbo,am so missing you.
Tm is not that good anymore,a lot of people have left,so I just come in now and then.
Cooks,my garden was looking beautiful until it rained and now my roses,have all gone{flowers} a shame really.
We have our lemon tree in,but something is eating it,we do have snails here,if I put out slug powder,would it hurt my little dog,as she has been sniffing around the lemon tree,something new lol

earthangel4 - 2012-03-19 08:21:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-19 09:41:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-19 09:53:00
earthangel4 wrote:

No problem,how are you and your sister coping?
We face death everyday,and still very very sad,I am job hunting,hope something comes along real soon,so sick of working afternoons,life is too short not to enjoy.
Happy st Pats day all,we all got dressed up yesterday for the elderly,was so awesome,as I have the weekend off,and will not be there today,so wanted to do it for them yesterday.

It was very hard in the hospital - in the end I had to go in every night as dad get's frightened when it comes time to sleep. After 5 days he was transferred to Princess Margaret where he had two more falls (grrr, the first one was definitely the staff's fault). Anyway, he gave up after that and took a week to die.

We are very glad that he did though aye, he would have hated recouperating to a point where he could go back into rest home care. So it's a big relief.

Last day of bereavement leave today - just trying to relax outside for a bit.

sumstyle - 2012-03-19 14:16:00

hugs to you sumstyle, I do think sometimes their quality of life is at such a point that you wish them free of it and its a relief for them and you watching. step mil died mid jan and fil is now in a rest home and deteriating every day he went from looking after her to being unable to look after himself in 2 weeks, for a man who was coaching sports 2 years ago its a long fall.

auckland_ali - 2012-03-19 15:46:00


Hi Sumstyle.. thinking of you and your family.. hugs..

Hi Ali.. thoughts to you also.. hard to see our loved ones go through hard times..

Hi Earthangel.. hope you're feeling better.. there's a snail product called Quash that includes on the packet that it's ok with pets.. or once you've placed some by the tree, place a piece of curtain netting or similar over it, and hold it in place with some stones, so snails will get through, and your pets won't get to the pellets.

How is your job hunting going Motorbo.. hope your interview went well.

Good luck with the rural move Pam.. hope Julia's is going well too.

Gosh.. just awful in Northland.. hope it doesn't get any worse..

My garden is giving lots of goodies.. white and black grapes a-plenty, Kohl Rabi just started - ate the first one like an apple a few days ago.. crisp and delicious! Two huge Granny Smith apples - I left those to grow, removed the rest so the tree grows more before fruiting with a larger quantity. Had a grand harvest of 11 Golden Queen peaches.. left those to fruit, will get more next season. Blueberries, blackberries, Strawberries still fruiting.. has been a plentiful summer as the plants, trees and vines begin fruiting..

Take care all..

juliewn - 2012-03-19 21:34:00

thanks for that link for the driving. Luckily I got them all but not without a little extra concentration. I would suggest everyone give it a go.

evorotorua - 2012-03-20 06:30:00

Hi to everyone else too. Lovely to see the regulars coming in and supporting each other over such a long time. It is a circle of friends like this that keeps the world a happy place. To think that between us we have shared happiness and sadness and just the hohum of life. Mostly we wouldn't know each other personally but the support is wonderful. Take care, all of you. Much love and hugs Erica

evorotorua - 2012-03-20 06:50:00

Good morning all,
here's a little verse I thought I'd share as the season turns & the days grow shorter. Enjoy your autumn day :)
" Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all."
Stanley Horowitz

winnie231 - 2012-03-20 06:57:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-20 07:17:00

Ah...don't want to be an attention seeker (thank you for all your kind thoughts regarding Dad), but I have just been made redundant! My last day of bereavement leave turned out to be my very last day!

Cwazy. But good. So it's not all doom and gloom, just a weird ol' week.

Gotta find a creative way to get the mortgage paid now - probably will take in some boarders that are here for the rebuild of Christchurch, and that may give me some breathing space.

sumstyle - 2012-03-21 12:18:00

WOW sumstyle ... that sure is one heck of a week you've had!
But if you're feeling positive about things then all's good. I'm looking at the same thing with my job ... but no payout in sight.
The company is about to be bought out by another and everyone will probably have to reapply for their jobs but some will be axed. I was only looking at part-time casual through winter anyway but now I may not even have that :/ Unsettling times but I just have to keep believing that it'll all work out.
I don't want to (and won't) move away from miss 15 again but jobs in the Nelson/Tasman region are few & far between. Will just keep treading water till I know more.
It's a funny old world!

winnie231 - 2012-03-21 13:40:00

What a frustrating time for that to happen for you winnie, as autumn sets in. Stink. Is there any woofer work around that you could do (even though it'll be winter?)

sumstyle - 2012-03-21 13:50:00

I'm going to just wait until we get told something concrete & then plan from there.
Sure is lousy timing with the tourist season just ending though!

winnie231 - 2012-03-21 14:19:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-24 00:01:00

so sorry to hear sumstyle and winnie....tis the reason i jumped the ditched but gosh i miss NZ......still no fulltime work in the pipeline...gets disheartening but i have to plug on and believe i will find it. all the best ladies in your job search HUGS

motorbo - 2012-03-24 18:00:00

me back the small country town im in i have found a delighful asian place you can dine in or takeaway and its so fabulous they make the wontons from scratch and fresh spring rolls r to die for!!!!

motorbo - 2012-03-25 00:50:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-25 09:36:00

Hello lovely ladies.. :-)

Gosh Sumstyle.. it must surely be time for a wonderful door to open before you.. best wishes for a new direction and bounteous income.. I know of two men, both with EQC, who are boarding with a lady in Christchurch.. she provides dinner, bed, breakfast and a cut lunch.. and is very well paid.. maybe try EQC.. and hope all works out for you..

Hi Erica.. nice to see your post.. was thinking of you on Monday as I drove around the lake at Rotorua - took the opposite end from the city short cut and went through Haumarana.. another shortcut through Dalbeth Road then on my way to Hamilton.

Hello Rae.. hope your job is continuing.. sounds like it's something you love to do there.. take good care..

Hi Motorbo.. good luck with your search for a job you love..

How are you all in Christchurch and wider Canterbury.. hope there are stepping stone pathways toward resolutions with your homes happening..

My Hamilton trip was for a surprise get-together for Jenni's Partner Andrew.. his 25th Birthday, a special one to celebrate.. I made - with Jenni's input.. his favourite chocolate cake, iced with chocolate icing with a lot of coconut in it.. sprinkled liberally with more coconut.. it turned out it was his first birthday cake since he was 17.. a big smile, and the copious addition of whipped cream, said it all. A special occasion for them both a few weeks ago.. they're sharing a one-bedroom apartment in central Hamilton now.. I'm smiling, and very happy for them both..

Home tonight.. and this darling cat who hasn't let me out of her sight, and who is sandwiched between the keyboard and me.. nice to have her cuddles too.

And from this weekend, we'll be in the Wairarapa.. all of us together.. including my Son and his Partner from Melbourne.. a family reunion within a wider family reunion, including a special dinner out.. two 30th birthday's and a 25th to celebrate.. and very precious time together.. :-)

Take good care everyone.. have a lovely Wednesday :-)

Edited by juliewn at 12:31 am, Wed 28 Mar

juliewn - 2012-03-28 00:26:00

sounds lovely julie..seems your daughter is doing well so pleased to hear, gosh i miss having a cat to cuddle!!! have a fabulous weekend of celebrations!!

motorbo - 2012-03-28 02:52:00

Whoop whoop :D
I have a new home come Easter :D
My own little cottage right here at Old MacDonalds Farm ... complete with a real bathroom!
**Happy dance**

winnie231 - 2012-03-28 13:40:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-28 13:43:00

Thanks Ellie :) This news means so much to me.
I've been living in limbo since 22/02/11 and man - it feels sooo good to know I'm finally going to have a place to call home again!
The caravan has been great ... but it's not a home.

winnie231 - 2012-03-28 13:52:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-28 16:14:00

congrats sounds wonderful....cant wait to see pics on facebook....i so know how you feel ....i have been without a home only a short time and im craving my own space again ....a cottage sounds delightful

motorbo - 2012-03-28 18:42:00
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