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What am I missing?


I have played around with computers for years, but this has me puzzled. I was messing around with a thin client (HP T630) which has a 32Gb flash drive, and it came with Windows 10 installed, which took up over half the drive. I decided I wanted to install linux, plugged in a USB DVD drive and booted from that with a boot disk containing Gparted, and proceeded to delete existing partitions, and made an ext4 partition for linux. I then rebooted with a Puppy Linux disk and I can see/hear it apparently booting up, but can see nothing on screen. Tried other linux distros (Mint, Linux Lite), same result. Yet if I reboot with the Gparted disk, it boots fine and I get the onscreen GUI, can see the partition etc. Any thoughts?

rpvr - 2021-01-21 20:35:00

might be in a graphics mode the monitor can't handle, iirc the linux installers usually have a video mode selection, perhaps try lower/lowest you can find

and maybe try a different monitor
if your feeling keen you could try a windows installer just to see if it works

Edited by king1 at 8:47 pm, Thu 21 Jan

king1 - 2021-01-21 20:45:00

could also check in the bios and see how much video memory is allocated, maybe increasing it might help

king1 - 2021-01-21 21:07:00

Seems strange that it'll boot gparted and no other linux distros. Try a different USB port, the one you're using could have a fault. Or plug it in and out a couple of times then try again.

muppet_slayer - 2021-01-21 21:54:00

I think I remember some difficulties with pae vs non-pae flags (whatever that is), on some light machines. There are other flags you might try disabling, and try using 32-bit distros instead of 64-bit if you have a choice.

Also try searching for the model number and see if anyone else has had similar experiences.

emmerson1 - 2021-01-21 22:30:00

Why not just start over with the mint or puppy boot? Repartition using that and allow the install to then continue.

lythande1 - 2021-01-22 08:06:00

I've been messing around with a thin client, but mine only had a 1 gb flash drive which was hard work to get an OS on that with much in the way of free space.

You can use just a USB flash drive, no need to burn a DVD every time.

You will need to muck around with the bios a little bit to get it working I think.
I've got debian running on mine, but with a BTRFS file system with compression to save on disc space.

I partitioned the whole drive to one partition using the installer for debian. I'm running debian 9 as it is smaller, but it is a bit old now and will be discontinued after a while.

I had problems with a blank screen, but the VGA plug was loose. Check that.

tygertung - 2021-01-22 08:35:00

Enter the Grub bootmenu. Edit the commandline which launches the Linux kernel. Remove "quiet splash" from the commandline and press <F10> to continue booting.

spyware - 2021-01-22 09:57:00

See here:

tygertung - 2021-01-22 10:11:00
spyware wrote:

Enter the Grub bootmenu. Edit the commandline which launches the Linux kernel. Remove "quiet splash" from the commandline and press <F10> to continue booting.

Or having the monitor resync may lock to the splash screen.

spyware - 2021-01-22 11:48:00

Are you using Display Port: or VGA? According to that website, people have successfully installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server.

tygertung - 2021-01-22 12:23:00

Thanks for all the suggestions. Other events have not allowed me time to progress further, but intend to do so over the weekend. The HP T630 that I have does not have a VGA port, but I have been operating it to a VGA monitor using a display port to VGA adapter. I have got Fossapup (latest version of Puppy) to boot from a usb stick, and install to the internal flash drive, but will not boot from that at present. Will look into it further when I get time.

rpvr - 2021-01-22 15:52:00

Maybe the boot order is messed up in the BIOS?! I was using a DVI to VGA adaptor, but the cable was loose in the monitor I think, that could be your problem. If it is a loose connection, that could be doing weird things on VGA as it is analogue signal so can sort of work. Maybe it is working on some resolutions, but not others due to a bad connection?!

tygertung - 2021-01-22 16:05:00
rpvr wrote:

Thanks for all the suggestions. Other events have not allowed me time to progress further, but intend to do so over the weekend. The HP T630 that I have does not have a VGA port, but I have been operating it to a VGA monitor using a display port to VGA adapter. I have got Fossapup (latest version of Puppy) to boot from a usb stick, and install to the internal flash drive, but will not boot from that at present. Will look into it further when I get time.

my money is on something weird happening with the adapter...

king1 - 2021-01-22 21:44:00

I have eventually achieved what I wanted, just not sure how. I tried various linux distros and found that one of them, MX, not only booted up ok from usb, but also installed without any problems and would then boot from the internal drive. I didn't really like the distro, so formatted the partition and tried the Fossapup again. I note that the MX installation had produced a small FAT32 partition to install the Grub bootloader to. Then when the Fossapup installation had finished, it asked me of I wanted to overwrite the existing boot loader. I said yes, and it obviously installed this on the FAT32 partition. Now Fossapup boots up fine. So it's all go, just wish I understood why and how!

rpvr - 2021-01-29 14:11:00
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