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Advice when buying in Christchurch


Any advice i need to know when buying a house in Christchurch prefer over the northside?

jordani - 2021-07-20 12:19:00

Yes, make sure you have all the EQC claim info if built before 2010 earthquakes.

catdog68 - 2021-07-20 17:03:00

Get insurance pre-approval. A LOT of houses in the Canterbury area need insurance pre approval if there has been any EQ claims or even in an EQ prone area. You will need the scope of works etc if there has been any EQ damage, so best to do lots of homework first. May also need to complete a flood questionaire, if it's in an area prone to flooding. If you see a house you like/want to bid on/put an offer on, get onto insurance before thinking about it. Lots of people come unstuck when they find out insurance may be an issue after they have put an offer on a house in Chch/Canterbury.

rhys12 - 2021-07-20 21:43:00

The member deleted this message.

perfectimages - 2021-07-20 22:10:00

Look for:
* on TC1 land
* not on a flood plain
* no quake damage (therefore no claim/repairs)
* plus all the usual other stuff

thumbs647 - 2021-07-21 07:59:00

Thanks so much really helpful

jordani - 2021-07-21 22:10:00
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