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Phone not getting 4G in buildings but....


I have sometimes been in a restaurant where my phone reverted back to 3g but others at the same table could still get 4g. Does anyone know why? I have a Samsung A20 phone and the connection is VoLTE which is turned on.

paulmc - 2021-04-21 14:37:00

Different phones have different quality of components and different builds.

Have you checked the settings in the phone to see what the preferred connection type is ?

Edited by nice_lady at 2:51 pm, Wed 21 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-21 14:49:00

Do you mean Network mode? This is set to 4G/3G/2G auto connect.

paulmc - 2021-04-21 14:57:00

Ah well I guess if the phone can't get a good 4G signal it's at least keeping you connected. Are the other friends on the same network as you ?
Also if you could find a friend who is on the same network and has the same phone I'd pretty much guarantee they have the same experience in that same location.

Edited by nice_lady at 3:19 pm, Wed 21 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-21 15:17:00

Thanks. The odds of two people having the same phone in the same small group are not great but it is something to consider next time I upgrade my phone.

paulmc - 2021-04-21 15:30:00

Yeah I have 5G on my phone and it's got a 'wrap around antenna' apparently. Unfortunately 5G is nearly as rare as hens teeth in this country. Not that I particularly care - I don't have any desire to download a movie in a few seconds on my data plan right now lol. So that's another consideration but TBH I think 4G will be more use to you over the next few years. Don't be rushing to buy a 5G phone at extra cost just yet. I only got one because other of the specs were of interest.

nice_lady - 2021-04-21 15:39:00

Yip 4g+ is great which most newish phones should be able to connect to if available, I've had download speeds of up 293 Mbps on my Samsung S9 on the Skinny/Spark network which is MORE than ok.

Edited by shinedog at 5:21 pm, Wed 21 Apr

shinedog - 2021-04-21 17:10:00

I'm happy with 4g. It's just frustrating when you can't get it inside some buildings. Having to use 3g is like dial-up internet 20+ years ago.

paulmc - 2021-04-21 17:19:00
paulmc wrote:

I'm happy with 4g. It's just frustrating when you can't get it inside some buildings. Having to use 3g is like dial-up internet 20+ years ago.

. NO it ain't!

nice_lady - 2021-04-21 17:33:00

once you get your covid vaccination you can get 5g, so all good jsut wait it out. /sarcasm

bitsnpieces2020 - 2021-04-21 18:27:00
paulmc wrote:

I'm happy with 4g. It's just frustrating when you can't get it inside some buildings. Having to use 3g is like dial-up internet 20+ years ago.

Are you for real? When I was using dialup, 1.3 Kilobyte a second was a common data rate. When we first got on, if there was a lot of network use, we would only get 200 bytes a second. That was slow.

I doubt your 3g is that slow.

tygertung - 2021-04-21 20:18:00

Okay so that was a slight exaggeration about 3g but the page I was trying to download recently with 3g was the Stuff homepage which is graphics heavy so I gave up on it after at least a minute. It seemed like dialup but I realise that webpages back in dialup days weren't such large files.

paulmc - 2021-04-21 22:07:00

Yes, you are right, the internet has become somewhat bloated these days.

tygertung - 2021-04-22 07:55:00
paulmc wrote:

Okay so that was a slight exaggeration about 3g but the page I was trying to download recently with 3g was the Stuff homepage which is graphics heavy so I gave up on it after at least a minute. It seemed like dialup but I realise that webpages back in dialup days weren't such large files.

there is a lot more congestion on the cell network these days, which slows up the connection itself - seems more likely to me, due to [over]selling of home wireless broadband connections... the stuff homepage isn't that big

Edited by king1 at 8:45 am, Thu 22 Apr

king1 - 2021-04-22 08:44:00
paulmc wrote:

Okay so that was a slight exaggeration about 3g but the page I was trying to download recently with 3g was the Stuff homepage which is graphics heavy so I gave up on it after at least a minute. It seemed like dialup but I realise that webpages back in dialup days weren't such large files.

Huh, I just tried the Stuff app on my Android and it loaded in the blink of an eye. I think it only loads the graphics visible on the screen and maybe a bit more so that the scrolling works smoothly. If you scroll a huge jump you can see that it only has the text and that when you stop then the graphics take another blink to load up.

Your slow experience is with using the Stuff mobile app, right?

gyrogearloose - 2021-04-22 09:01:00
tygertung wrote:

Are you for real? When I was using dialup, 1.3 Kilobyte a second was a common data rate. When we first got on, if there was a lot of network use, we would only get 200 bytes a second. That was slow.

I doubt your 3g is that slow.

Running a 5600kb modem, the true max speed is 5300kb
Thats dailup at it's real world max
Dropping to 33.600kb was the pit's

Tho, I started on a 28.800kb modem

mrfxit - 2021-04-22 19:37:00

Huh. I used jungle drums and smoke signals ! Even the occasional pigeon.

Edited by nice_lady at 7:44 pm, Thu 22 Apr

nice_lady - 2021-04-22 19:44:00
mrfxit wrote:

Tho, I started on a 28.800kb modem

My first was a 14k one! There were only a couple of bbs numbers i could call to start with, and it was a while before I even got internet. 1993 / 1994?

emmerson1 - 2021-04-22 23:47:00

We started with a 14 K modem, although the most you'd ever see was maybe a couple of Kilobytres per second. If that.

There were plenty of BBS around, even in 2000, but not sure when they stopped, maybe a wee while after ADSL came in?

tygertung - 2021-04-23 02:40:00
tygertung wrote:

We started with a 14 K modem, although the most you'd ever see was maybe a couple of Kilobytres per second. If that.

There were plenty of BBS around, even in 2000, but not sure when they stopped, maybe a wee while after ADSL came in?

You had arrived if you dialed into a bulletin board at 14 Kb that would have been the early 90’s prior to that was 9.6 Kb mid 1980s you could dial in at 2.4 Kb. The first dial up was a 300 baud ! You could almost count the bits if you heard it.

shakespeare6 - 2021-04-23 20:06:00
shakespeare6 wrote:

You could almost count the bits if you heard it.

I ran an alarm receiver central station and there was a succession of handshakes to negotiate the connection speed and protocol. We'd listen to it at the rack and know what kind of alarm panel was on the other end and how to get a response on the first handshake. The hard core reckoned they could listen and hear which zone and which event had occurred.

gyrogearloose - 2021-04-23 20:21:00
nice_lady wrote:

Huh. I used jungle drums and smoke signals ! Even the occasional pigeon.

LOL, oh dear, shall I refrain on comments about being old/ redneck/slow etc.

mrfxit - 2021-04-24 10:59:00

Dirty capacitors. Clean them and 4G may work.

tegretol - 2021-04-24 18:02:00
bitsnpieces2020 wrote:

once you get your covid vaccination you can get 5g, so all good jsut wait it out. /sarcasm


sirrab - 2021-04-24 19:20:00
shakespeare6 wrote:

You had arrived if you dialed into a bulletin board at 14 Kb that would have been the early 90’s prior to that was 9.6 Kb mid 1980s you could dial in at 2.4 Kb. The first dial up was a 300 baud ! You could almost count the bits if you heard it.

I'm too little to be dialing in in the 80s as was only born in '84. But good times!

tygertung - 2021-04-25 13:44:00
mrfxit wrote:

LOL, oh dear, shall I refrain on comments about being old/ redneck/slow etc.

I know where to find you so be nice ????????????

nice_lady - 2021-04-25 13:53:00
tegretol wrote:

Dirty capacitors. Clean them and 4G may work.

Hmm... How would you go about that on a phone?

nice_lady - 2021-04-25 13:54:00
tegretol wrote:

Dirty capacitors. Clean them and 4G may work.

4g works fine, just not in some buildings.

paulmc - 2021-04-25 17:04:00
paulmc wrote:

4g works fine, just not in some buildings.

And shouldn't be working at all at the dinner table.

headcat - 2021-04-27 16:18:00
nice_lady wrote:

Hmm... How would you go about that on a phone?

Glass of water, drop phone in.

headcat - 2021-04-27 16:19:00
headcat wrote:

Glass of water, drop phone in.

Powerwash and spindry ?

nice_lady - 2021-04-27 16:30:00
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