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Recipes - Circle of Friends!!!

calista wrote:

Fletchers gave me the name of 'World Movers' who packed and stored all my household goods except the things in the non-damaged cupboards, which it was easier to leave in place. (Zane, the removalist also set up my computer and the washing machine when I got back.) Fletchers also gave me a letter for my insurance company saying I needed to be out of my house for 3-4 weeks as I couldn't use the facilities. It was my insurance company who paid for the moving, my accomodation and the cat to go to a cattery - I also had to arrange temporary cover for the stuff in storage. (AMI were a pain to deal with and I still have to send my receipts to get re-imbursed (though some moteliers/catteries will deal direct).

The liaison person I had from Fletchers guided me through the process (I think she got involved because I was so distressed about having lots of strange people come through my house - she was wonderful.) Having said that, I did hear a rumour that this is no longer being done and that the tradespeople come into your house and work around you, rather than you moving out.

If you have any difficulties ring the hub nearest to you and ask to speak to a Liaison person, they can explain what will happen. I hope they are as good as Sandra.

Thank you for such a lovely full answer Calsita. I have a chronic health condition, so the thought of having to organise it all and pay for it, was stressing me out terribly. I did think it would be paid for (which I can see from your answer it was) ... but I wasn't sure about the organising of it all. I certainly will deal with the hub to help me sort it. I haven't received the written assessment yet, so don't imagine it's going to happen for quite some time anyway. But thank you so much, you have eased my mind considerably. Re - going into the square: no, I haven't done that yet, but a friend and I are planning to take a look in Cashel St at the Pop up Mall on Thursday. Part of me is reluctant to go, but part of me wants to look and also see the positive things that are happening. When I was a student I worked for years and years part time in the Whitcoulls building on Cashel St, and I knew that area of town like the back of my hand. So, I am expecting to feel a bit upset to see it all totally gone ? :-)

2halls - 2011-11-27 11:51:00

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elliehen - 2011-11-27 15:49:00

LOL ellie ... the day my mother gets any of those is the day I sell her to the highest bidder!
On a brighter note - Motueka has won 'The best small town in New Zealand' award :D We live in a special place!

winnie231 - 2011-11-27 18:03:00

I thought I needed photo ID to walk through to the square so didn't 'cos I mislaid my licence in Blenheim. Now I know they're not asking for that I'll go in a fortnight - in Wellington next weekend.

I expect I will bawl my eyes out, but that's Ok,.

2halls - you are welcome.

calista - 2011-11-27 22:54:00

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elliehen - 2011-11-27 23:04:00

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cookessentials - 2011-11-28 10:41:00

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elliehen - 2011-11-28 10:58:00
elliehen wrote:

Bought my first locally grown roadside stall cherries in Riwaka on Friday. From now on there'll be different varieties appearing one after the other all the way to Christmas and beyond.

Ooh goodie - I know where I'll be stopping on my next trip into town :)

winnie231 - 2011-11-28 12:55:00

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elliehen - 2011-11-28 14:23:00

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cookessentials - 2011-11-29 06:15:00

Mmmmm - Cherry Cake!

winnie231 - 2011-11-29 13:13:00

Ohh yum! Rae.. :-).. do you have a recipe please.. thank-you :-)

Cherries are Jenni's favourite fruit.. so much so that when she was in hospital so much with her lung surgeries in 2005, I sought them out as treats for her there.. and so much so that a Stella Cherry Tree was one of her 16th birthday presents.. though moved to a different part of the garden 2 years later, it's growing slowly - first cherries for her this Christmas.. she 'can't wait!'

Hi Motorbo.. hope your date went beautifully last night.. exciting times for you.. have fun :-)

Hi Pam.. your village will look beautiful.. and the gingerbread house classes sound fun..

Hi Calista.. welcome back.. so glad everything has gone well with your work on your home.. have been thinking of you..

Hi 2Halls.. best wishes for everything going well for you with your work on your home.. I'm hearing you.. chronic health issues have such a huge effect.. so hard to get things done sometimes.. take good care of you too..

Charlie hasn't been in for ages.. hope all is well for her and with their home too..

Hi Earthangel - great your new home is giving all you were looking for.. best wishes for your health too..

I've been helping a dear friend over the past few days - she's 96, lives alone with the support of her daughter and son-in-law (also my dear friends) who live across the road from her.. they've been away - just got a text that they're on the Desert Road on their way home - and I've spent a lot of time during the afternoons with her.. I'm exhausted, will have a cuppa with her shortly, then a biiiig sleep tonight.

Take good care everyone..

juliewn - 2011-11-29 15:34:00

Hi Julie
It's no wonder you are exhausted. It is a lot of work looking after a family let alone an unwell daughter, an elderly friend and to find time to say hi to others on the message board. You really have a gift. I don't come on here much so will take this time to wish you and all the other lovely people on the MB a special Christmas and all the very best for a happy new year.
Take Care. Erica

evorotorua - 2011-11-29 19:31:00

merry xmas Erica....i will of ocurse be back in here before then ha ha....julie i do hope you get to relax a bit over the coming weeks...and the date was great!! (was last week) and i saw him again on the weekend...i think its been 17 years since i last dated

motorbo - 2011-11-29 19:55:00

Hi everyone :)
Split shift for me again today so home enjoying a few hours of sunshine.
Julie - the recipe I've got is in German ... I'll translate it & post it here. It's very easy to make & tastes as good as it looks!
Merry Christmas Erica ... long time no see. Hope all's good in your neck of the woods.
Motorbo - woohoo - go you!

winnie231 - 2011-11-30 12:58:00

Avery merry christmas and happy new year to Erica,hope it is a good one for you.
Motorbo,go you lol.
Winnie,am so glad I don,t have to do split shifts anymore,too hard to go back to work.
A beautiful day here in Grey we, are going to have our first bar-be-que tonight awesome stuff lol lol

earthangel4 - 2011-11-30 17:15:00

thanks ladies!!!! what are you doing now EA? come on cooks in our cooks thread....if i invite him for dinner what shall i cook HA HA

motorbo - 2011-11-30 18:50:00

Hi Motorbo,what am I doing now/,umm not sure what you mean lol.

earthangel4 - 2011-11-30 19:02:00

oh sorry silly me you said yoru not doing shift work now so thought you had changed jobs ...hence what are you doing now lol

motorbo - 2011-11-30 21:21:00
motorbo wrote:

oh sorry silly me you said yoru not doing shift work now so thought you had changed jobs ...hence what are you doing now lol

lol No still working 3pm till 11pm,but I don,t do split shifts.
I am not a morning person lol

earthangel4 - 2011-12-01 11:59:00

Luckily I am lol!
I've just done a 7.30am - 6.00pm shift at work ... and I'm knackered! Thankfully it's my Friday so I have the next 2 days to recover!!
I love getting to interact with people from all over the world; by email, over the phone & in person ... but it's very draining.
I'm relaxing over a glass of wine now while cooking a nice broccoli & blue cheese risotto for my dinner :)
This message is taking forever to write as I keep going back to the pot to give another stir & a bit more stock. A nice way to unwind though!

winnie231 - 2011-12-01 18:44:00

esp with a wine Winnie,.,,,,,,enjoy your dinner

motorbo - 2011-12-01 18:50:00

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grannymum - 2011-12-02 15:46:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-02 16:27:00

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grannymum - 2011-12-02 16:51:00

Good Morning everyone.
A beautiful day here today,dh has just gone into town to block off the streets for the santa parade,there will be lots of stalls,ect.
I would have loved to have gone in for a look,but have much to do before work,this afternoon.
The weather is surpose to pack in later tonight,sure hope it won,t come tell much later,as they also have singing in the park tonight.

earthangel4 - 2011-12-03 08:49:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-03 09:22:00

Waving to our cooks,
I am no longer on face book,so will not beable to see your photo,s cooks.
The weather yestrday was kind to us,and again today,so it is all good for this weekend so far.
I am back at work again this afternoon,but am not conplaining as I have a job.
Happy sunday all xxx

earthangel4 - 2011-12-04 13:10:00

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grannymum - 2011-12-04 16:47:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-04 17:42:00

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grannymum - 2011-12-04 17:53:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-04 18:16:00

Hi everyone,

another 11hr shift at work done & dusted ... I'm just done!
Waiting for my dinner to cook then it won't be long before I'm in bed. Miss 14 is in the Abel Tasman with school this week ... can't wait for Friday - she's getting on one of our water taxis & coming to spend the weekend with me :D
Guess who's looking forward to being 'the cool kid' swanning off on a boat while all the others wait for the bus for a dusty drive out of Totaranui lol!

winnie231 - 2011-12-05 19:51:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-06 07:10:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-06 20:24:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-06 21:16:00

Has anyone got the recipe for a xmas cake using chocolate please!!!!

ktown83 - 2011-12-07 10:42:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-07 11:22:00

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elliehen - 2011-12-07 15:47:00

Just popped in for a quick share before bed ...
I had a nice surprise at work today ... Miss 14 spotted one of our water taxis at Totaranui beach where she's on school camp & asked the skipper to say hi to me when he got back to base.
He went one better - he got her onto the boat for a quick chat with me over the UHF radio :D
Very cool indeed!

winnie231 - 2011-12-07 21:57:00

Winniw what a lovely surprise,that would of made my day.
Have a good one all.
Pam I might rejoin face book,and stay away from the nasties.
I miss my friends so much.

earthangel4 - 2011-12-08 09:26:00

oops sorry Winnie,I spelt your name wrong,I hit the post message before I got to change it,sorry hun xxxx

earthangel4 - 2011-12-08 09:27:00

Hi everyone,
thanks EA xx It was a lovely surprise.
I've just enjoyed the luxury of sleeping in till 7am - bliss!
Miss 14 won't be here until 12.15pm so I'll spend the morning doing washing & catching up on domestic chores. They can't be avoided - even when living in a caravan lol :)
How's your clucky girl Pam? There's a few of those around the farm here too ... won't be long before there's new chicks joining the family on Old MacDonalds Farm. The international tourists will love it!
Have a lovely day all xx

winnie231 - 2011-12-09 07:34:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-09 11:30:00
cookessentials wrote:

Just be very selective with whom you have as a friend EA. I only let people I know onto my page.

Thank you Pam can you delete old friends off,that are causing me some trouble at work,just don,t want to be talking to them,when I work with them,so much gossip going around,that I do not want to be part of it.
A lovely day here in Grey,still have a very sick dh,has had kidney stones since Sunday sign.

earthangel4 - 2011-12-09 12:46:00

fleeting visit off out for dinner.............hope the chickens are okay Pam.....starts planning a visit to sounds like heaven i luv your posts!!! EA hun ....dont let them get to ya

grannypam hope you all good sending luv............

motorbo - 2011-12-09 17:44:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-09 19:38:00

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cookessentials - 2011-12-09 19:40:00

sounds delish cookes....we made the mistake of not booking and i forgot its xmas time so was very busy...ended up at lone star...ive never been there before and will never go again, i complained they gave me chardonnay instead of a glass of sav, the argued and said i was glass was a sav.,...again i said yes you did give me the wrong wine before....i got told we were busy ....wont go back bad bad service

motorbo - 2011-12-10 11:41:00

Thanks Elliehen, for posting the link.. have replied.. with an updated method of preparing tins, change in some ingredients or quantities, and mixing the cake.. a la 2011..

How are all your Christmas plans going?

I have most things organised now.. just a few stocking fillers to find, and all done. Jenni's Partner will join us for Christmas and they'll spend New Year with his family. His Dad died when Mr 24 was 17.. Christmas Day was his birthday, so that morning, Mr 24 is making us the breakfast his Dad always made for their family on Christmas Day each year.. Eggs Benedict, bacon, etc..

I'm going to surprise them - hide a box of things - suitcase type gas stove, frying pan, etc.. in the car boot on Christmas Eve, then next morning will put the bacon, eggs, etc.. in a chilly bin, tuck it into the car after gifts are opened.. then say lets go for a drive.. we'll lay flowers at the cemetery for Nana.. then continue the drive over the hill and through Ohope to the Port, where we can sit somewhere along the harbour beach and cook the breakfast we've planned, on the beach.. a rekindling of special memories for us all..

I don't know whether Jenni has said to him that I'm creative and known for making surprise things special.. if not, he's got a few coming!

Hope all your plans are going beautifully.. enjoy the preparations.. :-)

Edited by juliewn at 3:01 am, Sun 11 Dec

juliewn - 2011-12-11 02:52:00
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