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Best Laptop Recommendations?


Currently have a Dell Inspiron, had it for over 7 years and its a bit slow, so want to upgrade to a new one. Budget it around $2000. Thanks

tohwe - 2021-06-01 21:39:00

A lot of it will come down to personal preference. Things like the size and quality of the screen, the feel of the keyboard, the weight of the unit etc. As for performance it will depend on your main needs. If it's mainly Internet, eMail, watching a few videos/movies etc then pretty much anything will cope.
But if you like gaming, or spending a lot of time typing, then you might be prepared to pay a little more for the performance, or quality of hardware. It might be worth taking a look at options in places like the big retailers, and narrow down to a few definite options and then you can price compare, but be careful of the hard-sell. They definitely know that the best customer is the one in front of you right now!
An alternative might be an ex-lease unit from the likes of PB tech, Remarkit etc. Especially if you can get one with some remaining warranty (less than 3 years old). This will likely get you a commercial grade unit, better specs etc.
Others here will have their advice as well.

Edited by cookee_nz at 9:53 pm, Tue 1 Jun

cookee_nz - 2021-06-01 21:51:00

Sorry, but this is a bit like asking what car should I get. What do want to do with it? Do you want a small one to carry around or a big one to most stay in one place. But my first thought, just like having a car. Do you say my car is running slow, I will get a new one. Most people take it to a mechanic and ask what is wrong. Your laptop is the same. A bit of a service and another stick of memory and for about a $100 or so, it is likely to run just fine.

duncb - 2021-06-01 22:42:00
tohwe wrote:

its a bit slow, so want to upgrade to a new one.

Slow is caused by O/S bloat. A fresh install would cure that.

lythande1 - 2021-06-02 08:41:00

Well had a customer in asking this question, But came at it in a different approach, He wanted to what was the common brands in for repair, so as not to buy them. So the ones i get in the least is Sony Vaio, Asus. But then you never know

swivel - 2021-06-02 09:01:00

As have others referenced, I would be checking the spec of your current lappy and look at the options around an upgrade to an SSD as well as a RAM bump. Combine these with a reinstallation of Windows and you should end up with a much snappier and more responsive machine. I would guess a lappy from 7 years ago will probably still have a mechanical hard drive and maybe only 4 or 8GB of ram at best.

Any local technician that you have close to you worth his grain of salt should be able to advise you on this if you are not confident doing these yourself.

cube_guy - 2021-06-02 09:02:00

Thanks everyone real useful. To be honest it will be just used for word, power, power point, zoom, and internet. No gaming or video editing etc. But just want a computer that opens and isn't slow, as so frustrating when its delayed. I was thinking about upgrading to latest version of Dell Inspiron. Fits my budget. Was also looking at Dell XPS, and Microsoft Surface laptop... but they may be getting a little high in price as was wanting 17' or at least 15.6'. Thanks

tohwe - 2021-06-03 08:10:00

Again, tell us what the current spec of the machine is or at least the exact model. There are a gazillion different Dell Inspirons, so you need to be more specific. You may not need to spend brand new laptop money at all, a decent upgrade and clean up of the OS maybe all you need!

cube_guy - 2021-06-03 08:37:00

Leveno business use, purchase directly off their site, don't buy the leveno crap
they sell in shops like Harvey Norman.

houseofdad - 2021-06-04 13:06:00
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