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Negotiating agents' commisions


How far are people getting these days in terms of negotiating agents' commissions when selling? The ones who have appraised our house have dropped from 4% + gst on the first 500k, down to 3.5%, but I feel could do better...just wondering what others are managing to get.

sarahp24 - 2021-10-10 17:25:00

That's peanuts and suspect just table stakes. Listings are at an all time low and time to sell is at a low.

However, ensure you're going with an agent you like, trust and you think will work for you - don't just go on commission.

sparkychap - 2021-10-10 17:30:00

look for Arizto, they sell a lot of houses because they get a lot of listings. $10000.00 commission plus GST.

hammer23 - 2021-10-10 21:48:00

More important than the % commission is ensuring no commission is paid until full settlement has arrived in your lawyers trust account.

lovelurking - 2021-10-11 08:02:00
lovelurking wrote:

More important than the % commission is ensuring no commission is paid until full settlement has arrived in your lawyers trust account.


captaingraham - 2021-10-11 08:31:00

Well that was interesting , I just tried the arizto 0800 number and the answerphone message states no one works there , leave a message . Not a good first point of call !

woki - 2021-10-11 10:56:00

I know one or two Arizto agents I would happily engage. There are also a couple I would avoid. Pretty much the same as with any agency. Focus on the individual not so much the agency.

johnston - 2021-10-11 12:27:00

A few of the agencies don't have the flexibility to drop too low its against company policy, also remember that the actual agent receives about half of what you pay

sellontrademe - 2021-10-13 10:19:00
sellontrademe wrote:

A few of the agencies don't have the flexibility to drop too low its against company policy, also remember that the actual agent receives about half of what you pay

They can always change company policy.

johnston - 2021-10-13 12:43:00
johnston wrote:

They can always change company policy.

The quote, half a lunch is better than no lunch, does fit

toyboy3 - 2021-10-13 12:49:00
sellontrademe wrote:

A few of the agencies don't have the flexibility to drop too low its against company policy, also remember that the actual agent receives about half of what you pay

Sounds like an excuse to fob off the easily agreeable.

I wanted a full tank of gas with a car I was going to buy a few years ago out of town. Might have cost the dealer $50, cos the tank was half full at the time. Salesman wasn't having a bar of it. Nope can't do it, back in the day we would have just put it on the fuel card yada yada etc.

I reminded him that since I was buying a mechanical insurance their company offered free transport to my home address. Which was 1000km away. Would he like to book the transporter?

sw20 - 2021-10-13 14:04:00

Be wary of the flat fee ers and the discounters. If they can't protect their commission, how are they going to protect the value of your property? To get a premium you need not only competition between buyers but also competition between agents. Not all agencies offer this.

superdave0_13 - 2021-10-13 19:14:00
superdave0_13 wrote:

Be wary of the flat fee ers and the discounters. If they can't protect their commission, how are they going to protect the value of your property? To get a premium you need not only competition between buyers but also competition between agents. Not all agencies offer this.

Competition between agents?

johnston - 2021-10-13 20:07:00

Yes, some agencies will only let the listing agent sell the property. Where as others will let any agent in the office sell it. This creates competition between the agents to sell the property.

superdave0_13 - 2021-10-13 20:16:00
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