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Fontana knitting patterns - circa 1960s


Hoping someone may be able to assist...

Spoke to an older friend today who is an avid knitter. Lent her Fontana knitting book of ladies patterns to a friend - never received it back. I believe it was a book of round neck, v neck jumpers and cardigans. Apparently each pattern could be knitted in 4 ply, double knit and 12 ply - from memory.

I am trying to track down a copy of this book, as I would like to give a copy to my friend - as she used to use it a lot and is very upset.

Any leads would be appreciated!

biscuitd - 2021-06-15 15:08:00

Janch has this listed, as Shepherd 1619. You will find many patterns are released by Shepherd, Aotea, Kaiapoi, and Fontana which are identical incl pictures but with different numbers. There is another one which is cardigans, but you won't get both cardis and jumpers on the same booklet.

voyager4 - 2021-06-16 14:30:00
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