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taking a photo on your phone and transferring it


to your computer. i know this is a stupid question but is there any way of doing it, so each time u dont have to plug the stupid charging phone card into the computer to do it? i take the picture. i load it into my photos , and its on the phone, but then normally if i want to show someone a photo o on the computer, i have to plug the cord in. thanks. will check back later.

katybaty - 2021-09-04 15:07:00

Email it to yourself or save it to a cloud folder of some sort.

Edited by macman26 at 3:14 pm, Sat 4 Sep

macman26 - 2021-09-04 15:13:00

Email it to yourself and pick it up on the phone.
Send it to yourself thru Facebook messenger or a similar app
Send it to your computer thru Bluetooth.
Use a wifi file transfer app.
Set the phone to auto upload and sync to some cloud service (google photos for example).

And theres undoubtably other ways also

nice_lady - 2021-09-04 15:50:00

ok, thanks mac and nice lady. i bought up my photo and i tapped on the share option, which actually gave me a option to share to my fb groups. but i dont have a message board option, so i will keep playing to find out how to share to message board. not that iv got anything exciting to show casue i hardly come here since they got rid of general.

katybaty - 2021-09-04 16:04:00

I find dropbox easiest for that, install on phone and computer and they automagically sync... photo is ready on the computer seconds after you take the photo

king1 - 2021-09-04 20:31:00
katybaty wrote:

to your computer. i know this is a stupid question but is there any way of doing it, so each time u dont have to plug the stupid charging phone card into the computer to do it? i take the picture. i load it into my photos , and its on the phone, but then normally if i want to show someone a photo o on the computer, i have to plug the cord in. thanks. will check back later.

If you link your phone to the "your phone" app included with win 10 or greater you can simply open your phones photos on your desktop and access the photos directly, drag and drop etc.

The connection is wireless.

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-04 23:00:00

if you have a gmail account just link your photos to google photos, and then on your PC go to

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-09-04 23:37:00

You can't share direct to the TradeMe message board - the makers of the phone didn't include that option as they probably don't know, or care, that TradeMe exists. Just do the following:

Go here:

Upload a photo

Click on 'view photo'
Click on the photo you want to link to
Copy the web address (Long press in addy bar if You're doing this on your phone)

Paste it into a thread

nice_lady - 2021-09-05 07:34:00
katybaty wrote:

so each time u dont have to plug the stupid charging phone card into the computer to do it?.

Whats wrong with plugging the stupid phone in? If I want to keep a pic,I do that.
Otherwise txt the person and attach the pic...or email them off your phone.

lythande1 - 2021-09-05 08:30:00
lythande1 wrote:

Whats wrong with plugging the stupid phone in? If I want to keep a pic,I do that.
Otherwise txt the person and attach the pic...or email them off your phone.

LOL, "stupid cable"
Yea a nasty issue for sure in this day & age.
Cousin to lazy %^$%#@$

mrfxit - 2021-09-05 10:49:00

My problem is rather similar. In the past I have been able to transfer photos to my desktop using either a card in a card reader or a USB between the Canon EOS and the desktop but this time I am blocked by a message "You need to format the disk on Drive D before you can use it." What will happen if I click to begin the formatting? Thanks.

webworth - 2021-09-09 14:02:00
webworth wrote:

My problem is rather similar. In the past I have been able to transfer photos to my desktop using either a card in a card reader or a USB between the Canon EOS and the desktop but this time I am blocked by a message "You need to format the disk on Drive D before you can use it." What will happen if I click to begin the formatting? Thanks.

If you format the drive you will delete everything on it, making it very difficult without the right tools to recover anything from it.

Sometimes cleaning the contacts with a piece of paper and re-inserting a couple of times can fix a poor connection.

nzstocked - 2021-09-09 14:44:00

Very true, it's a tough job being a contact on a piece of consumer equipment.
Humans are filthy greasy dirty things.

ronaldo8 - 2021-09-09 15:04:00

Another thing to try is a different computer. That might tell you if the problem is the card or the computer.

nice_lady - 2021-09-09 15:07:00

Card readers & data cards don't last forever.
Also, some of the newer cards can be a problem with reading on an older card reader.

Got caught a few years ago with an external USB2 reader that had been very faithful for many years, then started having problems with random brands /age & size cards.
Biff a 16gb card & a couple of much smaller cards till I clicked.
Brought a new usb3 card reader & those "faulty" that I had kept, were now reading ok again.

mrfxit - 2021-09-09 21:09:00

Tried various combinations without success so went out and used my Seniornet discount to buy a new card-reader. Problem solved. Thankyou everyone for your suggestions.

webworth - 2021-09-10 02:47:00


nice_lady - 2021-09-10 05:29:00
katybaty wrote:

to your computer. i know this is a stupid question but is there any way of doing it, so each time u dont have to plug the stupid charging phone card into the computer to do it? i take the picture. i load it into my photos , and its on the phone, but then normally if i want to show someone a photo o on the computer, i have to plug the cord in. thanks. will check back later.

Plug the cord into the computer to the phone and it should bring up photo saver, download it to this and then you should be set, sometimes there are issues and it will be a giant pain in the arce, i had it sorted on the last computer and need to re sus it on this one, i cant be arced plugging the cord in lol, simpler days were the trade and exchange, i have a huge backlog of junk to sell like you wouldent believe, and more comeing soon.

gunna-1 - 2021-09-10 06:10:00
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