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Spark sport jumping streaming when laptop plugged


Hello everyone, when I stream the cricket on my laptop it’s great , no worries , however when I need to charge the laptop the streaming becomes really jumpy. It’s going thru hdmi to tv , even with no hdmi Plugged in but charging it still jumps. Any solutions?

ryanm2 - 2020-12-26 08:47:00

Try this: Go into the power settings, click 'Advanced Power Settings' and there's two sets of options, one for when the laptop is running on battery, and one for when it's plugged in.

Change the plugged-in power settings to match the battery settings, and specifically look for Graphics Power Settings and probably choose 'Maximum Performance'.

gyrogearloose - 2020-12-26 09:31:00

Cheers, will give it a whirl

ryanm2 - 2020-12-26 13:16:00

Bin the laptop.

spyware - 2020-12-26 14:37:00
spyware wrote:

Bin the laptop.

Wtf ?

nice_lady - 2020-12-26 15:14:00
spyware wrote:

Bin the laptop.

After googling it seems like an extremely common issue which is easily resolved. I really hope you don’t follow your own advice.

ryanm2 - 2020-12-26 17:49:00
spyware wrote:

Bin the laptop.

Bin your advice, its crap and utterly worthless

ronaldo8 - 2020-12-26 17:59:00

Failing all that. I have had a similar problem but with video playback, the issue was the charger wattage was not 'high' enough for the laptop. Luckily I had 60 and 90watt chargers here. When I plugged the 90watt into the laptop with jittery video, the jumpy and jittery video was gone, it was jittery only when charger plugged in. Basically check the wattage of your charger match's the laptop needs.

Edited by muppet_slayer at 6:51 pm, Sat 26 Dec

muppet_slayer - 2020-12-26 18:50:00
ryanm2 wrote:

After googling it seems like an extremely common issue which is easily resolved. I really hope you don’t follow your own advice.

I await your easy solution.

spyware - 2020-12-26 19:06:00
spyware wrote:

I await your easy solution.

I’m unsure if your being a troll or not , but somewhere in power / advanced settings / change power plan / advanced setting / change processor power management, and then ramp down the processor from 100% to 99 or 98% when plugged in. There’s about 100 YouTube vids on the subject.

ryanm2 - 2020-12-26 19:29:00

If Spark Sport drives your laptop CPU @ 100% (not uncommon) then definitely bin it. Why not mention the CPU in the first place??

Edited by spyware at 7:35 pm, Sat 26 Dec

spyware - 2020-12-26 19:33:00
ryanm2 wrote:

I’m unsure if your being a troll or not , but somewhere in power / advanced settings / change power plan / advanced setting / change processor power management, and then ramp down the processor from 100% to 99 or 98% when plugged in. There’s about 100 YouTube vids on the subject.

From my experience with HP, I'd suggest there is a bug in their power management software. Probably reading "limit to 100" the same as "limit to 00", so the CPU keeps getting ramped right down, falls behind, and there is a lag while it catches up.

On battery it's probably limiting to ~75% clock speed to save battery power, and that's plenty fast enough to video playback.

By setting it to 98% it keeps running at almost full clock speed, and you don't get the jitters. Something along those lines anyway, but don't expect HP to bring out any "Fix" for it.

Personally I like to do a "clean" Win10 install on those older brand name laptops. They work much better with basic Windows, without the Bloatware than HP / Acer etc like to load on their machines.

ianab - 2020-12-26 21:39:00
spyware wrote:

Bin the laptop.

better solution get rid of Spark sport

mber2 - 2020-12-27 13:08:00
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