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Wanting a new MP3 music player


I don't want to carry my music around on my phone.
I would like something similar to my old (the screen just died!) Samsung YP3. Something nice and slim to pop into a shirt pocket.
With the old Samsung I had 8GB of various music albums, and it could shuffle through the albums and randomly play songs.
The modern (?) players seem to only allow the shuffle function for just 1 album...not allowing all albums to be shuffled.
I talked to apple about a new iPod and was told that the new iPods don't allow a shuffle through all the albums. Seems strange that my 13 year old Samsung could do it, but not the modern gear.
What's out there guys that will let me shuffle through all the music in all my albums. Need (would like!) a minimum of 16GB but 8GB would 'maybe' be OK if that's all that's available.

gettinggrey - 2021-03-30 08:02:00

I think that mp3 players are not much available these days as the demand has reduced as people usually use their phones.

tygertung - 2021-03-30 11:36:00

Check out the various Sony Walkman models

stevexc - 2021-03-30 11:59:00

I still use an old IAUDIO (7) mp3 player - probably about more than 10y old!
Still like it as it has 40odd hour worth of playback time for a tiny player - will random play all track in storage. But ya a dying breed now - Mp3 players.

acura - 2021-03-30 13:45:00

Checkout the FiiO range.

xtr19633001 - 2021-03-30 15:10:00

You could buy an older model phone (a slim one) and just use it more music without a sim.

Plenty of good media players that will shuffle.

Just get a phone with a good DAC, like some of the LG models.

I have an older Samsung MP3 player but it just gathers dust (not literally) in the back of a drawer.

soundsgood - 2021-03-30 15:12:00
gettinggrey wrote:

I talked to apple about a new iPod and was told that the new iPods don't allow a shuffle through all the albums.

This is not correct an iPod will shuffle all music on the device just fine.

Anyway why just use your phone?

vtecintegra - 2021-03-30 15:37:00

Yeah. Perhaps they're one of those unusual people who either don't own a mobile or don't carry their mobile around with them.

nice_lady - 2021-03-30 15:48:00

The OP says "I don't want to carry my music around on my phone". Maybe they are worried their phone might get too heavy?

cube_guy - 2021-03-30 16:55:00

If they used an Android phone they wouldn't be limited to the factory music player, they could download 101 different music players and surely one of them would have an album or category shuffle.

gyrogearloose - 2021-03-30 17:50:00

Heck I just use an old Sanyo 5600 cell ph (CDMA) for an MP3 player.
Works fine & the battery lasts all day (if I use it all day)

mrfxit - 2021-03-30 18:14:00

sony all day

bushaay - 2021-03-31 09:34:00

OK, sorted!
Firstly...Apple 'Chat' guy put me wrong. You can shuffle all songs with the iPod Touch.
I do have a Huawei mobile, but it's too big to just slip into a shirt top pocket.
Bought a new iPod Touch (32GB) mainly 'cos I already have 4 other Apple devices so 'better the devil that you know' sort of thing.
At least now all my 81 albums are on the iPod and room for more! Not too bad for sound. Plugged in my Sennheiser headphones and can relax with some Ozzy, and Grinder, and even SRV to ease me through my day.
Thanks guys/girls/others for your help and advice.

Edited by gettinggrey at 10:54 am, Wed 31 Mar

gettinggrey - 2021-03-31 10:51:00
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