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got a garage about 20 meters away from


house which gets internet how do I connect garage to house for Internet,
I got no idea apart form ringing
internet provider .

iam wireless in the house.

kecal - 2021-05-29 19:55:00

Easiest solution - power line adapters that may or may not work - same hit and miss with a WiFi extender. Best solution is to run network cabling from your main router/modem to the garage and add an access point.

Edited by acura at 8:42 pm, Sat 29 May

acura - 2021-05-29 20:31:00

Something like this for the powerline adapter with WiFi - listing 3106118704

acura - 2021-05-29 20:35:00


kecal - 2021-05-29 21:02:00

20m isn't far. A decent router should handle that OK. Depending on house construction materials etc. I have an Asus DSL-AC68U that gets me covered in the house, to the garage, and even 100m away outside. This must be 10 years old now but a cult classic router. Further range increases have been made in later models. Central (and high) placement in the house is key for me.

callum.irvine - 2021-05-30 07:43:00

I am using an old TP link with an external antennae and it can easily go out to the garage. Try getting a router with an external antennae, maybe even two and you'll be good. They are pretty cheap second hand on TradeMe

tygertung - 2021-05-30 19:06:00
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