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Chain of 3 houses


Hi all, we are the third house in a chain hoping to settle in one day - bridging to settle earlier isn't an option. Has anyone been in a similar situation - how did it end up? Lawyer is concerned it is very tight and has advised for us to find somewhere to stay and put our things for that night just in case.

sparkalot17 - 2021-08-15 19:27:00

Does the house you are buying have a garage? They may be happy for you to move your gear into the garage until everything is finalized later in the day. Then just book a motel room for that night and unpack the next day.

nzkiwisnz - 2021-08-15 19:40:00
sparkalot17 wrote:

Hi all, we are the third house in a chain hoping to settle in one day - bridging to settle earlier isn't an option. Has anyone been in a similar situation - how did it end up? Lawyer is concerned it is very tight and has advised for us to find somewhere to stay and put our things for that night just in case.

had a chain of 10 starting in the south island, the first off the rank couldn't settle until the following Wednesday. The only one involved in that no one applied penalties. Others smaller chains have settled, the latest 8pm on a Friday, for the most buyers and sellers have been accommodating, only auckland conveyancers that spit their dummies, the rest of nz tries to make it happen. Banks cause the majority of the problems.

gabbysnana - 2021-08-15 20:17:00

Biggest issue is if you are paying movers and waiting for the last person in the chain.
My sister was in the same position as you and took the advice to put her things in storage and stay somewhere overnight. The ones who moved into her home had it easy as it was all cleaned and ready. With settlement going through before lunch.

The house my sister moved into was settled at 2 pm but wasn't vacated till after 3 in the afternoon with pressure being put on them. They were waiting for settlement on the house they were buying. We felt sorry for them a bit because they had been paying movers since 11am but not my sisters fault and time was passing for us to get all her things unpacked and in.

My sister hired a storage shed for a month two weeks before she moved which worked out really well as she slowly moved things into it with the least used at the back. When it came time to move it was the needed most at the front and she had two weeks to get the rest out.

maddie44 - 2021-08-15 21:18:00
maddie44 wrote:

My sister hired a storage shed for a month two weeks before she moved which worked out really well as she slowly moved things into it with the least used at the back. When it came time to move it was the needed most at the front and she had two weeks to get the rest out.

That is such a good idea Maddie44. Much less stressful than having to pay movers who are waiting on standby not able to help. .

We moved the balance of our mother's estate furniture etc into a storage place and we gradually sorted and moved stuff and at the end we had movers come and move to her place and mine. it was much easier doing it there and it helped that the storage place had put us into a part of an older house that was part of the business and we set ourselves up with a sofa and tables while we sorted.

shanreagh - 2021-08-16 08:33:00
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