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Random question about egress from building


Can anyone please advise what the regulations are in relation to exits from a retail building? Specifically, in order to enable exit from a retail store, for those who are disabled, should there be a working lift on level 1 and above?

Edited by seaqueen at 6:27 pm, Tue 1 Jun

seaqueen - 2021-06-01 18:26:00

I have tried calling: MBIE, the fire department, Worksafe, and the retail shop itself.

I was put on hold for each and gave up but will continue investigating tomorrow...someone must know.

seaqueen - 2021-06-01 18:30:00

Do you mean for normal access or are you referring to emergency situations?

sparkychap - 2021-06-01 18:46:00

The member deleted this message.

seaqueen - 2021-06-01 18:52:00

What I'm trying to establish is whether the store has some sort of regulatory requirement to provide exits for people of all abilities?

seaqueen - 2021-06-01 18:55:00

I just had a look at the Building Acceptable Standards and like Natureguide's relationship status, it's complicated.

The one thing I can tell you is in an emergency - fire or earthquake - then you couldn't use the lifts anyway.

sparkychap - 2021-06-01 19:02:00

Building code D1, it depends in the use of the building, occupancy and number of levels

tjk1001 - 2021-06-01 19:09:00

Thank you. This is a large chain retail store - the lift goes up to level 1, however for getting back down it's not working properly. It goes, eventually, if you stab the buttons several times and don't mind it opening and shutting on Level 1 repeatedly.. and have to call staff, who say, "oh, it's been doing that for ages" other words, it's not working as it's designed, which is to take people who can't use the escalator.

I wondered what the building code regs were before I have another attempt at contacting the store manager.

seaqueen - 2021-06-01 20:15:00

The other point SQ is that these lifts are supposed to display a WoF or certificate showing they have been recently serviced. The building I worked in for 9 years never had an up to date certificate in the lift. The good thing about these certificates is that they show the building owners name/s or whoever is acting for them. So XYZ Tower Block may be owned by ABC Associates.

shanreagh - 2021-06-01 22:33:00

FENZ 2018 regulations - means of escape

If there is someone disabled working above a ground floor there should be an evac chair to make things easier in the event of an emergency.
A quadriplegic power wheel chair user - John Abruzzo was successfully evacuated during 9/11 from the 69th Floor of the North Tower by work colleagues down the stair well by an evac chair,

serf407 - 2021-06-01 22:34:00

Seems you have 2 issues mixed together. 1. Is emergency egress 2. is lift performance. Regarding Lift Performance, it is part of the annual Building WoF which is administered by the Local Council - so if you wanted to take it further that is where I would suggest you take your concerns, The whole thing seems to be pretty complex, and really well outside the parameters of the general workers at the place. Regarding emergency egress - this should be part of 'staff training'. One could get the ball rolling on this one by asking staff ' what is the emergency process for exiting the building for a disabled person if they are on the upper floor' and take it from there. Again if you don't get a satisfactory reply then take your concerns to Worksafe, the govt agency that administers workplace safety. Not sure is a customer is considered a 'visitor' but I am sure they would clarify that one.

brouser3 - 2021-06-02 07:10:00

I would say No you don't need it. Also the inspection display does not have to be there for compliance, you do display who services it. Go check out the Building WOF displayed somewhere for public to see on the buildings compliance.

msigg - 2021-06-02 07:20:00

Thanks once again for your help and suggestions. I figured in an emergency I'd find a way out, but for day to day ease of shopping it seemed that nobody really cared (that was the attitude of staff) because it's not used often and then only by the old and infirm. I think that's what irked me the most...however on behalf of everyone who can't walk in Christchurch I'll continue my crusade :-).

seaqueen - 2021-06-02 08:05:00
seaqueen wrote:

however on behalf of everyone who can't walk in Christchurch I'll continue my crusade :-).

Whilst admirable, I didn't think crusading was PC anymore....

sparkychap - 2021-06-02 08:20:00
sparkychap wrote:

Whilst admirable, I didn't think crusading was PC anymore....

seaqueen - 2021-06-02 08:24:00

One option is to shop online. Let your fingers do the walking.

committed - 2021-06-02 10:23:00
committed wrote:

One option is to shop online. Let your fingers do the walking.

But even if your fingers are walking - you still can't try on a pair of gloves or shoes before committing to the purchase.

brouser3 - 2021-06-02 12:37:00
msigg wrote:

I would say No you don't need it. Also the inspection display does not have to be there for compliance, you do display who services it. Go check out the Building WOF displayed somewhere for public to see on the buildings compliance.

Now a bit out of date but procedure was to NOT use lifts in an emergency evacuation. Staff would report presence of wheelchair/s to Fire Service for them to evacuate.

amasser - 2021-06-02 16:36:00

Thanks again everyone. I got hold of the Mall Management team and they agreed immediately it needed rectifying. I didn't even get a chance to cite regulations :-) .

seaqueen - 2021-06-02 16:54:00
seaqueen wrote:

Thanks again everyone. I got hold of the Mall Management team and they agreed immediately it needed rectifying. I didn't even get a chance to cite regulations :-) .

Well done and good on you for persevering... That is a great outcome.

lovelurking - 2021-06-02 17:05:00
seaqueen wrote:

Thanks again everyone. I got hold of the Mall Management team and they agreed immediately it needed rectifying. I didn't even get a chance to cite regulations :-) .

That must have really pissed you off. I mean there's no point in complaining unless you can quote Standard 44(a), subsection 3, clause (aa) at them.

sparkychap - 2021-06-02 17:07:00
sparkychap wrote:

That must have really pissed you off. I mean there's no point in complaining unless you can quote Standard 44(a), subsection 3, clause (aa) at them.

Concluding with, “I rest my case.”????????????

thumbs647 - 2021-06-03 08:31:00
thumbs647 wrote:

Concluding with, “I rest my case.”????????????

And the odd "I'll go to Fair Go, you know" or "I pay your wages" if you're losing the argument.

sparkychap - 2021-06-03 17:37:00
sparkychap wrote:

And the odd "I'll go to Fair Go, you know" or "I pay your wages" if you're losing the argument.

Hahaha..."I pay your wages" was a common refrain in my last actual job, usually delivered by someone at high volume and in a slurred voice at 2.30am any given night of the week.

seaqueen - 2021-06-03 18:21:00
seaqueen wrote:

Hahaha..."I pay your wages" was a common refrain in my last actual job, usually delivered by someone at high volume and in a slurred voice at 2.30am any given night of the week.

Sorry about that.

sparkychap - 2021-06-03 18:43:00
sparkychap wrote:

Sorry about that.


seaqueen - 2021-06-03 18:48:00
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