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laptop power pack.. is it stuffed?


So I have a laptop that has been sleeping for a while, cant turn it on - so have done the whole static discharge procedure that worked in the past.. but still nothing.. so I turned my attention to the power pack which is (19v, 4,74 amp, 90W) so whipped out my auto ranging multimeter and tested the plug and got a curious reading which read "1.806 k ohms" given I was expecting 19v DC I thought it must be something I did, so i tested the power packs sockets of the other laptops in the house, and they all registered the voltages the way I was expecting to see it do so... so I went back and tested the first one - same answer... can I assume that is a sign that its stuffed? and what the heck is a k ohm ? 1000 ohms?

pandana - 2021-10-17 22:30:00

Yep, it is 1000 ohms. You have the multimeter set to voltage measurement?

tygertung - 2021-10-17 23:12:00

If the multimeter is set to DC voltage there is no way it can then read out in ohms. Somethings not right.

muppet_slayer - 2021-10-18 08:15:00

Is the multimeter set to the correct output type voltage, (DC, AC) ?

Also when you say the laptop has been 'sleeping' for a while do you mean its in SLEEP mode ? Literally ? Not OFF but sleeping ? (there IS a difference). Many computers just don't return from sleep mode very well.

Also please detail EXACTLY what you mean by "I have done the whole static discharge procedure" ?

nice_lady - 2021-10-18 08:15:00
tygertung wrote:

Yep, it is 1000 ohms. You have the multimeter set to voltage measurement?

thanks for all your replies..., 1) I have an electronic auto ranging multimeter as I mentioned in my question ( this means I don't need to set it for AC or DC.. it senses it automatically.) after getting the weird 1.8 k ohms response instead of the 19VDC that i was expecting, I tested two other laptops the same way and for both the multimeter reported 19VDC, then repeated the test on the first one and got the same result.. 1.8 k ohms??

pandana - 2021-10-18 22:37:00
muppet_slayer wrote:

If the multimeter is set to DC voltage there is no way it can then read out in ohms. Somethings not right.

thanks for all your replies..., 1) I have an electronic auto ranging multimeter as I mentioned in my question ( this means I don't need to set it for AC or DC.. it senses it automatically.) after getting the weird 1.8 k ohms response instead of the 19VDC that I was expecting, I tested two other laptop chargers the same way and for both the multimeter reported 19VDC, then repeated the test on the first one and got the same result.. 1.8 k ohms?? ( the fault is not in the mutlimeter or the test technique)

pandana - 2021-10-18 22:38:00
nice_lady wrote:

Is the multimeter set to the correct output type voltage, (DC, AC) ?

Also when you say the laptop has been 'sleeping' for a while do you mean its in SLEEP mode ? Literally ? Not OFF but sleeping ? (there IS a difference). Many computers just don't return from sleep mode very well.

Also please detail EXACTLY what you mean by "I have done the whole static discharge procedure" ?

sorry.. I meant the laptop had been turned off for some time and not on charge.. so I thought it was conceivable that he battery may be flat... so left it on charge over night before trying again and there was no response...
SO in the past when the acer laptop would not power up I had found a youtube fix that described .. taking the charger out, removing the battery and power button down for one minute to discharge as the author called it the "static charge", to me it felt more like discharging a capacior lol... Then after putting the battery back in and plugging it back in it started fine .. this time I have done this three times.. it also would not start on battery alone.. nor on charger alone or charger and battery... so hence I was suspecting the charger... and then kept getting this weird response...

pandana - 2021-10-18 22:45:00

ohms are resistance, yes its stuffed. (assuming its plugged into power), you should be seeing the rated voltage.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-10-18 22:49:00

Perhaps it is not outputting any voltage, perhaps that is why the multimeter is giving you a resistance reading.

tygertung - 2021-10-18 23:52:00
pandana wrote:

I have an electronic auto ranging multimeter as I mentioned in my question ( this means I don't need to set it for AC or DC

Ahh I wondered that. So it's one of two things. Either the multimeter is faulty or the charger is faulty. Considering you tested the multimeter on two other known good chargers and the readings were good I would say the charger is the one at fault. It may have short circuited hence the ohms reading.

muppet_slayer - 2021-10-19 09:48:00

"Auto-range" doesn't normally mean auto-switch-between-totally-di-

Auto-range normally means it switches between 0-1v, 1-10v, 10-100v etc OR (via selector switch) 0-1Ohm, 1-10Ohm, 10-100Ohm 100-1KOhm etc.

What's the model of multi-meter?

Edited by loose.unit8 at 9:57 am, Tue 19 Oct

loose.unit8 - 2021-10-19 09:57:00

ah I see your point - I should have said autoselector... and autoranging..

pandana - 2021-10-21 16:33:00
tygertung wrote:

Perhaps it is not outputting any voltage, perhaps that is why the multimeter is giving you a resistance reading.

hey thanks .. got you that makes perfect sense.. why didnt I think of that...
has any one got any tips on boards to join up now that trademe is closing for this kind of subject?

pandana - 2021-10-21 16:34:00
pandana wrote:

hey thanks .. got you that makes perfect sense.. why didnt I think of that...
has any one got any tips on boards to join up now that trademe is closing for this kind of subject?

I've been loitering around here for a day or two, not the most active at the moment but definitely getting better

Edited by king1 at 5:41 pm, Thu 21 Oct

king1 - 2021-10-21 17:41:00



nice_lady - 2021-10-21 20:02:00
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