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Anyone changed a mother board?


On a smart TV?

Seems our LG's mother board is in need of replacing.
How hard to do?

smallwoods - 2021-09-06 19:49:00

Your 12 year old TV?

I'd say there's NO way you'll get a compatible replacement.

nice_lady - 2021-09-06 20:37:00

Might not be too hard if you have a bit of electronics experience.

tygertung - 2021-09-06 20:44:00

As long as it’s not complicated removing the rear. Put a couple of thick towels on the table and lay it face down then remove the back.
But in saying that I’d be concerned the power board may be next. In fact it’s usually the power board that goes first.
I replaced a power board on a 3 yr old Sony TV. It was given to me so I had no receipt.
Purchased a repaired and upgraded board from the US. Cost was $120 all up and worked great. I think the tv was worth about $2K.

Edited by macman26 at 9:09 pm, Mon 6 Sep

macman26 - 2021-09-06 21:03:00

I still say getting a replacement MB for a 12 yr old TV will likely be impossible.

Edited by nice_lady at 9:31 pm, Mon 6 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-06 21:31:00

Don't waste your money buying the parts ( assuming you find them), put that money towards a new one.

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-09-06 22:38:00

I did a plasma driver board replacement on a plasma TV, which still works to this day. It was really easy to do although you do have to be careful of mains and other high voltages inside.

If it's a common TV you should be able to find a guide to doing it on YouTube. You can get a lot of replacement boards on eBay, just have to be super careful about parts numbers and compatibility. A replacement motherboard might have firmware and/or hardware for a different market which may not be compatible with NZ broadcast TV, if that's important to you.

drsr - 2021-09-07 07:26:00

Woods has not come back, but still suprised to hear the term 'Smart TV' if it is really a 12 year old unit.

They really that old? Find out hard to believe that anything that is would have enough processor to run anything smart

gblack - 2021-09-07 08:13:00

I wouldn't bother. Probably cheaper to buy another, used. Possibly even new.

lythande1 - 2021-09-07 08:38:00
lythande1 wrote:

I wouldn't bother. Probably cheaper to buy another, used. Possibly even new.

Yep and a lot less hassle.

nice_lady - 2021-09-07 10:08:00
nice_lady wrote:

Your 12 year old TV?

I'd say there's NO way you'll get a compatible replacement.

Not true, we have a new one waiting to be sent from manufacturer.

$277 is the cost

Edited by smallwoods at 1:43 pm, Tue 7 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 13:43:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

;t waste your money buying the parts ( assuming you find them), put that money towards a new one.

See above.
Similar model today is still $4k+

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 13:44:00
lythande1 wrote:

I wouldn't bother. Probably cheaper to buy another, used. Possibly even new.

See above.
You chose.

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 13:45:00
gblack wrote:

Woods has not come back, but still suprised to hear the term 'Smart TV' if it is really a 12 year old unit.

They really that old? Find out hard to believe that anything that is would have enough processor to run anything smart

Is a smart, as used it for internet when our computer was down.
Can "throw" apps at it etc.
Is 3D and we got surround sound system to enhance viewing
Original cost of complete package we bought that day was around $10k
May only be 10 yrs old. going by the tag on the back.

Edited by smallwoods at 1:48 pm, Tue 7 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 13:47:00
drsr wrote:

I did a plasma driver board replacement on a plasma TV, which still works to this day. It was really easy to do although you do have to be careful of mains and other high voltages inside.

If it's a common TV you should be able to find a guide to doing it on YouTube. You can get a lot of replacement boards on eBay, just have to be super careful about parts numbers and compatibility. A replacement motherboard might have firmware and/or hardware for a different market which may not be compatible with NZ broadcast TV, if that's important to you.

Have friend into electronics and he will install it for me.
If I can find the part.
Well, I found one.
Will take about a week to get here.

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 13:50:00
smallwoods wrote:

See above.
Similar model today is still $4k+

Rubbish - that's the cheapest one I could find of LG 55" on . And also todays TV will have better technology. Much higher screen res, better colours, higher refresh rate, all that stuff.

But if you want to retain 10 year old technology - go for it. Personally I"d chuck it out and upgrade.

Oh and I'm sure your surround sound add on could be easily connected to a new tv. Oh but I DO think you wont be able to get a 3D tv these days. They stopped producing and selling them long ago as there really wasn't any 3D content available, (there still isn't - its probably damn near impossible to buy 3D titles now and you can't get 3D broadcast content either), and it was just a useless addition for most people. They did promote them hard back in the day but they died out like the dinosaurs.

Edited by nice_lady at 2:05 pm, Tue 7 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-07 13:58:00

No point creating more landfill if the old one can be repaired.

tygertung - 2021-09-07 14:11:00

This message was deleted.

azza20 - 2021-09-07 19:06:00
tygertung wrote:

No point creating more landfill if the old one can be repaired.

As our business started 29 years ago using other mills reject timber, I just can't see myself throwing (at present) a TV with only a minor problem.
Every other thing on it works satisfactory.
I normally only buy a new vehicle every 10 years, can't see the sense in changing them before that.

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 21:58:00
azza20 wrote:

I have a stunning Samsung TV which is 3d and I have a ton of 3d moves for it. Also the Samsung is active 3d so not the cheaper passive 3d. It is still like brand new and I won't be selling it. It is not our main TV but I would never part with it due to its 3d smarts and the fact that 3d has gone out of favour in modern TVs.

Thread Author if your TV is indeed 10 years old but can be repaired for 300 bucks then its worth it perhaps but it would become my second tv. I suspect it is only 1080p not 4k and in todays world I want 4k.

Yes, We realise the new 4k tv, or even 8k is offered.
But at nearly retirement, do we need the "flash" stuff to watch the news.
While its down, that is all I watch on the computer.

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 22:01:00
nice_lady wrote:

Rubbish - that's the cheapest one I could find of LG 55" on . And also todays TV will have better technology. Much higher screen res, better colours, higher refresh rate, all that stuff.

But if you want to retain 10 year old technology - go for it. Personally I"d chuck it out and upgrade.

Oh and I'm sure your surround sound add on could be easily connected to a new tv. Oh but I DO think you wont be able to get a 3D tv these days. They stopped producing and selling them long ago as there really wasn't any 3D content available, (there still isn't - its probably damn near impossible to buy 3D titles now and you can't get 3D broadcast content either), and it was just a useless addition for most people. They did promote them hard back in the day but they died out like the dinosaurs.

No store had offered us one at that price, so another way of looking at it.
Also they were showing us OLED tvs which are a couple of grand more.

PBtech are the ones who can supply the parts to fix ours.

Edited by smallwoods at 10:17 pm, Tue 7 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 22:02:00

You only have to look on

As I did too get a range of prices for many many products.

But anyway, have fun fixing it and off it continues to keep working for a few more years then enjoy.

If it was me, after all those years I'd replace it. Just for a treat anyway.

Edited by nice_lady at 10:21 pm, Tue 7 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-07 22:19:00

If I was to buy a new tv, it would be more than likely a OLED tv.
Have always tended to buy near the top of tech and get the service out of them.
just like carpets in the house, pay a bit more and get a longer life.

Might do both, fix this and send it to the batch.
Bring the batch one up (smaller tv) and put in the spare room.
Mean while have a top of the line one in the lounge.

Edited by smallwoods at 10:23 pm, Tue 7 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 22:21:00

Just because you buy an OLED doesn't mean at all that it will last longer then an LED.

That isn't logical.

nice_lady - 2021-09-07 22:22:00
nice_lady wrote:

Just because you buy an OLED doesn't mean at all that it will last longer then an LED.

That isn't logical.

Didn't mean it that way.
Could be stolen next week, too.
The tech is more advanced in the screen.

smallwoods - 2021-09-07 22:24:00

I've got near 20 year old LCD computer monitors here which are still going strong, so they don't necessarily suddenly expire.

1080p is fine for general viewing, and saves on bandwidth if streaming.

tygertung - 2021-09-08 08:07:00
smallwoods wrote:

Not true, we have a new one waiting to be sent from manufacturer.

$277 is the cost

No way would this be a motherboard for a decade old TV. More likely your request was completely lost in translation.

spyware - 2021-09-08 11:24:00
spyware wrote:

No way would this be a motherboard for a decade old TV. More likely your request was completely lost in translation.

The price is also a complete nonsense.

spyware - 2021-09-08 11:25:00
spyware wrote:

No way would this be a motherboard for a decade old TV. More likely your request was completely lost in translation.

I must say that I'm surprised the OP seems to be suggesting that someone//anyone can supply a Mobo for a 10yr old TV.

nice_lady - 2021-09-08 11:30:00

Well I don't know what the OP has sourced, but you can certainly get parts for 10-year-old TVs on eBay. I can still see all the cards including the main board for my 2010 plasma TV (only $40). People crack the panels and scrap the TVs, then they end up with recyclers who part them out.

drsr - 2021-09-08 15:12:00
nice_lady wrote:

Just because you buy an OLED doesn't mean at all that it will last longer then an LED. That isn't logical.

But it's Organic - surely it's better for the planet?

gyrogearloose - 2021-09-08 16:06:00
gyrogearloose wrote:

But it's Organic - surely it's better for the planet?


nice_lady - 2021-09-08 16:33:00
spyware wrote:

No way would this be a motherboard for a decade old TV. More likely your request was completely lost in translation.

How so?
They asked for the serial number and we supplied.
A day later they got back with the price and estimated freight time.

If you want, just google "LG55lw6500 tv parts"
Then add "NZ"

Aliexpress is just $40

NZ need a part $277

Edited by smallwoods at 7:11 pm, Wed 8 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-08 19:03:00
nice_lady wrote:

I must say that I'm surprised the OP seems to be suggesting that someone//anyone can supply a Mobo for a 10yr old TV.

No, didn't say "anyone"
PBtech is who we found.
They took a day before answering that they could.

smallwoods - 2021-09-08 19:05:00
drsr wrote:

Well I don't know what the OP has sourced, but you can certainly get parts for 10-year-old TVs on eBay. I can still see all the cards including the main board for my 2010 plasma TV (only $40). People crack the panels and scrap the TVs, then they end up with recyclers who part them out.

This was also suggested by our friend who will do the install.
But he preferred a new one if possible.

smallwoods - 2021-09-08 19:06:00

Well, the part turned up today, so off to my tech mate tomorrow.
Definitely brand new and comes with new remote and other bits.
This will be interesting.
Will update later.

smallwoods - 2021-09-21 21:34:00

Yeah please do

nice_lady - 2021-09-22 05:10:00
nice_lady wrote:

Yeah please do

Well, dropped it off Wednesday and it's ready today.
Cost for install was $140.00
Parts delivered were under $300 and came with new remote and various other bits (too techy for me)
These were BRAND new through a NZ ware house.

Edited by smallwoods at 2:45 pm, Fri 24 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-24 14:42:00

Oh yeah that's a really good result. A new TV might have been nice tho eh !

nice_lady - 2021-09-24 15:24:00
tygertung wrote:

No point creating more landfill if the old one can be repaired.

I'm warming to you.

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-24 18:26:00
nice_lady wrote:

Oh yeah that's a really good result. A new TV might have been nice tho eh !

Still can't see the sense, as this one is still up to spec with what was being told I should buy.
Actually, still mid spec, and these are around $2500

smallwoods - 2021-09-24 19:55:00
tygertung wrote:

I've got near 20 year old LCD computer monitors here which are still going strong, so they don't necessarily suddenly expire.

1080p is fine for general viewing, and saves on bandwidth if streaming.

Total cost to repair was under $420.

smallwoods - 2021-09-24 19:56:00
smallwoods wrote:

Still can't see the sense, as this one is still up to spec with what was being told I should buy.
Actually, still mid spec, and these are around $2500

The 10 yr old TV has UHD 4k OLED high refresh rate and smarts ?

Wow. Ok.

nice_lady - 2021-09-24 20:33:00
nice_lady wrote:

The 10 yr old TV has UHD 4k OLED high refresh rate and smarts ?

Wow. Ok.

Who said anything about OLED, this is a LED model.
Still a smart tv that we can use as a computer.
Have done when the computer was down.

They still make them.
So what is your point?

Someone said I was pissing in the wind to get new parts, egg on their face, eh?

I have a 50 year old car, so what?
I have a 60 year old wife, again, so what?

Edited by smallwoods at 10:03 am, Sat 25 Sep

smallwoods - 2021-09-25 10:00:00
smallwoods wrote:

Who said anything about OLED, this is a LED model.
Still a smart tv that we can use as a computer.
Have done when the computer was down.

They still make them.
So what is your point?

Someone said I was pissing in the wind to get new parts, egg on their face, eh?

I have a 50 year old car, so what?
I have a 60 year old wife, again, so what?

No egg at all. I really didn't think considering the continuous march of technology that it'd be possible to get replacement motherboard for such an old tv. So you got one and got it installed - great, wonderful I'm happy for you. As for you saying it's technology is the same as todays ones

smallwoods wrote:

this one is still up to spec with what was being told I should buy.
Actually, still mid spec, and these are around $2500

- no it's not. Anyway you got it sorted to your satisfaction - again that's nice.

Carry on,

Edited by nice_lady at 10:57 am, Sat 25 Sep

nice_lady - 2021-09-25 10:54:00

In my mind the real risk of spending money on a 10 year old TV is that some other part in it craps out next week... just my opinion

king1 - 2021-09-25 11:19:00

Fair point also.

nice_lady - 2021-09-25 12:03:00
smallwoods wrote:

Total cost to repair was under $420.


nice_lady - 2021-09-25 12:05:00
nice_lady wrote:

- no it's not. Anyway you got it sorted to your satisfaction - again that's nice.

Carry on,

The only thing missing is the refresh rate, big deal.
It suits our needs, not big movie watchers since the kids have left.

smallwoods - 2021-09-25 18:18:00
nice_lady wrote:


What, $280 for the board, $140 for the tech.

smallwoods - 2021-09-25 18:19:00
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