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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!


Wishing each and everyone of you - a wonderful festive season, may you have a healthy, happy and safe 2012
Look forward to reading your recipes, and family happening in the New Year

rema - 2011-12-22 08:18:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-22 11:12:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-22 17:42:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-22 20:19:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-22 20:34:00
elliehen wrote:

Definitely get your raspberries at the end of Staples Street (last street on the left before you hit Mot coming from Riwaka). They are always just picked that morning, no fuzzy ones, and the price is right. On the opposite corner there are free range eggs and you can see the hens scratching in the long grass beside the road (continuing down towards the sandspit).

You can pick your own boysenberries on the left on the last straight as you head toward the Mot bridge.

BTW get your raspberries soon, becasue today when I picked up some more, they told me that they have so many orders for Christmas Day, they might stop selling them at the gate.

Cherries in Riwaka today were $5.00 for a bag of seconds (approx 600gm).

Thanks Ellie ... I'll be heading into town tomorrow for a last shop before Christmas so will be stopping for berries then too. Have to head out towards the airport because there's a stall there selling strawberries & they're miss 14's fav :)
Merry Christmas!

winnie231 - 2011-12-22 22:23:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-22 23:39:00

Just getting the news about the latest Chch quakes ... hope all you foodies there are ok!

winnie231 - 2011-12-23 15:25:00

merry xmas everyone and hope u all in chch are okay

motorbo - 2011-12-23 17:02:00

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grannymum - 2011-12-23 17:38:00

Hi all, like fisher - I don't come in here much but one thing that I would you all to click onto is this link....

Felt it was pretty neat and apt to today...

Editing that this link should only have one dash not two, something is not able me to correct this, so copy the link, paste into address bar but take out one dash wheres there is two, hope it works....

Cheers all and please, each one of you have a Wonderful Christmas.


Edited by valentino at 6:16 pm, Fri 23 Dec

valentino - 2011-12-23 18:08:00

See if this one works

valentino - 2011-12-23 20:03:00

Am Ok - cat has come in for food.
But I;ve lost my hearing aids.

calista - 2011-12-23 22:40:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-24 08:30:00

My Christmas plans have had to be reassessed thanks to the earthquakes - they totally suck the life out of me. I made it home in time for the 6.0 one - had to drop to the ground and hold on to the garden fence. So sad to hear people round the neighbourhood screaming in fear.

I have to wrap presents, make chop suey and raspberry fluff. Been standing all day on concrete so not so enthused to have to spend time in the kitchen tonight!

sumstyle - 2011-12-24 18:19:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-24 18:24:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-24 20:06:00

Found my hearing aids.

All my presents have ben caught up with NZ Post closing the sorting office due to quakes. I'd rather have no pressies than have people endangered.

calista - 2011-12-24 20:13:00

Merry Christmas to all. May you all share a day of family, friendship, food and festivity.

kirinesha - 2011-12-25 07:11:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-25 19:16:00
kirinesha wrote:

Merry Christmas to all.
May you all share a day of family, friendship, food and festivity.


uli - 2011-12-25 19:51:00

Merry Christmas everyone :D
A special recipe to share ...

Recipe for Christmas All Year Long
Take a heap of child-like wonder
That opens up our eyes
To the unexpected gifts in life—
Each day a sweet surprise.
Mix in fond appreciation
For the people whom we know;
Like festive Christmas candles,
Each one has a special glow.
Add some giggles and some laughter,
A dash of Christmas food,
(Amazing how a piece of pie
Improves our attitude!)
Stir it all with human kindness;
Wrap it up in love and peace,
Decorate with optimism, and
Our joy will never cease.
If we use this healthy recipe,
We know we will remember
To be in the Christmas spirit,
Even when it's not December.
By Joanna Fuchs

winnie231 - 2011-12-25 20:57:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-25 21:58:00

Good morning,
I had a lovely Christmas though quieter than planned as Mum & a friend of mine both left early to head back to Chch to see to their homes.
It's back to work for me today .... an 11 hr shift ahead.
Only 6 days of 2011 left but they are going to be crazy busy ones!
Hope you all have a nice relaxed Boxing Day :)

winnie231 - 2011-12-26 06:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-26 08:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-26 21:11:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-27 08:24:00

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tazzaboy2 - 2011-12-27 10:03:00

Morning All, hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, I did... but its down to the grind of preparing our house for sale now. Spent the whole of yesterday spring cleaning the kitchen, wish I had done it years ago looks fab. We are hoping to go "Toadie Rural" which means down a lovely country lane but only 12 mins to Botany Town Centre and work lol. Fingers Crossed for it all to fall into place.
Today is going to be a morning of bookwork... GST waits for no man, then back to cleaning tommorrow. I am in the mood to be ruthless and have another 4 banana boxes to go to the op shop and 2 black rubbish bags out of the kitchen. With some Christmas money I brought white dinner plates, side plates and bowls. I don't know if anyone has ever see "The Big picture" but she uses the phrase.... "Does it fit the vision you have for your life" Everthing I have in my kitchen now... I use..... The clutter is gone! should have done it years ago.

Have a great day everyone.
Take Care

Edited by toadfish at 6:06 am, Wed 28 Dec

toadfish - 2011-12-28 06:05:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-28 06:50:00

Hi all,
A quick note sending out some rural bliss vibes for Toady & Cook-E :D
May 2012 bring you both the slice of kiwi paradise you want & deserve!!!

winnie231 - 2011-12-28 21:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-29 08:01:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-30 14:00:00

Hi all,
I've driven to Nelson & back for Miss 14 this morning to get her lip pierced (early birthday pressie) and am now chillaxing on the bed with Rimu glued to my lap.
Thanks to Mums Chrissy pressie of rubber matting & shares in a giant tarp my 'indoor-outdoor' flow living area is holding up under the current torrential downpour.
I can't hear miss talking at the other end of the caravan because the rain on the roof is too loud ... but no big loss there lol (she reads this too!)
I'm going to challenge her to a game of scrabble next ... she has become quite a worthwhile opponent.
Otherwise just enjoying no work until Sunday. Keep smiling all :)

winnie231 - 2011-12-30 15:43:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-30 17:29:00

Morning all, Happy New Years Eve.
Isn't the weather appalling.. spare a thought for my Miss 19 at Gisborne for Rythym and Vines under canvas... lol... she is soooo not a camper... more a "Labels" City shopper lol. We shouted her a flight home (Got to love Air $$$) ... so am pleased she is not a passenger for 7 hours in this weather with a tired driver.
Well I am still cleaning and decluttering (started before xmas).. there are another 8 plus Banana Boxes for the op shop. I am almost ashamed I have let myself get so overrun with stuff. Its been a very cleansing... if not an exhausting process. We are almost there with our bedroom and 2 bathrooms to go....
I will be pleased to go back to work for a rest!!
Hubby is taking me out to lunch today for a change of scenery.. think he can sense I am getting near the end of my tether.
So thats me in a nutshell.... cleaning and decluttering.... then decluttering and cleaning......
Have a great day all JB

toadfish - 2011-12-31 06:05:00
cookessentials wrote:

chillaxing? it!

Wish i was lol :)

Edited by toadfish at 6:26 am, Sat 31 Dec

toadfish - 2011-12-31 06:25:00

its a fabulous feeling though when you get to the end toadfish, enjoy your lunch today! my son was supposed to be going to la de da, bu tnot sure now havent spoken to him since xmas, which was not a great day for me. anyways wishing you all a very very happy new year, i know im more than happy to say goodbye to 2011, it belongs in the bad box, have a wondeful day all and however you celebrate tonight, keep safe and enjoy it

motorbo - 2011-12-31 09:20:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-31 11:09:00

Just wanted to come in and wish you all a very happy new year.
The weather here today is so beautiful.
DH is away fishing for 2 weeks,I could not go as I have work,but always wanted some me time.
Christmas in Blenheim was so great,with all my family there,I am so blessed to have a lovely family,was spoilt rotten,my dd is a lovely lady,just love her too bits,so wished my ds was there,but will be catching up with him in the new year,was so nice to hear his voice over the phone,he rang Christmas day bless him.
Hope you are all well,and enjoying life as life is for living.
Angel hugs to you all,and all the best for 2012,sure hope it is a good one for you all xxxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-12-31 16:34:00

Hello all, wishing you a fabulous New Year.

lennyb1 - 2011-12-31 17:43:00

Sitting in the caravan listening to Bec Runga accompanied by the rain on the roof & reflecting on 2011.
Wow - what a year!
Wishing you all a safe & happy start to 2012.

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."
Edith Lovejoy Pierce

winnie231 - 2011-12-31 20:11:00

Happy Birthday Sumstyle :)
Eat, drink, spoil yourself ... and always say yes to cream on the side!

winnie231 - 2012-01-01 06:24:00

Happy New Year to you all.

bedazzledjewels - 2012-01-01 08:18:00

Happy New Year to you all. JBxxxxx

PS. Juliewn.... how was your Christmas.... Please do not stay away Jx

toadfish - 2012-01-01 08:38:00
winnie231 wrote:

Happy Birthday Sumstyle :)
Eat, drink, spoil yourself ... and always say yes to cream on the side!

Why thank you - off to walk the dog and enjoy other people's gardens as we trot along.

(truthfully it is not quite my birthday, it's a default date I used for Facebook, but I take you good wishes in the spirit that they are intended! Sorry to unintentionally dupe you)

sumstyle - 2012-01-01 08:40:00

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cookessentials - 2012-01-01 10:53:00

Happy new year everyone,and may it be the best year yet.
Cooks hope all goes well with your DH"s daughter.
Sumstyle hope you have a wonderful birthday when ever it is,my DD"s birthday tomorrow.,and mine is coming up next tuesday,lots of birthdays this month,I guess our parents were busy lol

earthangel4 - 2012-01-01 11:37:00
sumstyle wrote:

Why thank you - off to walk the dog and enjoy other people's gardens as we trot along.

(truthfully it is not quite my birthday, it's a default date I used for Facebook, but I take you good wishes in the spirit that they are intended! Sorry to unintentionally dupe you)

I still hope you take my advice regarding the cream ... life should be about enjoying the little things :)

winnie231 - 2012-01-01 14:09:00

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elliehen - 2012-01-01 19:08:00
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