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Can I please have some ideas for using my rhubarb? It's huge and going to waste.

angiesbaking - 2010-11-14 17:27:00

You can freeze it raw just chop it up and bag it

jacky18 - 2010-11-14 17:30:00


lilyfield - 2010-11-14 18:09:00


lilyfield - 2010-11-14 18:09:00

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noonesgirl - 2010-11-14 18:11:00

oooooh wish I lived closer as I Love it and it's so expensive these days.

buckyboy - 2010-11-14 18:16:00

Rhubarb and banana jam is yum another of aunt daisy's, I add rhubarb to muffins and cakes. make rhubarb crumbles, fruit sponges (desert).
basically use same as any fruit.

cgvl - 2010-11-15 00:08:00
noonesgirl wrote:

Aunt Daisy has recipies for
Cold sweets - Rhubarb Mould
Hot sweets - Rhubarb Crisp & Rhubarb Pie
Rhubarb Marmalade
Rhubarb & Raspberry Jam
Rhubarb Relish

Let me know if you want any recipies.

Morning I d love your marmalade recipe please...

trader-joy - 2010-11-15 07:20:00

angiesbaking, my two favourite uses for rhubarb are:

450g rhubarb trimmed and cut into 2.5cm (1”) pieces - fresh or frozen.
3 rounded household tbsp custard powder
85g white sugar
450ml milk

Make a custard with all the ingredients & once it has boiled add the raw rhubarb – the custard will need to be very thick & stodgy. Place the rhubarb & custard mixture into a 1.5-2 litre ovenproof dish, then top the mixture with the
170g flour
85g each of brown sugar and butter or margarine.
Rub the butter into the flour to form a crumby mixture, then mix the brown sugar lightly through.
Bake at 180°C for 40-45 minutes.

HINT: a now-late friend of my DH's family gave me this tip 30+ years ago.....let the rhubarb stand, covered by boiling water, for 5 minutes, then drain that water off - I don't recommend doing this for the Rhubarb Custard Crumble but it sure does work otherwise and I find it to be great especially when making.....

500g rhubarb (trimmed and cut into 2cm lengths)
1 tsp ground ginger,
2 tbsp very finely chopped preserved / crystallised ginger
sugar to taste and 2 tbsp water – see note below

Place all the ingredients in an oven proof dish and cover the dish. Cook at 150°C for 15-20 minutes or until the fruit is tender.
Serve hot, warm or cold.
Note: If the rhubarb is prepared as in the above hint, the 2 tbsp water shouldn’t be needed and neither should the sugar because of the sugar coating on the ginger.

Those two recipes plus more rhubarb recipes, hints and info' can be found at:-

Hope that helps. :-))

Edited to add that if you freeze some of your rhubarb surplus then you can successfully make the Rhubarb Custard Crumble with that frozen rhubarb at a later date - add the frozen rhubarb to the just made custard.
I have also very successfully frozen the cooked Spiced Rhubarb which makes a very easy dessert if served with custard, cream, icecream, yoghurt and for breakfast serve it with cereal or any of the dessert accompaniments. :-))

Edited by 245sam at 8:19 am, Mon 15 Nov

245sam - 2010-11-15 08:11:00

Roasted rhubarb in honey. Try it

gragra1 - 2010-11-15 08:16:00

My friend makes the most devine rhubarb and sour cream cake. She won't share the recipe!!! But I am sure if you googled you could find something similar.

clare_mel - 2010-11-15 08:27:00

This is a recipe l was given and it is really nice
l make it without the topping and put the cinnamon in the cake

Rhubarb and Sour Cream Cake

60g butter, room temperature
1 1/2 cups brown sugar, firmly packed
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
350g flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
4 cups rhubarb, cut to 1.5 cm lengths
250g sour cream

Combine together
1 1/2 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon

Preheat oven to 180C
Grease 23 cm round tin
Cream butter and sugar add eggs, vanilla
Beat well
Add sifted flour, baking soda, salt
Then add rhubarb and sour cream
Combine well
Put in tin and sprinkle on topping
Bake 40-45 minutes or until cooked

griffo4 - 2010-11-15 08:57:00

thank you all so much. will let you know when ready for trying:)

angiesbaking - 2010-11-15 21:06:00

You lucky, lucky thing! I love, love, love rhubarb!

bisloy - 2010-11-15 21:25:00

I got this recipe off here a while back, and it's a firm favourite now in our house. Everyone I've made it for has asked for the recipe. I don't put the banana in as I don't like it, and I use apple as well as rhubarb.

Caramel Crusted Rhubarb & Banana Pudding

¾ cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ cup rolled oats
¼ cup white sugar
100g melted butter
Stewed rhubarb (and or apple)
3 sliced bananas
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon custard powder or cornflour
¼ cup boiling water

Preheat oven to 180c.
Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl.
Add rolled oats and white sugar.
Mix in melted butter to make a crumble mixture.
Sprinkle over rhubarb and banana mixture.
In the discarded bowl, combine brown sugar and custard powder.
Spoon over crumble mix.
Carefully pour over the boiling water.
Do not stir.
Oven bake for 30 minutes

jimbob37 - 2010-11-15 21:50:00

Thank goodness! I was beginning to think I was a little strange. I hate cooked banana! It takes over everything to the point you can't taste anything else. Yuk!

bisloy - 2010-11-15 21:52:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-16 06:40:00

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cookessentials - 2010-11-16 06:41:00

Wish you lived in Wanganui, I'd come buy some off you. Rhubarb in supermarkets is disgusting at moment.

lavender32 - 2010-11-16 09:00:00

lavender32, if you want some, I am in wanga's and have a garden full going to waste. Um now how to contact.

cgvl - 2010-11-16 09:07:00

Hi noonesgirl would love the recipes for the rhubarb relish and rhubarb and raspberry jam if you could spare the time, thanks.

tinyted - 2010-11-16 09:23:00
jimbob37 wrote:

I got this recipe off here a while back, and it's a firm favourite now in our house. Everyone I've made it for has asked for the recipe. I don't put the banana in as I don't like it, and I use apple as well as rhubarb.

Caramel Crusted Rhubarb & Banana Pudding

¾ cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ cup rolled oats
¼ cup white sugar
100g melted butter
Stewed rhubarb (and or apple)
3 sliced bananas
¾ cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon custard powder or cornflour
¼ cup boiling water

Preheat oven to 180c.
Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl.
Add rolled oats and white sugar.
Mix in melted butter to make a crumble mixture.
Sprinkle over rhubarb and banana mixture.
In the discarded bowl, combine brown sugar and custard powder.
Spoon over crumble mix.
Carefully pour over the boiling water.
Do not stir.
Oven bake for 30 minutes

I'm sure this is a recipe I posted on here a long time ago but without bananas, I don't know where they would have come from and I must admit they don't appeal to me. An example of how recipes change I guess!

pamellie - 2010-11-16 10:08:00

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erewhon04 - 2010-11-16 13:19:00

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noonesgirl - 2010-11-16 17:59:00

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noonesgirl - 2010-11-16 18:07:00

Thanks for those recipes noonesgirl, have heaps of rhubarb that I want to use up and these recipes sound very scrummy.

tinyted - 2010-11-16 21:57:00

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elliehen - 2010-11-16 22:33:00

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meborg5 - 2010-11-17 09:42:00

cgvl - you are so lucky. I wonder what terrible things would happen to me if I put my phone number on here??????? Or could I be cheeky enough to ask that if you are passing a car dealership that sells Holdens & kias you might drop some off to me lol. I am more than happy to pay for it & would take as much as you want to give as I can freeze it. I work in the mornings only. Cheers Joanne

lavender32 - 2010-11-17 10:19:00

hey lavender, will drop off tomorrow when out doing groceries. Am coming that way to get asparagus lol. If had seen this earlier you could have had it today, when I went out lol.

cgvl - 2010-11-17 14:02:00

How mean of your friend...most people would be so flattered someone admired their cooking they'd be happy to share!! I have found the very slender, redder stemmed variety of rhubarb is a lot sweeter and doesn't grow so enormous. My neighbour kindly gave me a root and it's gorgeous. I bought two slender, very red stemmed rhubarb to add to the garden and may get rid of the bigger stuff altogeher. Yes, it freezes well, and mum used to use dried dates to sweeten hers when she stewed it. Not a fussy eater, but find dates really sickly (dried) so... My neighbour's variety makes a beautiful tart: make a shortcrust type base and press it firmly into a loose bottomed, round quiche tray and bake 20 mins medium oven. Cook rhubarb in a tiny bit of water with a little sugar, then dissolve a strawberry jelly in ONE CUP ONLY of boiling water, and add to it. Allow that to cool.
When crust comes from oven IMMEDIATELY invert onto a serving tray and there should be a shallowish "well" in the centre. When jelly/fruit mix cool, but not set, pour into crust and chill thoroughly. This is simple, but absolutely beautiful. Cheers! devalois

devalois - 2010-11-17 15:31:00

CGVL how wonderful are you!!!! Thanks heaps. I'll let the boys in the parts department know you are coming & they can ring me to come downstairs. Thanks soooooooo much.

lavender32 - 2010-11-17 16:35:00

When cooking rhubarb for myself I add a sweet apple to the mix and no sugar and find it is more than sweet enough, Dh needs a little extra sugar to his but you do get used to the taste.

cgvl - 2010-11-18 09:53:00

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meborg5 - 2010-11-18 21:47:00

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elliehen - 2010-11-18 22:07:00
noonesgirl wrote:

Rhubarb Marmalade
4lb rhubarb
2 lemons
8ozs walnuts
1pt water
2 oranges
6lb br sugar
Chop the rhubarb & boil in water 20 mins. Put oranges, lemons & nuts through a mincer & add to cooked rhubarb. Add sugar & cook till mixture will set - approx 1 hr.

Thanks sounds yum...

trader-joy - 2010-11-19 06:27:00

Bump for the new rhubarb season :)

uli - 2011-11-17 20:38:00

oooohhhhh now I'm hungry for rhubarb.your so lucky to have such a good crop,have tried growing rhubarb 3 times and not much success,lolz will have to keep buying it :(

crystalmoon - 2011-11-18 14:24:00


bev00 - 2012-11-17 23:49:00

as a topping on a cheese cake is my favourite,I have even put it on top of strawberry topping on a bought cheesecake,

nabbed - 2012-11-18 00:05:00

Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie

I made this a few times last summer as we had so much rhubarb and not unlike you was searching for other recipes to use my rhubarb in. Strawberries go really well with rhubarb - a great flavour combination and this Strawberry and Rhubarb Pie is beautiful!

Edited by carlosjackal at 12:08 am, Sun 18 Nov

carlosjackal - 2012-11-18 00:07:00

When cooking rhubarb (I bake it in the oven with sugar but no added water rather than boil in a pot, concentrates the flavour) always add a little finely grated fresh ginger, its a match made in heaven!

patsprat - 2012-11-18 11:17:00

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gingercrush - 2012-11-18 11:26:00

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tehenga288 - 2012-11-18 20:41:00
jacky18 wrote:

You can freeze it raw just chop it up and bag it

This is what I do when I have a glut.
Rhubarb is also nice lightly cooked and mixed with fresh/frozen raspberries to have with yogurt or on breakfast cereal.

nauru - 2012-11-19 16:13:00

Rhubarb Jelly
Stew rhubarb until just tender in a little water.
While still hot gently stir in a raspberry jelly until crystals have melted.
Pour into dish to set.
Yum! with icecream - double yum!

dwyn5 - 2012-11-19 17:05:00

I also have heaps of rhubarb, of late I have been dicing 4 cups of rhubarb, 1 or 2 Tbsp water, 1/2 cup sugar and some nutmeg and cinnamon (optional) mix ingrediants, bring to boil and simmer until rhubarb has broken up. Cool and store in the fridge. My kids use this mix on cereal in the morning or with ice-cream for dessert, you could probably even put it in scones with some cream! Haven't tried freezing this mix yet, but don't see why it won't freeze successfully.

mandi - 2012-11-19 22:15:00

this is yummy
Donna Hay’s Rhubarb crumble slice
Makes 12
100g butter, melted
1/3 cup caster sugar
1 cup plain flour, sifted
1/2 tsp baking powder, sifted
1/2 cup desiccated coconut
1/4 cup milk
1 bunch rhubarb, trimmed and chopped
3/4 cup caster sugar, extra
1 tsp vanilla extract
Cream, to serve
Crumble topping
1 cup plain flour, sifted
1/4 cup caster sugar
100g cold butter, chopped
Preheat oven to 180C.
Combine butter, sugar, flour, baking powder, coconut and milk in a bowl and mix well to combine.
Spoon into a 17cm x 27cm tin lined with baking paper and bake for 20 minutes or until golden and firm to the touch.
Combine rhubarb, extra sugar and vanilla and spoon onto the base. To make the crumble topping, combine flour, sugar and butter, using your fingertips to rub the butter into the flour.
Spoon on to rhubarb and bake for 35-40 minutes or until golden.

Quotepam.delilah (658 ) 7:42 pm, Sa

bev00 - 2012-11-19 22:41:00

I dont have an exact recipe but would think this is how to make.
Cook rhubarb in a good amount of water (my lemon one is 4.5litres water). Strain and squeeze out all liquid. put back into pot and add sugar to taste (again my lemon one has 1.5kg sugar). bottle into clean, dry and sterilized bottles. May add some citric or tartaric acid as well but not sure if would be needed 25g of each.
This should make a concentrate you can water down.

Quotecgvl (22 ) 8:57 am, Tue 29 Nov #5
Rhubarb Cordial

9 stalks rhubarb, chopped
3 cups water
peel of 1 lemon, removed with a vegetable peeler
2 cups sugar
juice of 1 lemon

Simmer the rhubarb, water and lemon peel together for 20 minutes, skimming off any foam. Strain, discarding the pulp, then add the sugar and lemon juice and stir to dissolve the sugar. Bring to the boil for 1 minute, skim again and cool. Keep refrigerated and use to make punch or cocktails. Makes about 1 litre.

Quotebernice1 (226 ) 9:03 am, Tue 29 Nov #6
I have made and bottled the above successfully. Nice with bubbly or for the non alcoholic version with soda, or with gingerbeer is also a nice twist.

Quotebernice1 (226 ) 9:07 am, Tue 29 Nov #7

I simply cook the rhubarb till softened with water to cover, taste then sweeten as required at the end. Decant most of the liquid, chill, use the pulp then top the juice up with ice and soda water. But I prefer it tart...

Quoteoh_hunnihunni (1556 ) 9:47 am, Tue 29 Nov #9
this recipe was posted by some one here: Rhubarb Champagne ( non- Alcoholic) 1 Kg Rhubarb, washed and chopped - 1 1/2 TBsp white vinegar - 700g white sugar - 3 1/2 L water - zest & juice 6 lemons - Put all ingreds. into large non-metal container, mix & stand 48hrs. Strain & bottle. leave 3 weeks before drinking. Fizzy like ginger beer.

Quotewheelz (154 ) 11:37 am, Tue 29 Nov #10

bev00 - 2012-11-29 22:46:00

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wayne472 - 2012-11-29 22:54:00
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