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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


ive never heard of elephant fish EA, what did it taste like? sadly fish here is so incredibly expensive i nearly fainted in the shop at the prices per KG (around $50 bucks, yes i said 50 bucks a KG!!!!) and many types are not that nice to eat, NZ is paradise for seafood, the only thing WA seems to have is the prawns and crabs, but even they are not cheap!!

motorbo - 2012-02-10 16:21:00

Hi Motorbo,
Good to hear from you,how is it all going,and how is work going?
I had never heard of Elephant fish until the other night,have not cooked it yet,still in the freezer,but have heard it is very nice,will let you know,People rave on about them,so will have to wait and see lol.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-10 18:17:00
motorbo wrote:

ive never heard of elephant fish EA, what did it taste like? sadly fish here is so incredibly expensive i nearly fainted in the shop at the prices per KG (around $50 bucks, yes i said 50 bucks a KG!!!!) and many types are not that nice to eat, NZ is paradise for seafood, the only thing WA seems to have is the prawns and crabs, but even they are not cheap!!

omg so dear,such a shame.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-10 18:17:00

Hi.. catching up here again.. hope you have a lovely relaxing weekend Rae.. awesome that you're loving your job.. hope you find the perfect home soon.. your daughter will be back at school.. hope her year goes well..

Hi Motorbo - your travels seem to be a popular venture for women now.. a friend from here, in her mid 50's, left for Aussie almost two years ago.. working, travelling and exploring.. she moved to Perth last June, and has a job with a mining company, driving one of the huge trucks.. she's had an HT licence since she worked in the NZ Army, and that helped her get the job. The company flies her and many others in to the mine site - she's there a fortnight, then flies back to Perth for a week off. She's loving the work and the people she works with - several have rented a house together back in Perth.

A lady from my favourite fruit and vege shop left for Perth in December looking for work in the mines - she got her HT licence not long before leaving.

Good luck with finding work there.. I hope it goes well.

Gosh, I see changes have been made to some of the zoning in Christchurch.. I hope all of you there aren't affected, and that your homes are able to be repaired for you.. thinking of you all there..

How are the rural opportunities going for you Pam and Julia.. hope you're finding places you love..

We're having a reunion soon.. with both my kids and their partners too.. special birthday's to celebrate as well - one 25th, two 30th's, as well as Jenni's 22nd.

The grape vines over the pergola I built are just beginning to ripen, their first crops.. first thing each day is a wander outside, to the grape vines and then the blueberries.. yum! Feijoa's and Golden Queen Peaches are ripening.. will be enough of the peaches to bottle a few jars this year, and the fourth season for the feijoa's, so will preserve some, plus make feijoa paste.. we love the plum paste I made recently, and will make more.

How are your gardens growing.. any goodies being made?

Enjoy the weekend everyone.. :-)

juliewn - 2012-02-10 19:07:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-10 20:38:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-13 12:49:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-13 20:46:00
elliehen wrote:

Just in case any of you gardeners want to frighten yourselves...

OMG...... Thats incredible.

toadfish - 2012-02-14 06:19:00

Morning everyone.
Just a quick hello.... "Hello" Life has been incredibly busy and incredibly interesting lately. Check out facebook "friends" for a more private update.
Have lost my cooking mojo in all the activities... so must make an effort to get back into healthy eating.
Works been a nightmare, new technology and the change over has or is still being horrendous... so more of that today.
Have a great day all... take care JB

toadfish - 2012-02-14 06:23:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-14 22:21:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-16 16:15:00

Rescued from page 3.. hope you're all well and life is good..

Thinking of all of you in Canterbury, and from Canterbury, with this weeks Anniversary.. hoping things are getting better as time passes..

juliewn - 2012-02-20 02:40:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-20 10:09:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-20 16:45:00

hi everyone, i know the feeling toadfish, i need to get back to good eating, sounds like you had a fabluous time cookes, nice to be with family huh, am wokring part time - awful hours, but its pockey money whilst i job hunt, nothing yet but ive applied for many, i miss the rain and the clouds and the cold weather LOL ......never thought you could get sick of sunshine ... made some basil pesto today with cashew nuts, will have it with lamb steaks and hulled millet roasted vege salad......lamb is way cheaper here

motorbo - 2012-02-20 21:04:00

Hi Everyone,raining here at long last,had a better nights sleep last night,has been way too hot,not like west coast.
We had a lovely roast lamb for tea yesterday,was really nice,I cooked it in the slow cooker over night,then put it in the oven to go brown,as I had to go to work last night,had mine for lunch with roast veges,was so nice.
I had a mammogram this morning,so now have to wait 3 weeks for my results,am sure I am fine.
I have also applied for morning shift at work in the rest home as I have undone my operation with heavy lifting,will now have to wait and see yikes,lol
So good to see you cooks and Motorbo,hope all is well with you.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-21 14:01:00

hi everyone, nice to see you post EA, and oh yes yummm to lamb....i bumped an old thread but thought i would ask here too, my sister is keen to make the old fashioned bottled spagetti - does anyone have the old edmonds recipe??? made with fresh tomatoes i think

motorbo - 2012-02-21 18:44:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-21 20:32:00

Good Morning everyone,
It's raining here in the paradise of the Abel Tasman ....
as I sit here reflecting on the events of a year ago that changed my & so many peoples lives forever the rain feels very appropriate.
My Christchurch friends - my thoughts and love are with you today xx
We move on, we move forward, but we never forget.
Kia Kaha, Rae

winnie231 - 2012-02-22 06:53:00

Thanks winnie. I've taken the day off so that I can go to a memorial service if I want, or go in to the inner city cordon to just spend some quiet time reflecting. Amazing how weepy I feel now, even though on the day I didn't realise the extent of the tragedy until I evacuated to my sister's farm and saw the tv coverage.

sumstyle - 2012-02-22 08:18:00
sumstyle wrote:

Thanks winnie. I've taken the day off so that I can go to a memorial service if I want, or go in to the inner city cordon to just spend some quiet time reflecting. Amazing how weepy I feel now, even though on the day I didn't realise the extent of the tragedy until I evacuated to my sister's farm and saw the tv coverage.


winnie231 - 2012-02-22 10:11:00

Angel hugs to all in Christchurch,you are all in my heart and soul xxxxx

earthangel4 - 2012-02-22 10:26:00

ditto to all in chch HUGS and thoughts with you

motorbo - 2012-02-22 16:25:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-24 20:23:00
cookessentials wrote:

Hope you are all enjoying your Friday? Been up to Havelock North today. Were hoping to stay overnight but Rod Stewart is at Mission Estate on Saturday night, so it's a pretty full house. Had a good session with the naturopath today, so on the right track. Looking forward to the weekend.

Hi cooks,I will be interested to know how you got on,I am having lots of troubles with my thyroid,they can not get it right,feeling so tired and drained.
I am either taking too much,or too little,have just changed over to gold shield,from synthyroid.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-25 14:23:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-25 16:55:00

sorry to hear your both having health problems, i found a naturopath helped me but they are not cheap to problem is my back at present but im trying to get it well again

motorbo - 2012-02-25 17:00:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-25 18:04:00

Thanks cooks,
Motorbo,I have had an under active thyroid since 1988,it has only been the last 2 years,I have been having trouble with it,they are having trouble putting me on the right doze.
I am so hoping it comes right soon.
Sure hope your back comes right soon for you.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-25 23:35:00

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elliehen - 2012-02-29 14:03:00
elliehen wrote:

Here's a bit of fun for 29 February. Don't forget to turn up the volume.

Awesome thank you.

earthangel4 - 2012-02-29 14:31:00

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cookessentials - 2012-02-29 16:31:00

thanks cookes and EA and yes i agree its a better option if you can afford it. my back problem is only because of the work im currently will right itself when i get back to normal...if i ever do....gosh i miss NZ

motorbo - 2012-02-29 21:08:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-01 10:31:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-01 16:14:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-01 23:43:00
motorbo wrote:

thanks cookes and EA and yes i agree its a better option if you can afford it. my back problem is only because of the work im currently will right itself when i get back to normal...if i ever do....gosh i miss NZ

Motorbo,thinking of you,hope you find something better soon.
It is very cold here today,summer has gone sign,have had fire going,was very cold at work last night,I guess winter will soon be here.

earthangel4 - 2012-03-02 10:28:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-02 10:43:00

Cooks if you are around hun,I want to plant some roses,when is the best time,also want to train a blood red climbing rose,not sure to prune it right back,or pull it out and replace,as it has been pruned wrong,branches coming out everywhere,it also has yellow leaves and black spot,what is a good spray.
thank you in advance xx

earthangel4 - 2012-03-02 11:18:00

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fisher - 2012-03-02 18:15:00

Hi fisher :D
You and Kathy enjoy that 2nd summer ... or 1st proper one and stay well & happy! Much love xxx

winnie231 - 2012-03-02 18:36:00

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fisher - 2012-03-02 19:56:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-02 21:21:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-02 21:21:00

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elliehen - 2012-03-03 00:30:00

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fisher - 2012-03-03 11:29:00

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cookessentials - 2012-03-03 11:44:00
cookessentials wrote:

Awww, show off!! I dont mind "nothing to do" Have a fabulous time. I have to wait till July before we head cant come soon enough. Earthangel here is something you might be interested in for the black spot.

Thanks cooks,just been out and bought a spray,but thank you,also Roses are due in June /July,have my name down for a few,lol

earthangel4 - 2012-03-03 11:57:00

Hello all.... catching up.. hope you're all safe from the stormy weather.. and I'm thinking of you all there in Canterbury..

Have been away.. including going to the Winery Tour concert at Vilagrad Winery near Hamilton.. The Muttonbirds, Avalanche City and Gin Wigmore.. with Anna Mac as an additional performer while everyone was going in.. All except Gin Wigmore were amazing.. Gin - who we'd gone to see - had been drinking, continued drinking and a lot of swear words were used.. not needed, and not great when many children were there too.. she said she'd fallen off the stage at one of the other concerts on the tour. We left 4 songs into her set.. and wouldn't go to see her again. Ah well.. on the plus side, leaving early, as many others did too, meant we got out of the mud and rain, though we were very wet and very muddy, by the time we left. Glad to have the car out as well, as the parking paddock was low-lying and already slippery.

The rest of our time away was great.. lovely to be away, spending time with friends and family, and lovely to be home again too.

Take good care.. keep dry from all the rain, and enjoy your evening.. :-)

Edited by juliewn at 9:43 pm, Sat 3 Mar

juliewn - 2012-03-03 21:42:00

hi julie...not good to hear about is hoping it was a one off huh

motorbo - 2012-03-06 20:10:00
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