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Cucumbers, cucumbers and more cucumbers!!!


Got any tried and true recipes to use these up?

Edited by yduj at 5:16 pm, Mon 30 Jan

yduj - 2012-01-30 17:16:00

relish or chutney
chutney 500gm apples 600mls vinegar 225 sugar 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper 2 tlbsp salt 500 gms onions 725 cucumber
peel and cut apples cook in vinegar until tender then add sugar pepper salt Put onion and cucumber thru mincer mix altogether boil bottle and seal when cool
relish same but with 500 gm sugar and 1 ds sp curry powder and 2 tlbsp turmeric cook as above to colour add turmeric

bobcat_6 - 2012-01-30 17:27:00

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elliehen - 2012-01-30 17:27:00

3 large cucumber 2 lbs onions 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup flour 1 dsp mustard / turmeric/ vinegar / commmon salt
cut cucumber and onion sprinkle with salt stand overnight put into pan, with vinegar and cook 30 mins or until tender thicken with flour mustard made to a paste with vinegar simmer 5 mins bottle when cold

bobcat_6 - 2012-01-30 17:33:00
yduj wrote:

Got any tried and true recipes to use these up?

If you don't use pickles, give them away.

pickles7 - 2012-01-30 17:57:00

I made this last year and its become a family favourite already.

pickled cucumbers.
2 long telegraph cucumbers
slice into rounds.put to one side
then in a pot, 2 cups white sugar, 2 cups cider vinegar, 1 tblsp plain salt,1 teaspn mustard seeds, 1 teaspn tumeric, 1 teaspn black whole peppercorns.
bring to boil and simmer for 10mins.leave a few minutes after boiling.
have jars warming in oven.
place sliced cucumbers in warm jars, and pour over hot syrup,to the top.
seal with whatever lids come with jars....leave for 1 week, then put in fridge, for a day before eating.

We are still eating them, they keep well, and are lovely on burgers or cheese sandwiches or as a wee pile on the plate with cold meat and salad.
To slice them I just used firm pressure down the chute of my food processor with the slicing blade, you need to push quite hard or they are too skinny.

Edited by dezzie at 7:12 pm, Mon 30 Jan

dezzie - 2012-01-30 19:10:00
pickles7 wrote:

If you don't use pickles, give them away.

Will already be doing that but thought I should also preserve some somehow.

Thanks for all the answers, I'm going to give some a go.

yduj - 2012-01-30 19:59:00

Persian salad - diced cucumber, tomatoes & onion (red if prefer). Finely chop fresh mint and make a dressing with olive oil & lemon juice & salt & pepper. Very simple, but people love this. As for amounts, anything goes really - whatever you prefer - more oil/more juice, lots of mint/not much. I just usually pour the olive oil & lemon juice directly over the chopped vegetables.

julie_ - 2012-01-30 23:43:00
dezzie wrote:

I made this last year and its become a family favourite already.

pickled cucumbers.
2 long telegraph cucumbers
slice into rounds.put to one side
then in a pot, 2 cups white sugar, 2 cups cider vinegar, 1 tblsp plain salt,1 teaspn mustard seeds, 1 teaspn tumeric, 1 teaspn black whole peppercorns.
bring to boil and simmer for 10mins.leave a few minutes after boiling.
have jars warming in oven.
place sliced cucumbers in warm jars, and pour over hot syrup,to the top.
seal with whatever lids come with jars....leave for 1 week, then put in fridge, for a day before eating.

I just made these.... I had 3 lebanese cucumbers that were about to be past there best by. (From my garden)
I took 3 pickling onions - sliced them in rings and arranged them in layers with the lebanese cucumber slices in a large jar (an old Gerkhin one as it happens)....
I halved the liquid ingredients and it was just enough to fill it to the top of the jar...

How satisfying... I am a domestic goddess! Can't wait till we can try them.

Edited by toadfish at 4:31 pm, Sun 27 Jan

toadfish - 2013-01-27 16:27:00

pickles7 - 2013-01-27 16:32:00
toadfish wrote:

I just made these.... I had 3 lebanese cucumbers that were about to be past there best by. (From my garden)
I took 3 pickling onions - sliced them in rings and arranged them in layers with the lebanese cucumber slices in a large jar (an old Gerkhin one as it happens)....
I halved the liquid ingredients and it was just enough to fill it to the top of the jar...

How satisfying... I am a domestic goddess! Can't wait till we can try them.

Just tried them tonight...... DELICIOUS...... Will never buy commercial bread and butter pickles again.

toadfish - 2013-02-21 21:25:00

the pickle with cucs and pineapple is awesome. I think you could search for it here. Have made several batches, is really good.

patsy3 - 2013-02-21 21:35:00
toadfish wrote:

Just tried them tonight...... DELICIOUS...... Will never buy commercial bread and butter pickles again.

I'm glad you liked them :) my cuc's have got mildew this year and croaked, I only got about 6 jars, I'll have to patrol my local vege stalls for some more cheap ones, its worth buying them to make it.

dezzie - 2013-02-21 22:03:00
dezzie wrote:

its worth buying them to make it.

Thats what I thought.... 1 telegraph cucumber would make a large jar.
Mine got mildew as well but rescued them with a spray and hopefully I am due a second flush of cucumbers - I planted (and will again) the lebanese ones.

Edited by toadfish at 5:34 am, Fri 22 Feb

toadfish - 2013-02-22 05:34:00

bump for myself - just harvested about 150 of the little critters.

uli - 2013-02-22 18:47:00

recycling for the glut

bev00 - 2014-02-22 23:48:00

Bread and butter pickle is delish.

tui93 - 2014-02-23 07:23:00

and again

bev00 - 2015-02-23 23:28:00

bump for cucumbers

uli - 2016-02-15 16:10:00

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onclemick - 2016-02-15 16:47:00

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onclemick - 2016-02-16 08:28:00

bump for the glut

bev00 - 2017-02-15 22:48:00

Gingered Cucumber
2 cucumbers
1 tsp salt
1/4cup white vinegar
1+1/2Tblsp sugar
1 tsp grated green ginger
Peel cucumber as close to skin to skin as possible. Run dinner fork down cut surface of cucumber to give a fluted effect when cut.
Cut cucumber into thin slices, put in bowl, sprinkle with salt, mix well, and leave to stand for 30mins. Drain off excess liquid.
Combine remaining ingredients. Add to cucumber and mix well. Refrigerate several hours before serving.

rainrain1 - 2017-02-16 08:53:00

bump for the summer glut

uli - 2018-02-15 16:57:00
uli wrote:

bump for the summer glut

I wish I still had a glut cucumbers are finished (only one plant though)....I pickled some & ate a heap & gave a heap away to family neighbours etc etc.

samanya - 2018-02-15 18:45:00

Just planted my second lot - so lots to come again soon.

uli - 2019-01-29 16:11:00

Pineapple and cucumber pickle is nice. Google

korbo - 2019-01-29 19:23:00

I just found (and tested) this decent cucumber cake recipe - I reduced the sugar to 1 cup only, and used sultanas instead of nuts. Just cut the ends off the cucumbers, and food processed them, skin and all, rather than peeling etc. It is a bit like zucchini based cakes. I tried this as I'm the only one in my house that actually eats the pickles etc I make, so i needed something else to use all our cucumbers in :-)

Edited by caitlin at 3:22 pm, Sun 24 Feb

caitlin - 2019-02-24 15:14:00
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