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Amending, Editing, cancelling/creating new email


Oh, I think I stuffed up my email address which was created a long time ago. How on earth can I change it, amend it or recreate it? I hope someone would know please. So much appreciated.

gonefishing16 - 2021-04-29 11:16:00

Eh ? You 'stuffed up" your own email addy ?
What's making you think this ?

nice_lady - 2021-04-29 11:21:00

Well, whenever I type my own email addy in my email box it comes up with some email addys from years ago. From different computers I have had. Hard to explain to you for me - but I was a newbie once and did not know any different. My computer must have stored these addys. I do not need them, just my current one, i.e. but my computer shows up with about 4 other earlier ones as well. They all ring a bell But donkey years ago. How can I get rid of them or amend them I wonder.
Silly question perhaps? I just don't know.
I do hope I make sense with my question, nice Lady?
If not, then ask me and i will answer what I know.
Thank you a million.

gonefishing16 - 2021-04-29 12:24:00

So go into the address book in the email program and delete or modify the entries.

nice_lady - 2021-04-29 12:33:00

What email program so you use?

nice_lady - 2021-04-29 12:34:00
gonefishing16 wrote:

Well, whenever I type my own email addy in my email box it comes up with some email addys from years ago...

When it does that, there might be an 'X' at the right of the address in the dropdown window. Click on the 'X' and it should be removed from the remembered addresses. On some email clients pressing the Delete key might work.

Edited by gyrogearloose at 1:09 pm, Thu 29 Apr

gyrogearloose - 2021-04-29 13:08:00
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