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Samsung S10 Mobile - Running System Apps


Hi. When I go into Settings > Apps > Show System Apps, it shows I have around 200 running system apps. I would like to stop the ones I do not need, but not sure which ones these would be. Rather than going in to each app individually and then checking Google to see if the app must be kept or not, is there anywhere I could find a list. I looked on Google but could not find one. Tia.

dee238 - 2020-12-27 07:49:00

Restart the phone in safe mode. This will disable, (temporarily till you restart it again), all NON system apps. You can then make a note of what NOT to disable. You will probably find it'll be difficult to stop system apps from running anyway.

What are you trying to achieve by doing this ?

Edited by nice_lady at 8:03 am, Sun 27 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-27 08:01:00

Thanks nice_lady. I'm trying to save the battery, i.e. stop the apps running in the background.

dee238 - 2020-12-28 06:38:00
dee238 wrote:

Thanks nice_lady. I'm trying to save the battery, i.e. stop the apps running in the background.

ah ok. Well try what i said that'll seperate the system from other apps for you.
Also in the system/battery settings you'll often find where you can see what apps are using how much power. That way you can identify the troublesome ones.

Theres a way using ADB to turn off apps which are troublesome also. You might need to do a bit of googling to figure that one out ! Basically it's putting commands into the background of the phone system by using the computer and plugging the phone into it. NOT for the learner really.

Edited by nice_lady at 7:19 am, Mon 28 Dec

nice_lady - 2020-12-28 07:18:00
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