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What is this wool?

i found a ball of this wool in an op shop and it is so lovely and soft I would like to knit something for myself in it. Anyone know what brand it is, or even what you would call the style of wool?

Many thanks
Mrs Rob

robert-trademe - 2021-07-09 08:00:00

Bit hard to tell from such a teeny pic, it looks like a chunky ply, but you could tell if it is wool or acrylic, as a first step, by the burn test. Acrylic will melt, wool will singe and the smell is distinctive. Of course, if it is a blend things get complicated.

Helpful hint though, op shop finds are usually acrylic, though very occasionally I find a prize!

oh_hunnihunni - 2021-07-09 09:06:00

Thanks i will try the burn test later. It seems to be knitting up as DK. so maybe I will take it into my local wool shop next time I pass
thank you
mrs rob

robert-trademe - 2021-07-09 10:57:00

looks like a sheep

craftylady1 - 2021-07-10 11:13:00

Looks like unpicked wool from a jersey or some such- meaning the kink in it.
If the kinks come out when it gets wet it probably is

scoutess - 2021-07-14 07:07:00
oh_hunnihunni wrote:

Bit hard to tell from such a teeny pic, it looks like a chunky ply, but you could tell if it is wool or acrylic, as a first step, by the burn test. Acrylic will melt, wool will singe and the smell is distinctive. Of course, if it is a blend things get complicated.

Helpful hint though, op shop finds are usually acrylic, though very occasionally I find a prize!

Yes. Many 'op shops' have volunteers who knit items (often baby/kids wear) that are then sold through the shop. They get offered anything suitable and it is often what they don't have a use for that hits the general public shelves.

brouser3 - 2021-07-14 12:23:00
scoutess wrote:

Looks like unpicked wool from a jersey or some such- meaning the kink in it.
If the kinks come out when it gets wet it probably is

Many years ago my mother told me to get the kinks out of unpicked wool, wind it into a loose hank, tie in several places to stop it tangling, put a stock pot of water and bring to the boil, turn off heat, dip (yes dip only, no stirring) in water for a couple of minutes, then hang to drip dry. The stirring is what will cause felting/shrinking as will dunking it in cold water. It does work.

Edited by brouser3 at 12:28 pm, Wed 14 Jul

brouser3 - 2021-07-14 12:26:00

If you wind it round a ruler, depending on how many 'winds' you get the inch you can tell theply of it. There are good sites if you ask uncle google.

-nana- - 2021-07-15 17:21:00

Wind the yarn around a Saucepan containing very hot water and d leave until cool. Pour off water and wind yarn . Most of the kinks will have gone and it is ready to use. Or wind wool around saucepan and then add very hot water into saucepan. I normally have the lid on the saucepan and find both methods work for me.

marob2 - 2021-07-17 23:20:00
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