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Saving files to HDD instead of Onedrive?


Hi all. I have recently bought a new PC with 250Gb SSD and 1 TB HDD.
When I want to save a file like spreadsheet, word doc or photo, its always saving it to my Onedrive but I want to save it to my HDD. How can I change those settings please? Using Openoffice 4.1.3.
Cheers Stevo

stevo2 - 2021-08-20 12:55:00

1) go to Tools > Options. 3) On the right side (where it says, "Paths used by OpenOffice"), highlight My Documents and click Edit (or just double-click My Documents). 4) The Select Path window opens where you can tell OpenOffice where to put your saved docs (or spreadsheets, etc.)24/03/2012

Edited by zak410 at 1:03 pm, Fri 20 Aug

zak410 - 2021-08-20 13:02:00
stevo2 wrote:

Hi all. I have recently bought a new PC with 250Gb SSD and 1 TB HDD.
When I want to save a file like spreadsheet, word doc or photo, its always saving it to my Onedrive but I want to save it to my HDD. How can I change those settings please? Using Openoffice 4.1.3.
Cheers Stevo

SAVE AS - always.

nice_lady - 2021-08-20 13:39:00
zak410 wrote:

1) go to Tools > Options. 3) On the right side (where it says, "Paths used by OpenOffice"), highlight My Documents and click Edit (or just double-click My Documents). 4) The Select Path window opens where you can tell OpenOffice where to put your saved docs (or spreadsheets, etc.)24/03/2012

Thanks zac. All sorted.

stevo2 - 2021-08-20 18:08:00
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