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The Great Christmas Recipe Thread


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brianmac - 2006-08-12 15:05:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-12 15:14:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-12 15:18:00

1 cup of loosely dried apricots,
1/2 cup of pistachio kernels
500grams of dark chocolate chopped
100 grams of butter
1 can of condensed milk small one 395gr,
1/2 cup of strand coconut......
melt the choc, butter & con milk stirring well, cut up the apricots & pistachios and add to the melted choc mix, pour into a lined and greased 24cm loose bottom tin and refrigerate this when cut should give you 20 slices...

toadfish - 2006-08-12 15:20:00

Wouldn't be the same without traditional...... White Christmas
250grms/8oz Kremelta Melted...1 cup skim milk pwdr...1 cup icing sugar...pinch salt...1/2 teaspn vanilla ess...1 cup total of either raisins,coconut, cherries, apricot, nuts...3 cups rice bubbles. Add kremlta and mix well then pour into paper lined tin. set in fridge.

toadfish - 2006-08-12 15:21:00

I just love Christmas............. Mini Fruit Cake in Pots -
6 C mixed fruit, 1 C glace cherries – halved, 250gr butter, 1 C brown sugar, 1 C water, 5 eggs – lightly beaten, 1 Tbsp grated orange rind, 1 & ¾ C flour, 1/3 C self raising flour, 1 tsp b/soda. METHOD: Heat oven to slow – 150C. Brush 6 x 2cup capacity terracotta pots with melted butter or oil and line the base with a circle of baking paper. METHOD: Combine first 5 ingredients in large pot and bring to the boil while stirring. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook, covered, for approx 10 mins - stir occasionally. Leave to cool. Add eggs and rind - combine. With metal spoon, stir in sifted flours & soda until just combined. Spoon into pots, smooth surface and cover pots with foil. Bake for 1 hr - until cake feels firm and they are golden brown. Cool in the pots.

toadfish - 2006-08-12 15:23:00

Xmas Cakes. Is it to early to make Xmas Cakes.?
Never made one but thought if any body had a easy recipe that I could use that would be great.I'm no cook so the easier the better.

country_babe - 2006-08-12 15:49:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-12 18:09:00

You can freeze........ your Xmas cake. I always make mine NO LATER than Labour weekend and freeze. I was given this tip from a friend who has a business making all sorts of celebration cakes. She told me that the freezing brings out the flavour of the fruit & I am sure it does. Remove from freezer a day or two before icing ( if you do ). Good luck !!

softlysoftly8 - 2006-08-12 20:58:00

anyone got a recipe for eggnog? whats it taste like?

southerngurl - 2006-08-12 21:16:00

My christmas cake from last year is still in the freezer.I had forgotton about it!do you think it would be ok.Also brianmac with the fruit mince mixture if you keep it in the fridge till december,can you keep it in a tupperware container or something.And how do you keep hubby out of it.He just loves the stuff.

itsmineah - 2006-08-13 08:11:00

The cake in the freezer should be fine.. they freeze well - in fact I make my Christmas Cake in August each year, then wrap in several layers of plastic wrap and freeze it till needed. Due to the fruit/sugar content, it doesn't freeze hard, so the cake continues to mature and the flavours blend. Thaw at room temp for at least 24 hours before icing. For fruit mince.. I also make it around now - and also freeze it - again, it doesn't freeze hard so the contents keep maturing - and it's easier to hide in the freezer!!! Hope this helps..

juliewn - 2006-08-13 19:21:00

And a Christmas suggestion from me.. Keep any leftover almond paste from icing a Christmas Cake, and wrap well in plastic wrap and place in the freezer so it will keep well. When making Christmas Mince Tarts - cut off a thin slice of the almond paste, about the size of one of the old 50c pieces - and place it on top of the fruit mince in the tart. Cover with the top for the tart and bake as usual. The almond paste slightly caramelises, giving a lovely flavour to the tarts.. Happy Christmas Baking to Everyone.. Cheers.. Julie

juliewn - 2006-08-13 19:24:00

Copied before Xmas last year I copied this last year, and are unsure who posted it. XMAS CAKE - 1 kg fruit, 2 cups sugar, 2 cups water, 2 tsp baking soda, 2 tsp mixed spice, 1/2 pack of butter, 2 Tbsp golden syrup. Boil the listed ingredients together, let cool. Add 4 eggs, 4 cups plain flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 2 tsp ginger and a pinch of curry powder (yes curry powder. It brings out the spices in the cake) Mix well and place into 8 - 10 small greased tins or larger ones and bake 1 hour at 150c or until cooked when tested. These cakes do rise so don't think they are too small. Decorate with icing or glace fruit coated with brandy glace BRANDY GLAZE - 1 heaped Tablespoon Apricot jam. 2 Tablespoons brandy. Place Jam and brandy in a small saucepan and heat gently together, whisking until thoroughly blended. Now using a brush paint some of the mixture over the top of the cake then arrange nuts of glace fruit on top and then brush generously over the whole top of topping. It leaves a wonderful shine and tastes great.

kennymac - 2006-08-13 19:25:00

another copied one from last year XMAS CAKE (UNCOOKED) - 400g mixed fruit.100g glazed cherries.4 tbsp orange juice.100g butter.50g icing sugar.150g digestive biscuits.250g plain chocolate. Soak mixed fruit and juice in a bowl for 2 hours. Melt chocolate in a bowl with butter over hot water stirring all the time.. Break up biscuits into a bowl pour over chocolate stir to coat.. Add mixed fruit, cherries, icing sugar and mix well. Line a 1 litre bowl with foil.. Spoon mixture in, pressing down firmly.. Cover bowl with tinfoil and put in fridge over night. To serve peel off foil. Put into plate.. Cut into slices.. Keeps for 2-3 weeks in fridge. You can use any mould u like. You can also add chopped nuts and more chocolate. I use the chocolate coat digestive biscuits...Good thing is its no baking and is a hit.

kennymac - 2006-08-13 19:25:00

and another PINEAPPLE CHRISTMAS CAKE - 225g butter, 1 cup sugar, ½ teaspn vanilla, ½ teaspn lemon essence, 1 teaspn cinnamon, 1 teaspn ginger, 1 teaspn mixed spice, ¼ teaspn nutmeg, 3 cups flour, 6 eggs, 500g sultanas, 500g currants, 500g mixed fruit, 1 cup drained crushed pineapple, blanched almonds, cherries. ¼ cup brandy. Line a 23cm tin with one or two layers greaseproof or baking paper. Measure spices and flour into bowl and set aside. Cream butter, sugar and essences until light and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time with a spoonful of flour mixture after each to prevent curdling. Add prepared fruit and pineapple to remaining flour. Add flour and fruit to creamed mixture and mix thoroughly. Press evenly into prepared tin. Use almonds and cherries to decorate top. Bake at 150 for 1 ½ hours, then at 130 for about 2 hours until skewer comes out clean. Sprinkle hot cake with brandy.

kennymac - 2006-08-13 19:26:00

mincemeat recipe that you make,is it possible to put it up here for us please.Good news about the cake though I thought it was hadit. What other christmas things do you guys do now,I never would have thought to be so organised.

itsmineah - 2006-08-13 20:31:00

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fantalantique - 2006-08-13 20:41:00

No one has a good eggnog recipe? does it really hve eggs in it?

southerngurl - 2006-08-13 20:42:00

eggnog: google is your friend...

cheeky_bryar - 2006-08-13 20:45:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-13 20:55:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-13 21:00:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-13 21:06:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-13 21:09:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-14 08:44:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-14 08:49:00

Mini Cakes How would I do these brainmac ?Would like to make small Xmas Cakes as gifts .

country_babe - 2006-08-14 09:06:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-14 09:26:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-14 09:31:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-14 09:34:00

I cut and paste this a few weeks ago Peanut chocolate clusters
Hope this is the one you want. 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 pkt while chocolate melts {375gr] 1&1/2 cups salted peanuts 1pkt plain Hi Mark crispy noodles Melt peanut butter with chocolate.add to bowl of noodles {broken up } & the salted peanuts. Mix well together put "blobs" onto greaseproof paper to set. I use "Pams" white melts bit more than you need in the pack,but they are the cheapest, I have made these with both white melts & normal choc melts ,when I did not have 375 grams of white just used mostly white with balance of choc.
banana_queen (1) 1:36 pm, 11 Jul Thought it sounded good for christmas

dolphinfan - 2006-08-15 01:00:00

This message was deleted. - 2006-08-15 07:51:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-15 08:50:00

brianmac Can I freeze these cakes with the icing on or freeze the cakes first then ice before sending them away.
Thanks heaps for you help.

country_babe - 2006-08-15 09:04:00

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jimness - 2006-08-15 11:06:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-15 14:28:00

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carpi - 2006-08-15 14:53:00

bump Can't let this one go

dolphinfan - 2006-08-19 08:14:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-19 14:03:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-19 14:05:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-22 14:28:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-22 14:30:00

bumping for more xmas recipes. I love xmas.

ams7 - 2006-08-24 18:40:00

Kahlua/Chocolate Trifle I made this up a few years ago when my kids decided they didn't like the traditional trifle. Break pieces of choc trifle sponge into bottom of bowl, drizzle with Kahlua and a little berry juice. Add lots of berries, I use boysenberries, blackberries & raspberries, sprinkle a little more Kahlua over the berries. Cover with chocolate mousse or choc custard (I've tried both). Top with whipped cream if you like and decorate with shaved choc and/or extra berries.

rarogal - 2006-08-25 16:22:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-25 17:38:00

To use up leftover mincemeat - I always have some leftover and was so pleased to see this on the board last year. Thanks to whover posted it :-) It is yummy. PEAR MINCEMEAT CRUMBLE: About 5 sliced peeled pears, 1 1/2 cups mincemeat, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1/2cup flour, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup rolled oats, 75gms butter, 1/2cup slivered almonds. In a 2.5litre square baking dish, combine pears, mincemeat and lemon juice. In a bowl, stir together flour, sugar and rolled oats; cut in butter until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in almonds. Sprinkle over pear mixture. Bake 190o for 45 mins. Makes 6 servings.

jaybee2003 - 2006-08-25 18:38:00

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brianmac - 2006-08-28 19:35:00

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sylviasmother1 - 2006-08-28 22:14:00

Fruit mince Two years ago I made the most wonderful fruit mince. It started with two bananas cooked in a fry pan with other fruits, and brandy to follow.
The point is I have LOST the instructions. Anyone have them. Very little was made into tarts, couldn't keep people with spoons out of the container

shula2 - 2006-08-29 00:05:00

#35.. add a jaffa lolly in the middle of the "leaves" for a holly look..

books4nz - 2006-08-29 13:18:00
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