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Numericals instead of lettters


When I type on my iPad I often get the corresponding numeral instead of a letter in the middle of a word.
SO annoying to have to go back and edit it.
I type with just one finger on iPad, use all fingers on the computer. Could it possibly be the angle that my finger hits the key.
Or perhaps my first question should be, does it happen to anyone else. I’m always so pleased to see that predictive text has preempted my thoughts.

colin433 - 2021-01-18 13:32:00

usually on touch keypads a 'long' push on a key will activate the alternate character for that key... maybe it's something similar. don't have an ipad here to test it though...

king1 - 2021-01-18 16:03:00

Now that’s a thought, although I’m not aware that I hold my finger on any certain key longer than on the rest, however, I DO notice that I get more 9’s instead of O’s, so there maybe some sense in your theory.
I’ll take particular notice for a while and see if that could be the reason.
It’s darned difficult to get back to the errant numerical to correct it, and I must admit that at times I don’t bother 8f it’s just a message to a friend.

I’ve just noticed that an 8 has appeared where an I should be on the last line of my script. I’ll leave it this time.

colin433 - 2021-01-18 20:34:00

You are flicking or sliding your finger on the letters and this gives you the alternative keyboard rather than tapping the letter. You can turn this on or off in settings-general - keyboard then turn key flicks off

sred69 - 2021-01-18 20:44:00

Don't 'press' the keys, Tap the keys as if they're something hot.

Edited by nice_lady at 8:55 pm, Mon 18 Jan

nice_lady - 2021-01-18 20:54:00
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