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We Don't Have to Buy It Cos We Can Make It Thread!


Thanks! I'm a student and just wanted to say that the ideas in this will be awesome for the flat! It's great

sliz - 2008-11-11 21:17:00

That's great Sliz.. if there's a recipe you'd like to make and it's not here, please ask.. there will be someone who can help.. Good luck with your studies..

juliewn - 2008-11-12 03:31:00

Grape Juice: & for passionfruit, red currants, and berries too: Place some preserving jars in the oven at 50°C - I use the pop-top jars from jam, pasta sauce etc.. - if you don't have many, these are inexpensive at Opp shops - check that the undersides of the lids are not rusty when buying. Place the pop-top lids in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a simmer to sterilise them.

juliewn - 2008-11-13 23:57:00

Wash the grapes and leave in a colander to dry a little.Remove the grapes from the stems, and place them in a bowl. Bring to the boil some syrup - 1 cup sugar to 3 cups water.. times the quantity you want. Stir often to dissolve the sugar. When that is boiling and the sugar is dissolved, remove the jars, a few at a time, from the oven and place on a wooden or similar surface (thick newspaper works fine too) so they won't break going straight onto a cold surface. Quickly fill each jar to 1/4 full with grapes. Carefully pour over the syrup, a little in each jar at a time, to completely fill the jars right to the top. Place the pop-top lids on and screw tight. Wipe the outside of the jar and set aside to cool. As they cool, the pop-top lids will pop down to seal the jar. Wash the jars when cold.

juliewn - 2008-11-13 23:57:00

Over the next couple of weeks, the colour and flavour of the grapes will seep into the syrup, making lovely grape juice. This is delicious chilled - pour some into a glass and top up with lemonade.. It's great used like this, with added ice, for a refreshing party punch.. Leave the grapes in, as they taste good too.. You can also use this for passionfruit, berries, red or black currants, etc..etc..

juliewn - 2008-11-13 23:58:00

Bumping cause I don't want to lose it !!! .

beagle12 - 2008-11-15 20:00:00

Mock Pate 1 tbs melted butter, tin of "el cheapo" salmon drained, breadcrumbs, parsley and lemon juice, lemon grass and chillie pepper. Use a whiz stick or a fork if you dont have one and mash the salmon to a "pate texture" add melted butter, parsley, breadcrumbs and lemongrass/chillie peper to make a stiff paste (amt of breadcrumbs depend on the way the salmon is drained) add lemon juice and a little zest to taste. Put in a container and allow to set - great on sarnies or biscuits. You can also use such things as sardines/mackerel etc I dont find tuna is very good for this though.

bonnie66 - 2008-11-16 00:13:00

Hi Bonnie.. thanks for sharing your recipe.. the more we can make ourselves the better, in these days of foods from all over the world being available - I saw Buttercup Pumpkins from Puerto Rico in a supermarket last week!

juliewn - 2008-11-17 01:28:00

Bump.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-11-20 02:45:00

e... e

jenna68 - 2008-11-22 09:10:00

homemade dog food Has anyone got any recipes for homemade dog food. Thanks.

walt - 2008-11-22 11:29:00

bumping for yummy homemade dog food recipes. Please and thankyou.

walt - 2008-11-22 16:25:00

bump .

winnie15 - 2008-11-25 16:08:00

Hi Walt.. this is a recipe for dog food.. Mix minced meat, cooked carrots, cooked beans and cottage cheese.. Mix well together and keep in the fridge. I think you could add cooked rice too.. brown would be more nutritious.. There aren't quantities for the recipe.. and you could freeze it into portions.

juliewn - 2008-11-26 06:34:00

Thanks for that recipe - will try it. Cheers.

books4nz - 2008-11-30 02:19:00

cheese?? Grate thread. Does anyone have a recipe for homemade cheese please?

flossy9 - 2008-11-30 09:07:00

bump :-))

flossy9 - 2008-11-30 16:07:00

Also bumping - I'd like to know too please..

books4nz - 2008-12-01 00:11:00

Whiskey! I make the best whiskey I have ever tasted. Also rum, gin, brandy,etc.

mariner51 - 2008-12-01 09:42:00

FREE STUFF!! Google the word "freecycle" and find your local group. It's a simple relationship of emailing offers of things people might want and wants of things people might have. Simple rules to keep it safe and legal. Their motto: "Changing the world one gift at a time."

lindskii - 2008-12-01 11:21:00

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scholar54 - 2008-12-02 13:50:00

I made the drinking choc last night it was a great hit! thanx

winnie15 - 2008-12-02 18:56:00

thanks juliewn thats great will try that with my dog asap. I think hubby would wolf it down too.

walt - 2008-12-02 21:38:00

Winnie15 - is the drinking chocolate recipe in this thread? Would be great to be able to make it. Thanks for your help.

floralsun - 2008-12-03 16:14:00

The drinking chocolate recipe is on post 143 if that's any help.

lookingfor - 2008-12-04 21:36:00

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scholar54 - 2008-12-05 16:46:00

Walter Goetzeler's pretzels Makes about 18 large pretzels. 1-1/2t dry yeast, 1-3/4c warm water, 5c flour, 1-1/2t baking soda, 2T margarine or butter. Dissolve yeast in water, add remaining ingredients, knead. Let dough rise about 40min, to about 1/3 to 1/2 again its original size. Divide dough into approx 30g (ping-pong ball size) pieces, roll each piece to about 15cm long, let sit a few minutes (the first ones are ready for the next step by the time you finish the rolls in this step). Roll each piece out to about 45cm (18"), tapering the ends. Form these into pretzel shapes, with a double-twist on the arms in the center. Place the shapes on sheets lined with baking paper (wax paper if you have it), allow to rise to 1-1/2 times the size. Prepare dipping solution.

lennyb1 - 2008-12-06 11:24:00

pretzels continued Prepare dipping solution of 5c water & 3T baking soda, choose a wider rather than deeper saucepan for this, bring to a boil. Work with about 2 or 3 pretzels at a time, put rest in fridge while you work (goess pretty fast, though). Drop 2 or 3 pretzels at a time into boiling dip, leave about 10 or 15 seconds, remove & drain. Place on greased baking sheet, preheat oven to 200C. When you have a sheetful of boiled pretzels, sprinkle them with sea salt & bake about 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. Great on their own, or eat them as a New Yorker would with a squeeze of mild mustard.

lennyb1 - 2008-12-06 11:29:00

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tehenga288 - 2008-12-09 23:40:00

What a great thread. I've really enjoyed reading it. Anyone got a good and easy recipe for pesto, - my basil is growing fast!

eleanornz - 2008-12-10 16:47:00

Is this thread still going bump

cherise11 - 2008-12-11 09:48:00

Hi Eleanor.. pesto is one of those great recipes that can be changed to suit whatever you prefer or have to hand.. this is our favourite way: Use about two cups of washed and shaken dry fresh herbs - basil and or parsley is good - you could also add other herbs too.. tips of lemon verbena, lemon balm, mint, pineapple sage, etc.. wash, shake well to dry, remove stalks if you want, then place in a food processor.. whizz till smoothish.. Add some garlic or crushed garlic if you want, then some parmesan cheese to taste - from a piece of cheese is nicest - the powdered doesn't taste anywhere near as good! Add lots of lemon juice to taste.. then drizzle some oil in - I use canola - or you could use olive oil. Whizz well and season to taste.. whizzing to blend the flavours. When it's as you want it.. add some of your favourite nuts and whizz till lightly chopped.. Pile into jars and freeze any you don't want to use straight away.. and enjoy on toast, crackers, as a dip, on sandwiches, in pita bread, tossed through hot pasta, on pizza, etc..etc.. Yum!

juliewn - 2008-12-13 02:16:00

Alternatives: Don't use any oil - and keep in freezer until needed and use within a couple of days once thawed. Use any other cheese you like - mild or tasty cheeses are a good change - and don't cost as much as fresh parmesan. Use your choice of walnuts, pinenuts, cashews, etc.. Or leave out nuts and use sunflower or pumpkin seeds and chop briefly so pieces are through the pesto.. Make changes that suit your taste.. and create your own special pesto recipe.. Enjoy.. :-)

juliewn - 2008-12-13 02:16:00

Ps.. if you prefer a less strong flavour for pesto - make some hummous and mix this with your pesto - for a very nutritious and delicious dip/snack/topping/spread, etc..etc..

juliewn - 2008-12-13 02:19:00

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angierose - 2008-12-14 08:22:00

Thanks Angie.. feel free to add any recipes you'd like to share.. and have a happy Christmas..

juliewn - 2008-12-17 01:22:00

Bumping for the season.. ... if we need to have a reason! lol..

goodbooks - 2008-12-20 00:57:00

Bumping for Kitten2008 :-)

juliewn - 2008-12-21 01:18:00

For stuffinf for chickens, etc.. Sometimes when making stuffing, I make a double amount, or more, and press the extra into a greased oven proof dish, and cover it with plastic wrap. I freeze it like that, then when wanted, I remove the plastic wrap, and cover the dish with tinfoil, place into a cold oven, and heat the dish with the oven, so a frozen dish is not going onto a hot oven rack which could cause the dish to break. Once the stuffing is almost cooked, I remove the foil, and continue baking for another 5 or 10 minutes until the top is crunchy with softer stuffing underneath. This is very popular - and a dish to have available for those times when something extra would be helpful for dinner.. and it's there in the freezer..

juliewn - 2008-12-21 01:19:00

great idea juliewn good to be able to grab some of the frozen stuffing and once thawed placed into the chook your about to cook..will do that next time i do a double amount.

winnie15 - 2008-12-22 10:04:00

sweetened condenced milk 2 cups of milk powder, 1Tablespoon of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 3/4 cup of boiling water.

pickles7 - 2008-12-22 15:13:00

Hi Winnie.. :-).. having the stuffing in the freezer makes for a handy extra.. great to serve if grilling or roasting chicken pieces, etc.. too.. Hi Pickles.. I haven't tried your recipe, though have seen something similar in a magazine.. is it very similar to purchased sweetened condensed milk? Thanks for your help.. and have a wonderful Christmas everyone..

juliewn - 2008-12-25 18:31:00

this is for left over croissants Turn them into french toast!! get 2 eggs and beat ion a bowl with 100 mls milk and a dash of cinnamon. put a knob of butter in your fry pan and let that melt. cut your croissants in half and dip into the eggy mixture then into the pan. lightly brown on both sides and serve with icing sugar sprinkled on top, sliced banana and natural yoghurt mixed with cinnamon and sugar

bananna15 - 2008-12-27 13:09:00

pickles, with your condensed milk.. what quantity does this recipe make please? My family like those slices that you make with it and broken biccies etc and was just wondering how many 'cans' that would make, thanks, Tracey :o)

jenna68 - 2008-12-29 09:17:00

bumping for sctje pretzels at posts 477-8 on this page...

lennyb1 - 2008-12-30 11:24:00

Thank you so much lenny!!! I am printing it out now. What an amazing thread. I also belong to the Simple Savings site but this thread is inspiring all on its own.

scjte - 2008-12-30 12:44:00

Hi.. I'm glad you're enjoying the thread.. it's a wonderful accumulation of recipes from lots of us.. feel free to add anything you would like to.. Happy New Year to you all.. Julie..

juliewn - 2008-12-30 16:23:00

bump to the top!!!

obie1 - 2009-01-03 21:53:00

Bumping for George_me25 - great ideas and recipes in here George.

floralsun - 2009-01-05 23:33:00

wow what a milestone time for a book I think

terraalba - 2009-01-06 08:00:00
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