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"New" computer?


I plan to buy a desk-top computer to replace my Dell Optiplex 960, which uses the Windows 7 operating system. I only use it for email and browsing the internet but would like to set up internet banking on my "new" computer.
Is anybody able to advise me on what type, or brand/model, of computer I should buy; or what specifications I should look for in a new computer.
My previous computers have always been ex-lease computers.

mack77 - 2021-04-27 21:18:00

What's wrong with the 960? At best, just upgrade it to W10. That said, if you have any spare cash, biff it in my direction as it'll be very appreciated.

tegretol - 2021-04-28 00:16:00

What about something like that?

Or maybe you can just bung a faster CPU in it for minimal cost. Not too tricky, you may well be able to do it yourself.

tygertung - 2021-04-28 00:18:00

turners have a pile of toshiba
I bought one to go with my sewing machine.. be aware that they have had only basic win10 loaded & NEED updating - good value..

urbanrefugee54 - 2021-04-28 00:27:00

You don't 'set up' internet banking. You just go to their website and login.

Any basic computer will do what you want. Get one with Win 10 of course. An Intel i3 or i5 cpu and 8GB ram.

nice_lady - 2021-04-28 05:42:00
mack77 wrote:

I plan to buy a desk-top computer to replace my Dell Optiplex 960 I only use it for email and browsing the internet but would like to set up internet banking on my "new" computer.

Why? Upgrade it, you don't need a new one for that.
And really, a chromebook would do you

lythande1 - 2021-04-28 08:17:00
nice_lady wrote:

You don't 'set up' internet banking. You just go to their website and login.

Any basic computer will do what you want. Get one with Win 10 of course. An Intel i3 or i5 cpu and 8GB ram.

Actually what I've suggested might be a bit of overkill but I prefer something that works fast and well.

nice_lady - 2021-04-28 08:19:00

That computer might have a socket 775 motherboard so could take a core quad cpu, which are available cheap second hand.

Could the OP give us a dump of the "system info" programme?

tygertung - 2021-04-28 09:25:00
tegretol wrote:

What's wrong with the 960? At best, just upgrade it to W10. That said, if you have any spare cash, biff it in my direction as it'll be very appreciated.

Thanks for your reply.
1.The specifications of the 960 aren't "good" enough to be able to run W10.
2. I can't find a good antivirus program that will operate with W7.

mack77 - 2021-04-28 10:02:00

The member deleted this message.

mack77 - 2021-04-28 10:06:00
nice_lady wrote:

You don't 'set up' internet banking. You just go to their website and login.

Any basic computer will do what you want. Get one with Win 10 of course. An Intel i3 or i5 cpu and 8GB ram.

Thanks for your reply.
I can't login because I don't have a password as I have never had internet banking. I believe that I have to arrange to "set it up" in conjunction with a bank.

mack77 - 2021-04-28 10:09:00

These CPU might be faster and allow your computer to run Windows 10. Could combine it with a cheap graphics card and should be quite fast?

tygertung - 2021-04-28 10:12:00
tygertung wrote:

That computer might have a socket 775 motherboard so could take a core quad cpu, which are available cheap second hand.

Could the OP give us a dump of the "system info" programme?

Thanks for your reply.
I will be pleased to do this if you are able to tell me how to go about it.

mack77 - 2021-04-28 10:14:00

don't bother upgrading cpu - core2quad is ancient tech these days, and you will still have an old, slow mechanical hard drive.

personally, if you're on a budget, i'd go with the first one tygertung linked in post #3, still a few years old but several years newer than the core2quads, and the SSD in it will make it nice and quick...

king1 - 2021-04-28 10:40:00
mack77 wrote:

Thanks for your reply.
1.The specifications of the 960 aren't "good" enough to be able to run W10.
2. I can't find a good antivirus program that will operate with W7.

1. Nonsense. I have many 960's here running W10 perfectly well.
2. Try Windows Defender (free) works 100% with W7/W10.

If performance is the issue then replace the HD with an SSD which will cost you <$100 and require the once-only running of a disk imager like Iomega.

Edited by tegretol at 1:20 pm, Wed 28 Apr

tegretol - 2021-04-28 13:19:00

Yeah OP you already have an inbuilt antivirus program - Windows defender.

nice_lady - 2021-04-28 14:40:00

This Xeon CPU might fit, and may well be faster than your current CPU and is very cheap.

tygertung - 2021-04-28 15:01:00

Jeez less than $150 would buy a much better pc and no waiting for months for delivery.

nice_lady - 2021-04-28 15:04:00
mack77 wrote:

Thanks for your reply.
I will be pleased to do this if you are able to tell me how to go about it.

Try that

That way we can see if it is worthwhile trying to upgrade the system a little, or just replace the motherboard, or just get a whole new secondhand box.

tygertung - 2021-04-28 15:08:00

Here is a motherboard and CPU deal, although it doesn't come with any RAM.

tygertung - 2021-04-28 16:09:00

What would that "upgrade" even do? You are telling someone to go from their Dell which has either a old Core2Duo or Core2Quad CPU, to a slightly newer but basically still ancient 2 core 4 thread i5 CPU. Where is the benefit compared to the work required to do that? What a waste of time.

cube_guy - 2021-04-28 17:01:00
tygertung wrote:

Try that

That way we can see if it is worthwhile trying to upgrade the system a little, or just replace the motherboard, or just get a whole new secondhand box.

Thanks for that. I get the following:
Windows 7 Professional
Intel Core(TM) 2 Duo CPU 3 GHz
SMBIOS Version: 2.5
BIOS Version date: A06 23-12-2009
Total physical memory: 3.25 GB
Avail " " : 1.51 GB
Total virtual memory: 6.49 GB
Avail " " : 2.9 GB
Page file space : 3.25 GB

Edited by mack77 at 11:12 pm, Wed 28 Apr

mack77 - 2021-04-28 23:03:00

It will run Windows 10 fine. I am currently testing a machine with these specs and it is running well. The key is to add 4Gb of ram to 8Gb. A very quick, easy and cheap upgrade. About $20 and two or three minutes. And yes it has Windows defender
I have Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7600 @ 3.06GHz 3.07 GHz
Ram 8.00 GB (7.87 GB usable)
Windows 10 Pro

duncb - 2021-04-28 23:30:00

This might tell you what sort of RAM you have.

You probably have DDR2 ram which fortunately is cheaper. You need the longer type, not the laptop type which won't fit

This CPU should be somewhat faster than your current one, but it comes at a cost of $25 + shipping, so you would have to weigh up whether you want to pay. It is a quad core at 2.66 GHz so should be somewhat faster.

You will see here that it is one of the fastest CPUs which will fit your motherboard (Socket 775)

tygertung - 2021-04-29 08:42:00

This is pretty good value spec wise...

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-29 14:21:00

Another good one with good specs and cheap...

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-29 14:32:00

Yes, this is what the OP should be doing. Spending a bit more on a much more modern platform, not wasting $30 and the time it takes to upgrade a super old system with a newer CPU where the gains would be super negligible, especially considering that same system is bordering on being obsolete.

cube_guy - 2021-04-29 15:03:00
cube_guy wrote:

Yes, this is what the OP should be doing. Spending a bit more on a much more modern platform, not wasting $30 and the time it takes to upgrade a super old system with a newer CPU where the gains would be super negligible, especially considering that same system is bordering on being obsolete.


king1 - 2021-04-29 15:41:00

Yeah you can put more ram in for instance but it's going to be a limited improvement because of the speed it and the mobo are capable of. You can put an SSD in there also but it's going to only be 3x the speed of any mechanical drive as at best it'll be running off Sata2, and that's much slower than Sata3. Etc. At what point do you say - nah - and instead of 'putting lipstick on the pig' as such you buy a better gadget which will last you the next ten years or so ?

nice_lady - 2021-04-29 15:45:00

LOL at putting lipstick on the pig.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-29 16:35:00

I would just keep an eye out to see if a CPU popped up for less than $10. But those second hand systems also look good. Otherwise keep an eye out for a cheap motherboard, cpu and ram combo deal and bung in old casing.

tygertung - 2021-04-29 17:05:00

Thanks all you people for your comments and advice; much appreciated. I think that I will buy a used machine with similar specifications to the computers that you's have provided links to.

mack77 - 2021-04-29 22:43:00
tygertung wrote:

I would just keep an eye out to see if a CPU popped up for less than $10. But those second hand systems also look good. Otherwise keep an eye out for a cheap motherboard, cpu and ram combo deal and bung in old casing.

I think tyger if they were confident in that area that they would have chosen that route from the start. Clearly they are not a computer dooer upper, not all of us are. It takes a fair bit of skill to reconfigure or build a computer.

muppet_slayer - 2021-04-29 23:11:00
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