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Hedge as a fence


If a hedge is considered a boundary fence, would it still be required to fit the Council plan.
Our neighbour has allowed his "hedge" to grow to approx 7 mtrs, thus blocking the views we once enjoyed. Also impacts on daylighting & looks damn awful.

mini-mac - 2021-01-27 18:24:00

Yeap it is. You can go to court and plead your case, you will bare all the costs and the outcome. You can go see your neigjbour and offer to pay the costs of having the hedge trimmed down to say three metres and trimmed both sides annually.

gabbysnana - 2021-01-27 18:34:00

Yup, read sections 333 and 335 of the Property Law Act for process to apply to court - Section 335 states the things the court needs to consider

sparkychap - 2021-01-27 18:46:00

You could cut all your side then wait for the hedge to fall over. Talk to your neighbour first then see what approach to take.

msigg - 2021-01-27 19:42:00
msigg wrote:

You could cut all your side then wait for the hedge to fall over. Talk to your neighbour first then see what approach to take.

Cunning plan, love it!

sellontrademe - 2021-01-28 16:39:00

Is it on the boundary or on his property? If it is on the boundary you can trim your side and your side of the top. If it is on his property you can trim anything that crosses the boundary line. Of course if you want it gone altogether.......start with a chat about trimming the hedge and see what response you get. You will know what to do after that.

strathview - 2021-01-28 20:13:00
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