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Preserves Thread - Jams, Pickles, Relishes, etc..


Two more Beetroot recipes from there: "Beetroot chutney:
I am sorry this is in old measures but it is a very old recipe & very GOOD. 2 lb beetroot(after peeled)~1½ lb onions ~ 2lb sugar ~1 dessertspoon allspice ~ 1 dessertspoon salt.Mince all together( or in a whiz) and boil with 1½ bottles(1125 mls)vinegar for 20 minutes. Thicken with 2½ heaped tablespoons cornflour. Boil for another 5 minutes.This is really nice to have in your cupboard. posted by softlysoftly8"

juliewn - 2008-11-18 03:35:00

and.. "y Grandmother's recipe which I love is:
1 kg cooked diced beetroot, 3 teasp common salt, 1.5 kg skinned tomatoes, Pinch cayenne pepper 500 grms sugar, Small quantity cornflour, 750 grms finely chopped onions, 750 mls vinegar. Mix ingredients together, reserving 150 mls vinegar. Boil for approximately 1½ hours. Mix a small quantity of cornflour with the reserved vinegar and add to boiling mixture. Boil and stir well. posted by greerg"

juliewn - 2008-11-18 03:36:00

Hi Pugswal.. this is from TrademeCooks too: and sounds like what you're looking for.. "RED CAPSICUM JELLY RELISH:
6 large Red Peppers (Capsicums), 3 cups of DYC Cider Vinegar, 8 cups white Sugar, 1 cup Liquid Pectin. (Now, I can only ever find powdered Pectin but I know liquid is available in some places.) Wash Capsicums well, cut in half, remove seeds and all white parts. Cut flesh into pieces, then chop finely in blender, food processor or with a knife (a lot of work). Place in a large pot & stir in the Vinegar and Sugar. Bring to a rolling boil stirring constantly. Add the Pectin & bring to the boil again. Cook, stir now & then, for about 30 minutes or until it will set on a cold saucer like a jam. Skim any scum. Pour into hot, clean, dry jars & seal when cold. About 6 cups yield. posted by rog.e"

juliewn - 2008-11-18 03:39:00

Red Pepper Jelly recipe I found it so here it is for those who might like to try it. Yummy over cream cheese as a spread on crackers, also with cheese on crackers. Nice with cold meat too.
1.5 cups minced or finely chopped red peppers, 1 cup cider vinegar, 30 to 35 grams powdered pectin, .5 cup water, 2.25 cups sugar.
Mince or finely chop peppers. Put in large saucepan and add the vinegar and pectin mixed with the water. Boil, stirring frequently for 5 minutes. Add the sugar and boil briskly until a little amount sets on a saucer. Pour into sterilised hot jars and seal. The jars with pop down lids work a treat for this recipe. Enjoy!

pugswal - 2008-11-18 19:37:00

Red Pepper Jelly recipe Thanks juliewn

pugswal - 2008-11-18 19:39:00

You're welcome.. :-) - that's great you found your recipe.. and.. bumping for Shelley39 and jam recipes..

juliewn - 2008-11-19 02:19:00

...... MMMMMMM. Raspberry Jam.

susieq9 - 2008-11-19 16:19:00

p... p

jenna68 - 2008-11-22 09:03:00

Preserving Cooked Chickpeas I love my Agee preserver and use it all the time to buy bulk tins and preserve them in several smaller jars to save money. I'm wondering if I could cook up a load of dried chickpeas and preserve them in smaller jars? If so, do you think i should make my own brine, or just use water? Thanks for your help! :-)

bees939 - 2008-11-22 15:53:00

Hi Bees.. I haven't used an Agee preserver, however would think that they would be fine processed in it.. otherwise, chickpeas freeze well once cooked.. and don't take long to thaw out either.. let us know how you get on.. thanks.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-11-26 06:18:00

Bumping to save

books4nz - 2008-11-30 02:05:00

And another one! :o)

jenna68 - 2008-12-02 06:48:00

Where can I find the preserves in TradeMeCooks? I tried and came up with nothing. I haven't gone through all of these but am looking for gifts, maybe vinegars etc.

lulu239 - 2008-12-02 19:00:00

Brocolli / Courgette Chutney/Relish? I have a bit of a glut of both these already, and would like to make a relish/chutney using maybe both together? Juliewn, have you ever done one? I've done a bit of a search on T/M Cooks also, and wondered if I could just use a general vege recipe?

2bakerz - 2008-12-03 15:09:00

Lulu239 Chutney/Relishes in Odds and Ends Drawer

2bakerz - 2008-12-03 15:10:00

2Bakerz - I've made a piccalilli recipe using courgette's and broccoli, mixed with onions and cauliflower - all chopped to make chunky pieces, or chop them in smaller pieces. it came out beautifully - I always make the recipe using whatever veges I have - and we love it. For courgette's, I'm going to try the recipe for Courgette Jam - post 199 in this thread - sounds different!

floralsun - 2008-12-03 15:38:00

For Floralsun thanks for that reply - I haven't got any spare cauli yet, but I see it's coming on, so could you post your recipe anyway? Yes, I have noted the Jam recipe, too!

2bakerz - 2008-12-03 15:41:00

someone looking for clear pickles. Might be some in here

snapit - 2008-12-04 14:21:00

Bumping for nannyannie1 - for beetroot.

goodbooks - 2008-12-07 23:43:00

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tehenga288 - 2008-12-09 23:33:00

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cookessentials - 2008-12-10 15:44:00

Sounds lovely. May we have the recipe please? Apricots seem to be appearing in the shops.

gilligee - 2008-12-10 17:41:00

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rog.e - 2008-12-12 11:55:00

Um, anyone got anything to do with kiwi fruit??

george091 - 2008-12-12 19:18:00

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cookessentials - 2008-12-12 21:18:00

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cookessentials - 2008-12-12 21:19:00

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cookessentials - 2008-12-12 21:21:00

Hi Pamela.. :-).. yum that sounds good.. we love tangy tasting jam.. I hope all is well for you there.. :-) Have a lovely Christmas.. Warm regards.. Julie.. and... bumping for Ruger2..

juliewn - 2008-12-13 01:27:00

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cookessentials - 2008-12-13 15:57:00

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tinkerbell2108 - 2008-12-16 01:31:00

Hi Pamela.. :-).. it sure sounds moreish.. :-).. That's great your business is going well - so well deserved too.. Have a lovely Christmas.. best regards.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-12-17 00:57:00

Bumping.. for the season..

goodbooks - 2008-12-20 00:57:00

w... w

jenna68 - 2008-12-23 07:24:00

Hiya Tracey.. hope your Christmas Day is going beautifully.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-12-25 18:31:00

Sure did julie, did you have a really.. special one in your new house? :o)

jenna68 - 2008-12-28 08:21:00

Hiya Tracey.. :-).. it sure was.. we moved in Monday 22nd.. and had a special Christmas gathering with Trev's family here, and again with friend's here on Boxing Day - I was very *tears in my eyes here* pleased to share our new home with everyone.. :-) Happy New Year to you all there.. Hugs.. & very best wishes.. Julie

juliewn - 2008-12-31 19:59:00

Bumping bumping so I can save some of these recipes.

books4nz - 2009-01-04 20:37:00

bump for 2534 :o)

sclaredy_cat - 2009-01-06 12:39:00

bump for pickle request

maitredee - 2009-01-08 19:28:00

Bumpin.... just cos I can! :O)

jenna68 - 2009-01-13 05:41:00

ok its likely there is already something about this but im too tired to go through and i keep getting distracted by other great ideas, so I have a huge tree of old fashioned white fleshed peasches and i dont want them to go to waste. i'd like to stew some and chutney some. Any recipes would be great and other ideas for them. Also because they are not free stone and i loose so much juice and flesh trying to cut it off could i cut them in half and take the seed out and boil them with the stone on and remove it later. I'll give it a try with a wee few but i'd like your opinion do yu think the stone would taint the taste? and would it be a hassle to get them out. While I'm here I've decided the best in invention is a cheery de-stoner, i've been using on cherry plums and it makes plum sauce so easy.

frasla - 2009-01-13 23:00:00

bump... cos it was late when i wrote it last night.

frasla - 2009-01-14 10:30:00

Hi Frasia.. your peaches sound delicious.. :-) A peach stoner - like a teaspoon with sharp sides that can be pushed into the peach from near where the stem is, then twisted from side to side to cut the flesh free from the stone - would be good.. they're not always available - unless they are through speciality kitchen stores... or Trademe member cookessentials may be able to source one for you. The stoner means that you can cut a circle around the peach from the stem part, through the slight dent in the side of the peach, and around and back to the stem - then using the stoner to lift the two halves from the stone.. giving perfect peach halves, which you can also slice for cooking and preserving. I have had peaches that have been preserved with the stone still in - and they tasted fine, though were fiddly to eat with cereal, etc.. as it was fiddly to get the flesh off with the spoon to eat it.

juliewn - 2009-01-17 22:53:00

Another way to remove the flesh before cooking, is to peel the peach, then cut a line around as above, right through to the stone, then cut in slices as you go around the peach, repeating the line right around the peach, so each piece can be lifted off the stone. For white flesh peaches, I would cook them when they are still a little firm, as they tend to be softer fleshed than yellow peach types like Golden Queen's..

juliewn - 2009-01-17 22:53:00

The peach stoner sounds like it may be similar to the cherry stoner you're using for the plums.. maybe try that as above with the peaches. I've not used peaches for making chutney.. I think a recipe for apple chutney would work well, replacing the apples for your peaches..

juliewn - 2009-01-17 23:00:00

This is my favourite Apple Chutney (it's at post 314 in this thread) - it's from the Edmonds Cookbook - called Apple or Plum Chutney there.. Give it a try with your peaches and let us know how you like it..

juliewn - 2009-01-17 23:02:00

Apple Chutney: 2 kg apples, 500gms onions, 400 gms raisins, 1 kg brown sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon mixed spice, Malt vinegar. Chop the apples, onions and raisins - whizzing them in a food processor is fine. Place all the ingredients in a large pot or preserving pan. Cover with vinegar. Bring slowly to a boil, stirring often, so the mix doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Boil slowly about 2 hours or till thick - it will thicken a little more as it cools in the jars.. Bottle into sterilised jars and place lids on top. Pop-top type jars are excellent, as the seal will pop down again ensuring long keeping.

juliewn - 2009-01-17 23:03:00

Bumping the thread as I'm away for a few days.. :-)

juliewn - 2009-01-18 21:28:00

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tehenga288 - 2009-01-18 22:41:00

This time... again.

susieq9 - 2009-01-22 12:37:00
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