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Spotlight Card Question


Granted I have never looked at my online Spotlight Card Rego or lines online But I came across it more by accident the other day, while looking at something on their web site. I may have miss read it totally But when we show our card for discount price in a shop We clock up points, that we can turn into spending money in the shop??? And on my card I have 88,77 now 2 questions first who do we use it if we have to buy online as I know live a long way away from any of their shops. And 88,77 very much a comma and not a dot So if one gets a certain amount back as a voucher or likes what is 88,77 Please I am probably just have a very 'old person's day' trying to work this out. Thanks help will be great Anne

anne1955 - 2021-01-09 11:20:00

My wife is a Card holder, as a personal shopper the Card gets a discount of fthe shelf price and we also get a Goldcard discount too, well worth it.Regards the figure we do not have a clue what they relate too, ring the 0800 number and ask is the best suggestion, we can give.

axelvonduisberg - 2021-01-09 21:07:00

Ive had a card for years and never get anything, I did ask is their a reason for having the card I was told no it just indicates what you like to shop for!!

kiwiscrapper1 - 2021-01-13 17:29:00

Years ago they used to do a monthly card-holders draw and if you had used your card in the month you had the opportunity to win something like $1000 (can't remember the exact amount). But they haven't done that for years. Now it's only use is for card-holder discounts. A Lincraft card on the other hand gives you points for every dollar you spend and I often get a $10 voucher to spend.

magoo1971 - 2021-01-14 10:26:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-14 12:35:00
kittycatkin wrote:

Thank you lot for reminding me to check something totally different that I keep forgetting.

funny!!! That so made me chuckle! Thanks for that,

nzmu - 2021-01-14 16:53:00

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kittycatkin - 2021-01-16 19:11:00
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