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Men's Double Knitting/8ply Gloves/mittens pattern?


Knitting fingerless gloves ladies, pattern has 44 sts knitted in rounds. I added two more stitches so I could knit it on two needles. Patterns I have looked at for men in the usual free places do not seem to have enough stitches. Thanks for your help.

judith98 - 2021-02-16 03:29:00

What are you looking for then?

yapper - 2021-02-17 10:05:00

Size: To fit man’s hand (large)–approx. 9-1/2" around hand and 9-1/2" from cuff to top. (make 2 the same—mitts are reversible and can be worn on either hand) CO 44, distribute evenly on 4 needles, place marker to note beginning of round. Cuff: K2, P2 around for 3". Switch to stockinette st (knit every round).
K around for 2 rounds.
Begin thumb increases: K21, place marker, K2, place marker, K21.
Next rnd (increase round): K21, slip marker, work a "make 1" increase (by backwards loop method), K to next marker, "make 1" increase, slip marker, K around (2 sts have been increased inside markers)
Next rnd (even): K around. Rep last 2 rounds until there are 14 sts in thumb section between markers. K 1 round even.
Next rnd: K to first marker, place 14 thumb sts on strand of contrast yarn holde(removing markers), cast on 4 sts onto right needle (by backwards loop methojoin to sts on other side of thumb and K to end of round.
Next rnd: K 1 round.
Next rnd (decrease rnd): K around, decreasing evenly to 44 sts.
Hand section: K around on hand sts until piece measures 3" from top of cuff. Work in K2, P2 rib for 1-1/2".
Bind off in rib.
Finish thumb: Pick up 14 thumb sts plus the 4 cast-on sts at inside of thumb, plus 1 st ea side of these 4 sts to avoid holes (20 sts).
Knit 1 rnd.
Next rnd: K around, decreasing 4 sts evenly so there are 16 thumb sts remaining.
Knit 2 rnds. Switch to K2, P2 ribbing and work around in rib for ½".
Bind off in rib. Weave in all ends, reinforcing inside corner sts at thumb to tighten up any holes.

voyager4 - 2021-02-18 14:37:00

Look on Ravelry for World’s simplest mitts by Tincanknits - it’s a free pattern and goes from toddler to large adult.
If you want to make them fingerless just go to the length of fingers and thumb you want and instead of shaping do a few rows of rib then cast off.

jayemtoo - 2021-02-20 14:21:00
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