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502 server error


I am having this come up each time I try to access an auction (any auction). I can access the message board (obviously) but any attempt to go into the auction page is met with the above message.
This has only occurred this morning - is it me or Trade Me?
Firefox / laptop

nettiem - 2021-02-11 08:46:00

did you google the error code?

intrade - 2021-02-11 09:02:00

Yes - and doing all their fixes didn't fix it, that's why I wondered if it was only me or something more serious with TM

Apparently as no-one else seems to be affected, it's my problem : (

nettiem - 2021-02-11 09:06:00

well i got some popups but i could not read it at times And i was thinking its because my laptop is hotspoteted to my phone who gets 3 G or 4G at times via skinny unlimited data prepay That latency issues could be present for me . I also use usb pendrive with Linux presistent install So i can use it on any computer that can boot from usb.

Edited by intrade at 9:12 am, Thu 11 Feb

intrade - 2021-02-11 09:11:00

Try CTRL F5 on the keyboard to force a fresh page reload

if that doesn't work power cycle the modem and routers etc

king1 - 2021-02-11 09:29:00

Yep, done that but no luck. Thanks for suggestions : )

nettiem - 2021-02-11 09:44:00

Restarted the modem. Trustpower had an outage early this morning and suggest the restart now.

olack - 2021-02-11 10:43:00

Getting same 502 server error using Firefox 83 / 64 bit, when clicking on links of latest listings in email client.

· If Trade Me opened on home page etc,all navigation OK.
· Issue not present if using Chrome - not that I'd be using Chrome.
· Modem reboot - no change.
· Not a firewall issue.
· This has been happening since Tues 9th.

Could it have something to do with the Recaptcha function?
Sometimes access to TM throws this up, other times not.

thetechman - 2021-02-12 14:56:00

What AV software in use? sometimes they can cause funny happenings since they scan SSL. On occasion i've had to actually uninstall, not just disable AVs, to find it was indeed the security software.
Maybe it hasn't been able to load its SSL certificate into the browser...

and i'm on 85.0.2 so maybe an update is in order

Edited by king1 at 4:22 pm, Fri 12 Feb

king1 - 2021-02-12 16:18:00
king1 wrote:

What AV software in use? sometimes they can cause funny happenings since they scan SSL. On occasion i've had to actually uninstall, not just disable AVs, to find it was indeed the security software.
Maybe it hasn't been able to load its SSL certificate into the browser...

and i'm on 85.0.2 so maybe an update is in order

Thanks for suggestion. Using Norton - very few issues
· Upgraded to Firefox 85.0.2 - same
· Tested FFox in Safe Mode - same
· Tested with latest Opera browser - works 100%
· Tested with Firefox on Android phone - works 100%
· Back to Firefox - clicked on one of 'My Listings'
> Waiting for - stalled

> > Message appears: 'Logging you out' . . . . . ?????? WTH?
· Log in again, now everything is accessible . . .

Go figure.
NO OTHER SITE (eBay and many others) would exhibit this problem.

Trade Me techies, please explain.

Edited by thetechman at 7:46 pm, Fri 12 Feb

thetechman - 2021-02-12 19:42:00

Yep it appears to be a TM server issue.
possibly a corrupt cookie situation because I was able to view those same auctions via Private mode

mrfxit - 2021-02-12 21:51:00

I had the same error today, but worked after F5.
I have no virus software as I'm not running Windows or Apple Macintosh.

So probably not a problem with the system, but a TM problem.

tygertung - 2021-02-13 12:41:00
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