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Stuff website – now too small to read properly


My cat (true story) walked over the keyboard when I was reading the Stuff news site and I don’t know what combo of keys she pressed but the page and font point size is now about half of what it was.

Its only that site which has shrunk and I’m hoping someone will be able to help me get it back to how it was please?

Windows 7 pro, HP 6530b laptop, with a standard keyboard and wireless mouse via USB ports.

Even when I told the cat I would thrash her to within an inch of her miserable life with a dandelion stalk, she wouldn’t talk. Then when I bent over to pick the said dandelion, I hurt me back so I can’t even carry out my threat. Woe is me, etc.

missmarton - 2020-12-28 16:59:00

Hold ctrl key and tap + (plus) key until it's the size you want.

nice_lady - 2020-12-28 17:04:00

Wow, that was a quick and perfect solution! Many Thanks for that and Happy New Year to you.

I suppose this means the cat doesn't get thrashed this time, but I'm going to keep an eye out for dandelions 'just in case', lol.

missmarton - 2020-12-28 17:13:00
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