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email rejected


This was interesting. After a conversation today with sister where she was saying that a certain vaccine starting with P was causing clots in UK. I checked and was attempting to send her the latest report from UK saying there was no problem with the P one only the A one. Every time I attempted to send it, it bought up message saying email rejected as it may be spam. Tried changing the message subject but still picked up the words in email, also tried just sending the website but it didnt like the title of that either. Had to write an email saying the conversation about you know what the latest info is the one in nz does not its the other you know what etc anyway that went through.

mkr_ahearn - 2021-06-17 18:07:00

might be the new anti-vaxxer filters they're adding to email servers

king1 - 2021-06-17 18:18:00

Probably not the content, more likely the ISP has been blacklisted by spam filtering, it happens, should sort itself once the ISP get on to it.

lythande1 - 2021-06-17 18:19:00

I agree with #3

nice_lady - 2021-06-17 19:21:00
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