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Used a 1 1/2 sized loaf tin.

A baking tin say about 150mm square to about 200mm x 120 or near enough should be adequate.

Editing to add that quite often do double batches and use a full size baking slice tin.

Edited by valentino at 3:24 pm, Fri 22 Apr

valentino - 2016-04-22 15:23:00
valentino wrote:

Used a 1 1/2 sized loaf tin.

A baking tin say about 150mm square to about 200mm x 120 or near enough should be adequate.

Editing to add that quite often do double batches and use a full size
baking slice tin.

Thanks Valentino - the tray I have is approx 300 x 500mm, so would probably have to increase the recipe to x3 or x4. Love Turkish delight, but so expensive to buy!

marree - 2016-04-22 20:10:00

Italian Nougat
2 cups sugar
1 cup liquid glucose
1/2 cup honey
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup water
2 egg whites
1 tsp vanilla extract
125g butter
60g whole, blanched almonds

Put sugar, liquid glucose, honey, salt and water in a pan, stir over a low heat until sugar has dissolved. Bring to boil, cook until mixture forms a hard ball whenn tested in a small amount of water - 122C on a sweets thermometer ( approx 8 minutes)
Beat egg whites until firm peaks form. Pour 1/4 of hot syrup in a thin stream over the eggs, beating constantly. Continue beating until mixture is thick enough to hold it's shape, approx 3-5 mins. Cook remaining syrup until a small amount od syrup forms brittle threads when dropped in cold water (157C on sweet thermometer) approx 5 minutes. Pour remainder of hot syrup over meringue in a thin stream, beating constantly until mixture is very thick. Add vanilla and roughly chopped butter. Beat until thick again, about 5 minutes.With a wooden spoon, beat in almonds. Turn mixture into greased 28 x 18cm lamington tin, smooth top with spatula. Refrigerate till firm. Loosen edges of nougat all round, turn out in large block. With sharp knife, cut into 4cm x 2.5cm pieces. Wrap each piece individually in cellulose paper or waxed paper. To toast the almonds, place on tray, bake in moderate oven approx 5 mins until golden, cool. You can also fold in 125g of Turkish delight when you are stirring in the almonds which will give the nougat a nice pink colour. Makes about 1kg of nougat.

cookessentials (1219 1219 positive feedback) 7:50 pm, Tue 23 Apr #6

bev00 (1796 1796 positive feedback) 11:04 pm, Fri 24 Apr #9

bev00 - 2016-04-22 23:58:00

This message was deleted.

deb8888 - 2016-08-06 04:53:00

bump - 2016-08-28 16:38:00

Someone might need this for xmas

sikem - 2016-12-19 15:45:00

Just noticed that Brianmac recipes have been deleted, there were quite a few too, hmmm, thread not as good as it did prior.

Anyway, Bumped just in case, I personally cannot have such sweets now, Bugger !!!!!.


valentino - 2017-11-15 13:57:00



valentino - 2017-12-01 16:09:00
valentino wrote:

Chocolate Roughs 50g butter, 2 c icing sugar, 1 tblsp cocoa, ¼ tsp vanilla essence & 1 c coconut.
Rub butter into icing sugar, add cocoa and vanilla and mix to a stiff paste ( add a little hot water if necessary 0. Add most of the coconut and mix thoroughly. Roll into small balls then roll in remaining coconut and leave to harden.

I made some (trial) the other day, just shredded coconut stirred into melted chocolate, no added sugar. Also made some cranberry and nut ones too, fruit & nuts mixed with the chocolate. I dropped spoonfuls into little paper cases. They both came out well (approved by the resident sampler, namely hubby) so will be doing a bigger batch for Christmas.

Edited by nauru at 8:02 pm, Fri 1 Dec

nauru - 2017-12-01 20:01:00

** bump - we can't lose this one **

autumnwinds - 2018-11-24 18:01:00

Looking forward to making some of these lovely recipes!

chaschman - 2019-11-24 18:58:00
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